How to get rid of the wet in the apartment people


How to get rid of the wet in the apartment people

There are millions of insect varieties of insects in the world, some of them not only exist on our continent, but also prefer to settle in the human dwelling. One of these unwanted guests is the moc. The insect loves moisture very much and therefore no one is insured against the occurrence of wets in her kitchen or bathroom.

Our article will be devoted to such an important problem: how to get rid of the wet in the apartment.

How to get rid of wets in the apartment: Verified methods

Unlike cockroaches and other pests, the prerequisites for the appearance of wets are not contamination of the apartment, but the presence of excessive moisture. The deprived floor or the current attic can become a house for numerous insects.

The active period of insect reproduction is observed in warm autumn and spring periods. It is not always possible to immediately detect the loccar in the apartment, as they are night insects and prefer to be in dark roughcocks with an abundance of moisture. Especially love these insects at first floors in high-rise buildings. How to get rid of the wet in the apartment on the 1st floor, the problem is more complicated, because first of all you need to exclude the root cause - moisture.

The main reason to get rid of wets is purely aesthetic considerations, because these etymologists argue that these insects are absolutely harmless to an adult. At the same time, it is impossible to exclude the fact that the lips are inhabited in places of reproduction of bacteria and are capable of moving to spreading microbes. As for indoor plants, the appearance of wets is true death, because insects are not only feeding them with roots, but also expand the soil, and this prevents the access of oxygen to the ground.

Thus, the most often wets are inhabited under the tile in the bathroom, under drainage pipes and places near the sewage drain. Another favorite wet wet is the pots with indoor flowers, insects live and feed on the roots of plants, so you can not detect them immediately. These insects can be attributed to the number of long-livers, because they live up to 2-3 years. In any high-rise building, mocities can be found, insect in the apartment how to get rid of or eliminating their appearance, a number of measures should be taken.

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We list the main ways to get rid of the wet in the apartment at home:

  • The use of folk remedies - These include the use of potato traps, birch broom, solutions from kvass, boric acid and others.
  • Use of chemicals - These include popular chemicals in the form of liquid solutions, sprayers and dry powders.

How to get rid of the wet in the apartment people

How to get rid of wets in the apartment with the help of household chemicals

In any economic store you can find a lot of money on sale How to get rid of the wet in the apartment with the help of household chemicals. Various manufacturers can offer dozens of bottles of various properties and composition of substances. Most often, the effectiveness of the means directly depends on the cost.

Important! Applying household aerosols need to be familiar with the instruction. Many manufacturers after use are advised to leave the house for a while.

It should be remembered that chemicals destroy insects only within a few hours after use. This means that in a lured place, through some time the wets may appear again.

Judging by customer reviews, in the question of how to get rid of the wet in the house, the following means are most effective:

  1. Dichlofos (Universal) Varan - A remedy without smell, affects flying and crawling insects within 20 minutes after pollination. Effective if applied in large quantities.
  2. Taraks. - One of the most effective means from the wet. The means after spraying forms a film that is poisonous for insects. The poison initially paralyzes, and then kills insects.
  3. Tetrix - Concentrated remedy, sprayed in small quantities throughout the apartment. The destruction of insects also occurs immediately, therefore, it may be necessary to re-process the room.

All of the above funds are effective in the matter, how to get rid of wets in the apartment in the bathroom, toilet and other residential rooms. The use of aerosols in the kitchen or near food products is not recommended.

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Important! Spray aerosols, you need to comply with safety equipment, it is recommended to wear a mask and gloves.

One of the most negative points when using household exploration is that feeling the smell of poison, the lips will be crowded around the house in search of exit.

How to get rid of the wet in the apartment people

How to get rid of wets in the apartment by folk remedies

Folk methods are equally effective, they are primarily cheaper and safe. You can remove insects with the help of girlfriends, also quickly, as when using poisons.

Consider the main ways to get rid of the wetting ways to people:

  • Liquid solution from kvass and boiling water - In the proportion of 100 grams of 0.5 liters, sprayed throughout the apartment. A day later you can wash off.
  • Boric acid - A solution is prepared in the same proportion as a kvass, the method of application is similar.
  • Chlork - divorced with water in the proportion of 40 grams per 1 liter of water, the solution needs to handle all the floors and walls.
  • A mixture of 0.5 teaspoon of tobacco, soda and red pepper - divorced in 1 liter of water, the main places of the cluster of the wet is processed, after an hour you need to wash off with chlorine water.
  • Salt - scattered in the corners, slots and plinths.
  • Birch brooms - place at the corners for the night, for the wet they act as a trap, in the morning brooms with accumulating insects need to be thrown away.
  • Potatoes - In the purified vegetable, a longitudinal hole is made, the finished trap must be decomposed into the place of the cluster of the wet. During the night in potatoes, many individuals are closed, the trap is ejected in the morning.
  • Lime - Very effective method if there was a problem how to get rid of wets in the apartment, in the toilet and bathroom. Negarent lime is placed in a bucket, the cooked container is poured with water. After the manipulations have done, you need to close the door tightly and do not enter the room for several days.

Any of the methods negatively affect the insect habitat, therefore, most likely, they will leave the occupied territory. Nevertheless, if the reason why the masculs actually live on this territory is not eliminated on time, then you need to be prepared for the new invasion of small unborn neighbors.

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How to get rid of the wet in the apartment people

How to get rid of white wets in the apartment: methods of prevention

To prevent the appearance of wets, you need to make maximum effort. Initially, it is necessary to find out the main source of the appearance of wets.

First, it is necessary to find the source of the occurrence of the wet. It can be faulty plumbing, moisture under tile, wallpaper or plinths. Wet room must be dried with an air conditioner or heater. In the future, it is possible to purchase a fan or specialized air dryer to circulate air and get rid of moisture. Experts advise to remove the plinth and thoroughly dry all the gaps between the floor and the wall. The widespread lodging places include places under water pipes, if one of them flows a little bit, it means that the lobsters started there. Even the resulting condensate can be a source of damp.

To eliminate the appearance of wets from cracks and ventilation, it is possible only as a legitimate all holes. There are cases when excluding excessive moisture in the house, only with repair.

Compliance with cleanliness is also important. It is recommended to regularly carry out general cleaning. Once a month you need to wash the floors with water with the addition of chlorine. It is important to ensure that the table does not remain food and get rid of garbage on time.

The wets that started in pots with plants, feel very comfortable in such a medium. All plants need to be translated into a new land, and the roots need to be thoroughly wash under the crane. If there is at least one individual, the insects will appear again after a couple of weeks.

Thus, it can be concluded that we will not get the wet without radical measures. If you have a locca in the apartment, how to get rid of them - traditional or folk methods to solve only you. In any case, you can contact the specialized service, which is engaged in the elimination of insects.

How to get rid of the wet in the apartment people

Video: How to get rid of wets in the apartment on the 1st floor

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