Gas column batteries


Gas column batteries

One of the common types of ignition of gas water heaters is the ignition of the burner from the electrical spark. Such a span is called automatic or electric. It provides for the use of batteries - batteries. It is the batteries that the column should be needed to start working. To function normally, the batteries should be replaced regularly.

Gas column batteries

When should I replace the batteries?

If your column is on depends on the battery operation, the most frequent signal that new batteries need is a weak spark discharge in the device. In the case of a complete discharge, the battery column does not turn on at all.

Gas column batteries

Gas column batteries

In some models of columns about the need to change the batteries, the flashing of the LED (usually it is a red LED light bulb).

Causes of frequent shift

Batteries can be discharged more often due to:

  • High humidity indoors.
  • Pollutants fades.
  • Pollution of the bypass valve.
  • Oxidation of electrocontacts.
  • Sharp the contaminated electromagnetic valve.
  • Changes to the distance from the burner to the ionization sensor (there must be 3 mm clearance in the normal).

Gas column batteries

Tips for choosing

To purchase the batteries suitable for your column, specify the manufacturer's recommendations. It is important to pay attention to both the size of the desired nutrition elements and their form and voltage parameters.

Gas column batteries

How to replace?

Typically, the batteries are located inside the column in a special box, which is right below. Replacement includes such actions:

  1. To get a box for batteries, move the lever, push the box slightly with your fingers and remove it in your hand after clicking.
  2. After driving the discharged items, install new batteries in the compartment intended for them, taking into account the polarity (the tip is available on the container lid).
  3. Next, return the container with batteries in its place before getting a characteristic click. The lever also need to be returned to the place.

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No shock tools for this use no need. Excessive effort when installing a container with batteries can damage the fastener holding the box.

Gas column batteries

The replacement of batteries should be performed only with a disconnected water heater.

Is it possible to translate the column on the power supply?

For alteration of the column running from the batteries, you need:

  • Purchase a power supply with parameters 220V / 3V / 500 MA.
  • Buy two "Mama dad" connectors.
  • Display the two wires located inside the battery compartment down from the body of the apparatus. On them you will see the halves of "Mom" and marking.
  • If the wires are not marked with different colors, mark which one belongs to "+", and what to "-".
  • Cut the plug from the power supply unit, split the wires and for each solder the soulins of "dad".
  • Connect half the connectors with polarity.
  • Turn on the block into the outlet.

In the video below, Sergey Neverov will show and tell about how to make and connect the power supply for the gas column yourself.

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