How to get rid of small midges in the apartment


How to get rid of small midges in the apartment

In the kitchen and in the dining area, it is possible to observe the appearance of small black midges. Because of its small sizes, they can get into any unlocked products, as well as in a crib or packing with a cookie. Such an unpleasant neighborhood can deliver a huge amount of trouble and even poisoning if you are inappropriate midges will be eaten.

How to get rid of small midges in the apartment: the most effective ways

How to get rid of small midges in the apartment once and forever? The easiest and most effective way will be the maintenance of perfect cleanliness in the whole house.

Special chemicals will help you quickly and efficiently get rid of insects. The most popular and affordable are:

  • Bazudin;
  • Actara;
  • Thunder-2;
  • Combat;
  • Raid;
  • Dichlofos.

Folk methods are also very affordable and efficient. They are especially relevant for those who have allergies to chemicals or pets and small children.

  1. Traps for midges. They can be purchased ready to be ready in business stores or do their own at home.
  2. Smoking. Well helps this method, if you have a small kitchen area.
  3. A vacuum cleaner. If you observe all the rules, this method will also be very effective and not at all costly.
  4. Fruit juice.

In more detail about each method will be described further.

How to get rid of small midges in the apartment

How to get rid of small midges in the apartment at home with special means

How to bring small midges in the apartment at the same time without resorting to services of special companies that carry out complex cleaning and disinfection for a round sum? There is an exit! And it can be found in any economic store.

These funds are available in a large assortment, various packages and volumes. Therefore, everyone can choose exactly what he needs. For example, if the colony of the midges started in your hard-to-reach place, then the aerosol spray will be suitable. If in the garbage bucket or sink, then it is recommended to use special gels.

To date, there is a huge range of various means to eliminate insects. Their choice will depend only on your budget and wishes for processing method.

Important! During chemical processing from the apartment, it is best to bring young children and pets. Own skin secure gloves, glasses and gauze bandage or respirator. It is necessary to clearly follow all the recommendations specified on the package. Special attention is paid to spraying means. They are forbidden to use near open fire or hot objects. Also observe exactly the distance specified in the instructions for spraying the means.

Before processing chemicals in the kitchen, it is necessary to remove all foods, animal feed and children's toys, dishes, indoor plants. The surfaces of the tables, plates, lockers, refrigerators are closed with a food film or a dense glue. Before processing, all windows and doors close tightly so that the sprayed poison does not penetrate into other rooms. The instructions will indicate the validity of the means. At this time, it is not recommended to enter a tightly closed kitchen, and it is best to leave the apartment in general. After the effect of the poison is over, you need to manage the room for a long time and well so that there is no poisoning.

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How to get rid of small midges in the apartment

The pluses of "Dichlofos" can be attributed to:

  • Convenient aerosol sprayer;
  • availability. It can be purchased at any store;
  • acceptable price.

Cons "Dichlofos":

  • The complexity of high-quality processing. To make the best effect, it is necessary to spray an aerosol in one place with a thick layer;
  • Dear time. After the first ventilation, it completely evaporates;
  • toxicity. It is impossible to completely call this drug safely. It has a negative, although small, influence on the human body.

The pluses of the "Combat" are:

  • economy;
  • Added fragrances with a pleasant smell;
  • When spraying, there are no stains on the wallpaper and walls.


  • high price;
  • toxicity;
  • Fragment of action.

Pros of the means "Bazudin":

  • Effective, both against adult individuals and against larvae;
  • not toxic for people;
  • low price.


  • difficulty in the preparation of the solution;
  • Toxic for fish, do not allow reservoirs. That is, it is not suitable for those at home aquarium.

How to get rid of small midges in the apartment

How to get rid of small midges in the apartment by folk remedies

If you have already started insects, and you got rid of the source of their reproduction, that is, rotten vegetables and fruits, and also conducted a full-scale cleaning with disinfectants, then it is necessary to maintain such a sterile mode for another two or three days. Adult individuals of the midge will remain without food and will soon die.

Important! Do not forget that all products must be tightly closed in packages or containers. The trash can also be carefully laundering and disinfected with detergent. Dubbowns are thrown on time and carefully tied. Sink and drain should also be treated with special means.

If you have pets, the place of their feeding should also be clean and cleaned. No unsufficient residues of food. They can also be closed by a container or package.

Folk remedies are much safer than chemical. But their cooking will have to spend more forces than for a hike to the store. You are offered to your attention the simplest, fast and effective recipes, which, beyond any doubt, will help you find the answer to the question: "How to get rid of small midges in the apartment with folk remedies?"

  • Use various incense in the kitchen with a sharp smell. You can buy a couple of pieces in specialized stores. They look like oblong chopsticks that need to be treated on the one hand. It is recommended to use the smells of verbena or ylang-ylang. After that, the smell will spread all over the house, which will bring insects.
  • If you have an aroma lamp, add four or five drops of cloves into it and leave for several hours in the kitchen. After that, you will take care of any insects for a long time. After all, they simply do not tolerate the smell of carnations.
  • As a replacement of incense or aromalamps, conventional paraffin candles with a sharp smell can be used. They are also ignited and left in the kitchen so that the smell completely filled it.
  • It is also recommended to use air fresheners with conifers and citrus smells. They will prevent insect flight to other rooms.
  • If you live on the first floor and a balcony is adjacent to the kitchen, then the midges from the basement will often fly to you. In order to get rid of them, follow the status of the street behind the balcony. It is recommended to raise high grass in the fall, and in the summer and in the spring to hang sticky tape, on which all insects are added.
  • In the case when fruit trees grow under the windows, it will be very problematic from the midges. But there is a way out! To do this, we take the usual plastic bottle, cut the hole at the bottom base, put the steady fruits into it, and the passage is sticking with a sticky ribbon. Now the resulting trap is hiding in front of the window and balcony. Moshcar, which will try to fly to your house, will feel the smell of fruit and fly on it, sticking to the tape.
  • If you do not have allergies to vanilla, you can apply the following tool. In a small saucepan, we boil the wand of natural vanilla. It is natural, no substitutes are not suitable for natural. After the vanilla is fully touched, the resulting decoction needs to sprinkle all the objects and surfaces of the kitchen. Insects will never sit on things that smell vanilla.
  • If there are small midges in the apartment, how to get rid of them easier? In the sink placed fastened fruit or vegetable. After that, you need to wait until it takes place, as much as possible midges and simply wash it into the drain of the shell. For greater reliability, you can do the procedure several times. But after each time, be sure to drain the chemical disinfectant.
  • Well-made bait helps well and quickly. It will take only a plastic cup. In it, a quarter pour attractive fluids for insects. It can be wine, juice, honey, molasses, and dripping a drop of detergent. The insects flow on the sweet smell, crawl through the traps and plunge or drown. The detergent here acts as poison.
  • Special spirals for smoking can be bought in the store or prepare a special smoking decoction at home.
  • For the next tool we will need camphor and frying pan. Hearing the pan and finely crumbling to her surface camphor. After the camphor starts to warm and smoke, it will come thick smoke. With this smoke pan, it is recommended to walk through all the rooms of the apartment and especially for a long time in the kitchen. Any insect does not endure odor and smoke from camphor. For humans, animals and birds they are safe.
  • In an empty tin can, put a small piece of fallen vegetables, fruits or wine. Tightly close it with polyethylene or food film, having previously done several small holes in them. We leave such a trap in the kitchen and go through your affairs. Upon return, you will find that in the bank full of full unborn guests who cannot get out from there. Pour them with boiling water and merge into the toilet. For a larger effect, you can make and put several such traps.
  • Having found the colony of insects, you need to bring the suction pipe of the vacuum cleaner without nozzle. The air flow will immediately drag the sword in the dust bag, after which it needs to urgently shake away away from the house, and it is better to throw it out or burn.
  • Pour ordinary fruit juice, which can be purchased at any grocery store, in a deep, but small cup, leave on the kitchen table and wait until midges fall into it.

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How to get rid of small midges in the apartment

Important! Situations may often arise when the appearance of small midges in the kitchen are indoor plants.

How to bring small midges in colors? The answer to this question also offers folk methods and recipes.

  • First of all, during the fight against insect larvae in colors, it is necessary to reduce the volume of watering. Do not pour completely the roots of colors. For moderate irrigation, 0.3 liters are enough. Unpretentious plants can be temporarily not water.
  • I prepare the solution: half a teaspoon of manganese at 10 liters of water, with the addition of two tablespoons of soda. This solution watering the plant in the kitchen for two weeks. Thus, we will kill in the soil of all insect larvae. So that at the same time the plant does not die, its sheets sprinkle with water from the sprayer. But watch it does not hit the soil.
  • From adults of insects, sulfur helps well. It is necessary around the flower stem tightly stick matches, heads with gray up. From the soil, they must rise only by 1 cm. After that, we abundantly water the plants along with matches. Sulfur wet, and will emit the smell that insects are not transferred.
  • Also, it is possible around the stalk of the plant to decompose the cut slices of garlic. While he highlights the smell, midges will not sit on the ground and lay the larvae. Therefore, it is necessary to change the lobes of garlic in a timely manner.
  • The smell of orange zest is also a destruction, both for larvae and adult individuals. Therefore, you can put the plant with pieces of zest or bury it into the ground.

How to get rid of small midges in the apartment

How to get rid of small midges in the apartment: Preventive measures

Midges have one unpleasant feature - they very quickly multiply. Therefore, as soon as the first insects were found, it is necessary to urgently ask the question: "How to get rid of small midges in the house?".

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Fight with midges must begin with the search for the source of their reproduction. First of all, to get the right answer to the question: "How to bring small midges from the kitchen?" It is necessary to carry out general cleaning. And throw out all spoiled products or open.

In them, most likely adult individuals have already managed to postpone the larvae and throwing the touched products, you get rid of them. But still adults will remain, which can hide in secluded places and wait for your general cleaning with the use of various disinfectants. It will not be so easy to get rid of them, for this it is necessary to apply more efficient funds, which was described above.

In order not to wonder: "Small midges appeared in the apartment, how to get rid of them now?" It is recommended to carry out regular preventive measures.

First of all, insects appear where there are conditions for their existence and reproduction. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor the purity of the garbage bucket and the sink. In the summer, do not wait until the garbage can be filled completely, and regularly throw out the trash, and the bucket itself washed with a weak solution of vinegar.

Important! Every week to carry out wet cleaning of the kitchen. To ensure that all products are tightly closed. Store all perishable products in the refrigerator and throw out the first signs of rotting. If homemade pets live in the apartment, their bowls also need to rinse and clean and clean from residues.

Dirty dishes that have lacquered all night in the sink, can also cause the appearance of midges. Therefore, it is strongly recommended to wash the dishes in the evening so that later you did not have any questions how to get rid of small midges in the apartment at home. We systematically check the condition of sewage and effluent on the subject of clogging and accumulation of food residues.

Observing these simple tips, you will certainly be able to avoid the appearance of unpleasant and intact guests in your kitchen - Moshk-Drozofil.

How to get rid of small midges in the apartment

Video: how to bring small midges from the kitchen apartment

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