Heat exchanger for the gas column: why the radiator is needed, how to pan and clean it


Heat exchanger for the gas column: why the radiator is needed, how to pan and clean it

One of the main elements of the gas water heater along with the burner is a heat exchanger. And therefore, problems with this detail are able to worsen the quality of the column or even withdraw the device.

Heat exchanger for the gas column: why the radiator is needed, how to pan and clean it


Such an element of water heater running on the natural gas, as a heat exchanger, is needed to transmit heat from the gas burnt in the metal tube in the metal pipes.


Most often for the manufacture of heat exchangers, steel (different types) and copper are used.

Steel heat exchanger is characterized by such features:

  • It costs cheaper copper.
  • The material is very plastic, so it is well tolerating the heating without changing its physical properties.
  • It has relatively low weight, which has a positive effect on the efficiency of heat exchange.
  • It has a greater resistance to corrosion than aluminum and copper.

Heat exchanger for the gas column: why the radiator is needed, how to pan and clean it

The copper heat exchanger notes such properties:

  • Due to the high heat transfer coefficient, water is much faster.
  • The less impurities, the more expensive such metal will cost.
  • Due to the presence of impurities in a poor-quality copper heat exchanger, the walls will be heated unevenly, which will lead to their destruction.
  • Copper notes high resistance to corrosion.
  • To reduce the cost of details, many manufacturers resort to a smaller wall thickness and a small cross section of the tubes.
  • Weighs copper heat exchanger about 3-3.5 kg.

Heat exchanger for the gas column: why the radiator is needed, how to pan and clean it

What is more profitable - repair or replacement?

If you take into account the cost of a new heat exchanger and work on its replacement, and then compare with the price of a new column, without forgetting about the spending on its delivery and installation, it is clearly seen that this repair is more profitable to replace the entire column. On average, the new item costs 3000-5000 rubles, and for the installation you need to pay about 3,000 rubles. At the same time, the new column will have to pay from 8,000 rubles and more, and then you still pay for its connection.

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Heat exchanger for the gas column: why the radiator is needed, how to pan and clean it

Gas column heat exchanger

The duration of operation of the heat exchanger installed in the column largely affects the welding of its pipes. To extend the service dates for soldering, the MF9 solid solder is most often used (copper-phosphoric). A more advanced welding method used by advanced companies is ultrasonic soldering. With it, connected structures are heated evenly, which eliminates the subsequent destruction of the heat exchanger in the platform places.

Often, the gas burner is used for soldering, this process is shown in the following video.

How to remove?

Before dismantling the heat exchanger, the column must be disabled and from the supply of gas, and from water receipt. Next, removing the cover on the body of the apparatus, disconnect the heat exchanger itself, reloading the screws fixing it, the overheating sensor and the nuts connecting the heat exchanger with the hydraulic group. Now it remains to carefully remove the part from the column.

The dismantling process is clearly shown in the following video.

How to clean?

Since with time inside the heat exchanger, it begins to form and assemble the scale, especially if the water arriving in the column is rigid and it is heated to a high temperature, then the list of work on regular maintenance of such equipment includes cleaning from this scale. It is recommended to spend about once a year, and if there was a need (the column began to heat the water worse), even more often.

At home, nutritional acid is considered the best choice for cleaning, since it is an inexpensive and common means without a sharp smell. Do not forget to protect the body when cleaning the heat exchanger, so pre-prepare gloves and appropriate clothes.

Next, do this:

  • Dissolve the polypic acid powder (100 g) in 350-1000 ml of water.
  • Carefully pour the resulting solution to the resulting solution inside the heat exchanger, then put the part into the container and leave for 15-60 minutes.
  • For more efficient cleaning, it is also possible to heat the tank on the plate to + 60 + 80 ° C.
  • Next, rinse the part under running cold water, wait for a complete drying and install the heat exchanger back.

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Heat exchanger for the gas column: why the radiator is needed, how to pan and clean it

About how to clean the radiator from soot, see the Tvorim channel on YouTube.

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