How to get rid of rats in a private house: folk remedies


How to get rid of rats in a private house: folk remedies

Owners of private houses are often faced with pests, among which rats are distinguished separately. These smart and cunning animals can create great problems, and it is often not easy to get rid of them. How to get rid of rats in a private house, which drugs to apply and what methods to use is described below.

How to get rid of rats in a private house

One of the main problems of owners of private houses is the invasion of rodents, namely rats. These smart and cunning animals can cause a variety of problems. You should not also forget that rats carry a variety of diseases, so each person must be prepared if necessary to do everything to bring the rats from the house.

It is worth noting that in apartment buildings rats are found exclusively in the basement and on the first floors. Above they do not rise. But for private houses, the invasion of rats is a real disaster, because it is not always possible to get rid of them in a timely manner.

If you find that uninvited guests settled, namely, rats, then you should not despair. From these animals it is quite possible to get rid of various methods. In economic stores you can find a huge number of chemicals that are designed to fight rats. In addition, modern electronic devices can be activated, which will scare between rats from your home. And if it does not help, the folk remedies will come to the rescue, which exist for a long time, and during this period they proved their effectiveness and efficiency.

Among the most popular means of dealing with rats can be called:

  • Ultrasonic impacts on animals;
  • dog-roots;
  • Chemicals and other poisoning agents;
  • Roots and folk remedies.

It should be studied the main ways to evict unwanted tenants from their home in more detail.

How to get rid of rats in a private house: folk remedies

How to get rid of rats in a private house with poisons

Speaking about how to get rid of rats in a private house in the attic, immediately on the mind comes a huge range of exposure and other chemicals who are designed to fight these animals. However, you should not forget that it is necessary to use poisons carefully, since the rat can disseminate the poison throughout the house, and as a result, children and pets may suffer.

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Find an effective poison from rats will not work. It is enough to communicate with people who had similar problems and ask their recommendations. Also, information about effective refivers can be found freely available on the Internet.

Poison from rats can be in any condition. These are powdered mixtures, granules, drops and sprays, and even poisoned grain. However, do not forget that chemicals can adversely affect the home owner itself, and their evaporation can cause health problems. This is especially true of young children. If there is a child in your house, then use poison against rats should be extremely careful.

In order to learn how to get rid of rats in a private house, you should immediately explore the main routes. To do this, it is necessary to observe for some time for the yuris animals. This will help to learn about the existence of the moves in your home, and the main movement routes. The poison must be placed in those places where rats most often go. It is directly sitting near the mink, and along their main movement path.

Important! Try to avoid placing poison in close proximity to food. Rats can disseminate poison throughout the house, and this is fraught with unpleasant consequences.

How to get rid of rats in a private house: folk remedies

How to get rid of rats in a private house Folk remedies: Gypsum or Alabaster

Among the effective means of countering the appearance of rats in a private house, several effective folk remedies can be called.

If you mix alabaster or gypsum with wheat flour or any other product, you can quickly bring the rats from a private house. The fact is that, falling into the stomach, these substances begin to compact, forming a solid substance. It is quite natural that for the stomach it is deadly dangerous.

However, it is worth using these substances extremely carefully, especially if there are pets in your house. Alabaster can get to them in food, and this is fraught with a fatal outcome.

Experienced experts argue that in parallel with the preparation of alabastra or gypsum as food for rats, you can also use wood or coal ashes. It is capable of irritating the legs of the animal, as a result of which the rat will try to bypass places with ash as far as possible. By the way, it is in this way that you can create a specific route for an animal, which may well lead it to the trap.

How to get rid of rats in a private house: folk remedies

How to get rid of rats in a private house. People's methods: Roots

If it does not succeed in humane ways to get rid of rats, a variety of rats and other deadly traps will come to help a person. Of course, based on the considerations of humanity, this method is considered one of the worst, and its effectiveness often causes serious doubts.

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Rats can not be called stupid animals. They are extremely cunning and intelligent, and never come across the same trap twice. With all the forces, animals will try to avoid rattover, and in most cases they will succeed. Therefore, the efficiency of the use of the rattover causes some doubts.

Wanting to get rid of rats with a trap, it is necessary to initially carefully examine all the ways of moving rats in their home. Roughs must be placed in places where rats would be frequent visitors. In addition, the roots can be placed in food, which will definitely cause interest in an uninvited apartment.

Important! Traps and rats must be placed in close proximity to the movement routes of rats. This will help more effectively get rid of them.

How to get rid of rats in a private house: folk remedies

How to get rid of rats in a private ultrasound house

Mankind never stands on the spot, and regularly comes up with a variety of technical and electronic devices, which are designed to alleviate our everyday life. Regarding recently, electronic discreteners for pests appeared on the market, which work on the basis of the laws of ultrasound radiation. Almost instantly these devices have proven themselves with great assistants in the fight against rats. The main advantage of such a device is that it is one of the most humane and environmentally safe methods of combating homemade pests.

The instruments of this design work on autonomous power sources. They must be placed in close proximity to rat minks. Starting to work, the device reproduces ultrasound waves, which lead vibration behind them. These effects scare animals, and become the main reasons for their relocation to another place.

Important! Ultrasound devices are often forged, so when buying is interested in a certificate of quality for goods.

How to get rid of rats in a private house: folk remedies

In what cases without specialists can not do

If no funds act on rats, it is better to use the services of specialists who in the shortest possible time will conduct all the necessary actions in order to finally save you from unwanted tenants.

As a rule, the services of deratizers are resorted when the population of rats is too large, and all the accurate activities of the private house from rats fail. Usually, If rats are represented in a huge amount, then get rid of them almost unreal independently. The fact is that they are extremely quickly brewed, and even if you manage to destroy most of adult individuals, you will be replaced by a replacement.

Deratizers will carry out the necessary sanitary processing of all potential places where rats can accumulate, and besides, they will help to establish a kind of protective shield that will serve you with excellent protection against the possible appearance of rats in the future. Of course, the services of deratizers cost quite a lot, however, the effectiveness from accessing specialists will be quite tangible, and you can forget about home pests for a long time.

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How to get rid of rats in a private house if there are dogs

Domestic pets, in particular cat or dog, can be used as effective means of combating rodents. As practice shows, cats are quite rarely hunted on rats due to their large size and a sharp feeling of self-preservation. However, rats will be afraid of a cat, whom they will be able to feel in any case, and will gradually leave your home.

Dogs are often used as rattoles. As practice shows, dogs will help to get rid of rats much more efficiently. They are more rats in size and have a greater force than cats, so they will not be much likely to bring a rustle among uninvited pest tenants.

If we consider breeds of dogs, then you should celebrate Fox Terriers and Tax. They have congenital abilities to catch rats, and can help their owners forget about the pests.

Consequently, reflecting on how to get rid of rats in a private house, it is worth paying attention to their pets that will help their favorite owners forget about unwanted and voracious parasites forever.

How to get rid of rats in a private house: folk remedies

Tips for the prevention of rats

It is not easy to fight rats, especially if your home has undergone a planned attack of a large rodent family. They are very clever and insensitive, and extremely rarely come across a variety of traps, which in huge numbers arrange people in their homes. Experienced professionals recommend primarily to treat the appearance of rats in the house. Following the unacceptable rules, you can prevent the appearance of problems with rodents in a private house.
  1. Periodically, it is necessary to carry out regular checks, in particular inspecting the basements and storage facilities where rats are most often started. It is worth maintaining cleanliness in these rooms. Remember that the lack of crumbs on the floor is the most important key to the absence of rats, Indeed, in this case, they will have nothing, and they will never come to your house.
  2. Never allow garbage accumulation in your home, especially if it concerns food waste. If the garbage is absent, the rats will never set up in your home.
  3. With regular frequency, call me specialists of the sanitary and epidemiological service that will hold events opposing the appearance of pests in a private house.
  4. If you managed to bring the rats from your home, but there were underground moves from them, then they must be treated in a timely manner, otherwise the rats can go back.
  5. Periodically carry out preventive methods of dealing with rats. These include the placement of poison areas in areas where waste, especially food, and the placement of various traps and sound dischargers are stored.

How to get rid of rats in a private house: folk remedies

How to get rid of rats forever: video

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