Bonsai in the modern interior [History and features]


The story of Bonsai takes the beginning from the most ancient times: miniature plants in pots were found in Egyptian tombs. However, such bonsai, which is known today, appeared in China about 700 years ago, during the reign of the Tang dynasty. This period was a period of prosperity and a Japanese state. Between the two forces of the Far East, a good relationship was established, which made it possible to borrow many each other, especially in terms of culture. So the Chinese name "Pen TSAI" ("Tree in the pot") turned into a Japanese "Bon Sai" (with the same translation).

Bonsai in the modern interior [History and features]

During the 14th century, trade relations were established between East and West. Miniature trees have not caused interest among Europeans. It originated in the 17th century, when Japan became accessible to trade again. And the real Furior Bonsai produced in 1878, when Japan, taking part in the international exhibition in Paris, showed its best works along with information and knowledge about their formation and growth.

Bonsai in the modern interior [History and features]

Today, bonsai is an international form of art. All over the world there are uniting lovers of dwarf trees, and complete information about them is publicly available.

Bonsai in the modern interior [History and features]

Types Bonsai.

As a rule, Bonsai is divided into 2 types:

  • for tropical climate;
  • For moderate climate.

Bonsai in the modern interior [History and features]

Bonsai tropical, such as Serissa, Ficus or Bougainvillea, cannot adapt to very low temperatures and therefore requires protection against freezing. It can be left outside to certain minus temperatures.

Bonsai in the modern interior [History and features]

Bonsai for moderate climate (Ienupar, Artar) can survive at lower temperatures, but due to its root system, located too close to the surface, requires some cold protection.

Bonsai in the modern interior [History and features]

Many people believe that bonsai tropical can be kept exclusively inside the house, and moderate - only outside. This is not entirely true: options are possible if the correct conditions are created and the necessary care is ensured. Bonsai can be stored outside the house until the conditions are favorable and there are no problems if you hold it in the house, to decorate the decor, providing the required amount of light and giving more water than usual. However, it is still recommended to keep plants outdoors.

Bonsai in the modern interior [History and features]

Buying bonsai rigid to buy an animal. The plant constantly needs food, in water and in care like puppies, but it does not sculit or barks when hungry or wants to drink. He just dies on one day.

Bonsai in the modern interior [History and features]

Accessories for bonsai.

To bonsai looked better at home, you can decorate it with some accessories. For example:

  • Bonkei - a small tray where the miniature tree is located together with pebbles, moss, grass and other perennial plants, water and small figures;
    Bonsai in the modern interior [History and features]
  • Kusamomo - Little Boat which grows her grass and bulbs used to complete the composition;
  • Suiseki - Miniature Mountains installed on a wooden tray.

Bonsai in the modern interior [History and features]

Undoubtedly, these accessories will delight the eyes. And this is the whole secret of Bonsai - bring joy and pleasure.

Bonsai in the modern interior [History and features]

Japanese bonsai in the interior (1 video)

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Bonsai in the modern interior [History and features]

Bonsai in the modern interior [History and features]

Bonsai in the modern interior [History and features]

Bonsai in the modern interior [History and features]

Bonsai in the modern interior [History and features]

Bonsai in the modern interior [History and features]

Bonsai in the modern interior [History and features]

Bonsai in the modern interior [History and features]

Bonsai in the modern interior [History and features]

Bonsai in the modern interior [History and features]

Bonsai in the modern interior [History and features]

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