How easy and simple can make flowers from tulle for curtains with their own hands


Tulle flowers - decoration capable of visually transforming any, even the simplest curtains. Such products give the curtain of elegance, make it truly unique, since what you do on your own, it is impossible to buy in any store.

How easy and simple can make flowers from tulle for curtains with their own hands

Decor curtains

  • Where to apply a finished product?
  • From this article you will learn how the flowers from the old Tuli are made with their own hands. We will consider in detail the sequence of actions for the manufacture, roses, astr and lotuses, and also learn where it is possible to use such a decor.

    We make flowers from the curtains: master class

    To make flowers from Tulle, the fabric of any shade is suitable, however, we recommend using milk-white textiles and paint it in the process of creativity paints for a batik or acrylic paint.

    So you will get a soft tone transition, visually approaching the needlework to the living flower.

    Tulle petals staining technology for any crafts is the same:

    1. Cut the required number of flower elements;
    2. Lower it into clean warm water for 4-5 seconds;
    3. We put the petal on the glass and press to the working surface with a terry towel to remove excess moisture from the fabric;
    4. We take paint and dilute it with water or alcohol, so that it turned out a soft, less saturated shade;
    5. Color the petal creating a gradient transition - from a saturated color at the bottom to the lung, the air shade in the top (it is possible to paint in equally intense tonality, but the gradient is capable of literally revitalize the flower from chiffon or organza). Optionally, add additional shades to the main color - there are no restrictions, show fantasy;
    6. In order for the product faster to dry out its tweezers on a cotton towel;
    7. To fix the color after staining, stroke the blanks at the minimum power of the iron through the newspaper.

    To make flowers from tulle for curtains with their own hands. Prepare everything you need tools and materials:

    • Cardboard and handle (for pattern);
    • Sewing supplies - needles, threads, scissors, ruler, round bits;
    • Light fabric - organza, tulle, chiffon;
    • Candle (for finishing the edges of petals) or a soldering iron for burning fabric;
    • Silicone glue;
    • Beads for decor.

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    With the preparatory stage figured out - we begin to make crafts from Tulle with your own hands.


    To make a lotus made of tulle, we also need a piece of fetal tissue, which we use as a dense base under the petals.

    Textile lotus manufacturing sequence:

    On dense cardboard, we draw dome-shaped outlines of a large and small petal - this is a billet for which we cut tulle.

    If you make a flower for the first time, follow these sizes - in the future, upon receipt of experience, you can experiment with product dimensions at your discretion.

    How easy and simple can make flowers from tulle for curtains with their own hands

    Put the billet on tulle

    We put tulle on a solid surface, place a blank on it and cut the petals using a tissue soldering iron. At the same time, the lower cut is made by inclined, the additional section will be required to sew the petal to the base.

    How easy and simple can make flowers from tulle for curtains with their own hands

    Cut the petals

    We need 24 large and 6 small petals.

    How easy and simple can make flowers from tulle for curtains with their own hands

    Finished billets

    Next, cut the lower contour of petals at an angle as in the photo.

    How easy and simple can make flowers from tulle for curtains with their own hands

    Cut the lower contour

    How easy and simple can make flowers from tulle for curtains with their own hands

    We need 24 large and 6 small petals.

    Cut from tulle 3 smooth strips of 40 * 5 mm

    How easy and simple can make flowers from tulle for curtains with their own hands

    Cut 3 smooth strips

    We give the petals to the form - sake the workpiece in the middle of your finger so that the edges of the angular cut came together, fix the petal of the pliers and with the help of the soldering iron or the glue droplets secure the tops of the petal in the place of contact.

    How easy and simple can make flowers from tulle for curtains with their own hands

    Take the workpiece

    How easy and simple can make flowers from tulle for curtains with their own hands

    Summit in the middle finger

    How easy and simple can make flowers from tulle for curtains with their own hands

    Fix the petal of pliers

    How easy and simple can make flowers from tulle for curtains with their own hands

    Finished petals

    From the fetal tissue, cut the circle with a diameter of 5 cm. And begin to sew the lotus petals to it.

    How easy and simple can make flowers from tulle for curtains with their own hands

    Fetal tissue cut the circle with a diameter of 5 cm

    The first three layers are large petals (8 pcs. On each), the latter is small (6 pcs).

    How easy and simple can make flowers from tulle for curtains with their own hands

    The first three layers are large petals

    Each subsequent layer overlap each other so that the petals are closer to the Lotus Center.

    How easy and simple can make flowers from tulle for curtains with their own hands

    Each subsequent layer overlap each other

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    The middle of the flower decorate with beads.

    How easy and simple can make flowers from tulle for curtains with their own hands


    How easy and simple can make flowers from tulle for curtains with their own hands

    Main decorating beads

    Fix the bead on each side of the tapes prepared and sew them to the outstanding lotus

    How easy and simple can make flowers from tulle for curtains with their own hands

    Send ribbons with beads to offline

    On this, everything is a beautiful homemade lotus ready.

    How easy and simple can make flowers from tulle for curtains with their own hands

    Ready flower


    Make an Astra from the old tulle with the use of faten, which is used as a rigid substrate under the petals making a flower volumetric and expressive.

    We will need four similar in size (40 * 25 cm) rectangular cut slices and 2 cut slices of fat fabric.

    How easy and simple can make flowers from tulle for curtains with their own hands

    Fabric for flower

    Cut the required pieces of fabric and put them on each other: from above - fatin, bottom - tulle. Next we collect textiles in the harmonica with a distance between the bends of 2 cm.

    Having gathered the harmonica with turning it in the center and fix the thin rope.

    How easy and simple can make flowers from tulle for curtains with their own hands

    Collect harmonica

    We process with scissors each folding of the workpiece - we cut it at an angle so that Astra acquires an interesting form.

    How easy and simple can make flowers from tulle for curtains with their own hands

    Fear in the center

    How easy and simple can make flowers from tulle for curtains with their own hands

    Cut in the corners

    It remains only to form a full-fledged flower from the workpiece - straightening the fatin around the circumference so that Astra gets a round shape. At the same time, the folds will disperse and become less dense.

    How easy and simple can make flowers from tulle for curtains with their own hands

    We spread the fatin around the circumference

    Fatin keeps the form well, so there should be no problems with this. Next, raise a layer of tulle up.

    How easy and simple can make flowers from tulle for curtains with their own hands

    Raise the layer of tulle up

    We form neat petals, evenly distributing tulle in the circumference of Astra.

    How easy and simple can make flowers from tulle for curtains with their own hands

    We form neat petals

    If the tulle is poorly fixed in a given position closer to the base of the flower, fasten her drop of glue.

    How easy and simple can make flowers from tulle for curtains with their own hands

    Ready flower

    To make from Tulle with your own hands, Astra does not need a lot of time and effort - it is an easy in the manufacture of a flower, which, at the same time, looks very beautiful.

    rose flower

    Rosets from organza with their own hands are also not complicated in performance. We recommend using a dense organza because it keeps the form and is better than drapeting.

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    First of all, you will need to cut square blanks for rifles of 3-4 cm.

    How easy and simple can make flowers from tulle for curtains with their own hands

    Square blanks

    Next, cut the round petals from the blanks, for bulk roses need about 25 pcs.

    How easy and simple can make flowers from tulle for curtains with their own hands

    Cut out round lobes

    Each petal is treated with a soldering iron or burn on a candle so that it does not raise it over time. Do it carefully, remove the fabric from fire immediately after her edges will start melting.

    How easy and simple can make flowers from tulle for curtains with their own hands

    Burn on the candle

    For petals to keep the shape cover them with hair varnish and give fabrics dry 5-10 minutes.

    How easy and simple can make flowers from tulle for curtains with their own hands

    Covered lacquer

    We make flowers from Tulle - the first petal is tightened and fix the stitch at the bottom.

    How easy and simple can make flowers from tulle for curtains with their own hands

    The first petal is tightened and fix the stitch at the bottom

    The next workpiece covers the first petal and fasten them with a thread with each other.

    How easy and simple can make flowers from tulle for curtains with their own hands

    Fix the second and first

    In the same way, we continue to increase the volume of roses until it becomes quite lush.

    How easy and simple can make flowers from tulle for curtains with their own hands

    We continue to increase volume

    As a result, you will get an elegant flower, extremely similar to a real rose.

    How easy and simple can make flowers from tulle for curtains with their own hands

    Finished rose

    Where to apply a finished product?

    Similar floral products that can be sewed from the old organza are a real work of art. Apply them to decorate curtains, lambrequins, tusle curtains - even simple tulle with flowers made with their own hands, looks incommensurable better than the most expensive store products.

    Also, homemade flowers can be used as a decor for clothing - a rose to the jacket or a skirt and the old thing will play new paints. Such crafts look advantageously and as independent accessories - place the brooch, hair hoop or hairpin.

    View video design

    Interior design is another sphere of applying homemade floristry. Forming full bouquets from textile colors, decorate them pillows, upholstered furniture, make pictures and design compositions.

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