Bedroom Living Room Design: How to combine a resting corner and a place to sleep (40 photos)


Bedroom Living Room Design: How to combine a resting corner and a place to sleep (40 photos)

To create a stylish interior of a bedroom living room in a one-room apartment, you need to think about how to zonate space. Very often, people resort to the unification of some parts of the room to expand their space and feel comfortable. Sometimes this is manifested on the contrary - one large space is visually divided to have two separate zones for stay. So you can make from one room, for example, bedroom and living room. How to achieve this and how to make them learn later.

Bedroom Living Room Design: How to combine a resting corner and a place to sleep (40 photos)

Bedroom Living Room Design: How to combine a resting corner and a place to sleep (40 photos)

Bedroom Living Room Design: How to combine a resting corner and a place to sleep (40 photos)

Bedroom Living Room Design: How to combine a resting corner and a place to sleep (40 photos)

Bedroom Living Room Design: How to combine a resting corner and a place to sleep (40 photos)

Zoning living room combined with bedroom

Each of us will agree that the zoning of the living room and the bedroom is quite an important move, because these rooms are fundamentally different in their destinations. The living room is the place where you can receive guests, spend the evening with your family, who complaining all the details of the day, or just watch TV, forgetting everything. The bedroom is something intimate for each of us. This is the premises where we must feel comfort and comfort, relax and sleep in order to fully meet the next day.

Bedroom Living Room Design: How to combine a resting corner and a place to sleep (40 photos)

For combining, two such premises in one unambiguously need zoning. It may look with the help of different ways. So, options for the section of the premises:

With floor

For example, the zone of the bedroom will be fencepred off with some podium or raising about 10-15 centimeters in height. With the help of modern technologies, this will not be much difficulty.

Bedroom Living Room Design: How to combine a resting corner and a place to sleep (40 photos)


Both zones may differ in the color of the design to visually we can separate one zone from the other. Here, an important point will correctly choose a combination of colors. As a result, this not only give an interesting highlight to our design and a general atmosphere, but also performs the task of zoning space.

Bedroom Living Room Design: How to combine a resting corner and a place to sleep (40 photos)

Racks and partitions

Another of the popular methods of the section will be racks or other necromotive partitions. They can be quite interesting to beat, given the individual wishes.

Bedroom Living Room Design: How to combine a resting corner and a place to sleep (40 photos)

Glass panel

Glass partition is one of the options that can be used. It can be transparent, or with designer design or stained glass.

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Bedroom Living Room Design: How to combine a resting corner and a place to sleep (40 photos)

Cartins and curtains

The tissue curtain can also be an interior highlight, additionally playing the role of the room section. It will be nice to look at the curtain interior from beads.

Bedroom Living Room Design: How to combine a resting corner and a place to sleep (40 photos)

In any case, what option would not have chosen - all the nuances will need to be predetermined that the most appropriate effect will be released.

Bedroom transformer in the living room

A very interesting option that can be used as zoning, as well as use as a bedroom in the bedroom. The bed transformer with a folding mechanism will allow visually separating the space of the living room and bedroom, while keeping free space, because it will look like a regular closet, and in the evening turn into a full-fledged bedroom bed.

Bedroom Living Room Design: How to combine a resting corner and a place to sleep (40 photos)

By the way, not only the bed itself can act as a transformer, but also the podium for it. Very often, additional storage systems are embedded in such structures where you can put extra things.

Bedroom Living Room Design: How to combine a resting corner and a place to sleep (40 photos)

Bedroom Living Room Design: How to combine a resting corner and a place to sleep (40 photos)

Bedroom Living Room Design: How to combine a resting corner and a place to sleep (40 photos)

Bedroom Living Room Design: How to combine a resting corner and a place to sleep (40 photos)

Another object that can be used for a more comfortable stay is a folding sofa with a built-in table. On the one hand, he can replace a full-fledged bed, while it is additionally having a table for tea, coffee, etc. On the other hand, this is not entirely convenient in a psychological plan, because it is still recommended to have a place separately for reception of guests and a bedroom.

How to make a layout in the bedroom?

There are several tips that can be used for the correct placement of furniture and things in the project of the living-bedroom.

    1. It is recommended to put a sofa for a living room near the window. This will not only be a place to meet guests, but also the zone in which it will be possible to read the book. Because there is enough light near the window, you will not have to additionally equip and use floor lamp at daytime.

      If you can't put the sofa in the quadrature of the room, you can arrange the chair and a small table there.

      Bedroom Living Room Design: How to combine a resting corner and a place to sleep (40 photos)

    2. If the room has a fireplace or its elegant copy is the most successful space where you can make a reception location in the living room. Several cozy armchairs or a small sofa along with the coffee table, and cozy evenings in a circle of family and friends are provided to you.

      Bedroom Living Room Design: How to combine a resting corner and a place to sleep (40 photos)

    3. It happens that the room is long enough, so the logical question arises about the placement of the recreation area. In such cases, designers recommend that the beds have several chairs and a table. This will allow not only to save place, but also very successfully position the area of ​​recreation and reception of guests.

      Bedroom Living Room Design: How to combine a resting corner and a place to sleep (40 photos)

    4. For a beautiful transition between the bedroom and the living room, it is recommended to use textiles in the interior design of these two zones.

      Bedroom Living Room Design: How to combine a resting corner and a place to sleep (40 photos)

    5. A very interesting move will be the section of the premises using a beautiful arched decoration. She will help keep the feeling of freedom indoors, and also betray the highlight in the design of the room.

Bedroom Living Room Design: How to combine a resting corner and a place to sleep (40 photos)

  1. Often in the bedroom zone additionally place the workplace, where you can do the necessary affairs. It is usually represented by a small desktop with a computer and several shelves with the necessary documents. It is worth placing this place in the bedroom of the room - if desired.

    Bedroom Living Room Design: How to combine a resting corner and a place to sleep (40 photos)

Arrangement of a bedroom combined with a living room

To begin with, it is best to take a sheet of pure paper and try to draw the desired layout for your living room. It is recommended to immediately calculate the sizes of furniture and the options for its alignment.

If there is no daylight enough in the apartment - you should not zonate the living room with the help of partitions. In this case, the most optimal option will be the use of the shelving.

Bedroom Living Room Design: How to combine a resting corner and a place to sleep (40 photos)

Bedroom Living Room Design: How to combine a resting corner and a place to sleep (40 photos)

Bedroom Living Room Design: How to combine a resting corner and a place to sleep (40 photos)

Bedroom Living Room Design: How to combine a resting corner and a place to sleep (40 photos)

The approximate image of the average layout will look like this:

Creating a center of the living room, where there will be a sofa, chairs and a TV. At the same time, they will all stand as far as possible from the main bedroom. Here, an important point will be the right placement of the TV so that it was comfortable to watch both from the living room and from the bed. By the way, a very suitable output from the situation will be the acquisition of a swivel bracket, which is attached to the wall.

  • Bedside location Of course, it should not be passing. Very often, it is placed in the far side of the room closer to the window. As an option, you can hide it for a small screen, but here you need to look at the size of the room and personal wishes.

    Bedroom Living Room Design: How to combine a resting corner and a place to sleep (40 photos)

    Bedroom Living Room Design: How to combine a resting corner and a place to sleep (40 photos)

    Bedroom Living Room Design: How to combine a resting corner and a place to sleep (40 photos)

    Bedroom Living Room Design: How to combine a resting corner and a place to sleep (40 photos)

  • Furniture for both zones It is necessary to pick up very carefully. It definitely should not be massive, it is best to buy in bright colors. It will reasonably use furniture transformer with secret places for storing unnecessary things in the house. This option will provide maximum functionality and rational use of free space in the apartment.
  • Lighting . Another important factor for the proper arrangement of the combined bedrooms and the living room. Both zones can also be visually divided by lighting. You should not hang a chandelier traditionally in the middle of the room. It is better to hang it exclusively in the living room zone, and in the bedroom to come up with a more intimate illumination, which will be in the form of point lamps. Also in this part of the room you can use bro or lamps for bedside tables.

    Bedroom Living Room Design: How to combine a resting corner and a place to sleep (40 photos)

    Theoretically there may be two illumination options:

  1. For the living room. At the same time, the luminous accent will be made in the living room of the room, and the sleeping and its space will be darkened. You can hang a beautiful chandelier over the sofa and seats of recreation areas and reception.

2. For the bedroom. Here, light accents will manifest in the zone for sleep. It can be built-in lamps, scaves or bedside lamps. In any case, the space bed bed must be highlighted.

It is important to consider the lighting inclusion system. Thus, you can control the backlight options and the overall light.

Second tier. This option will not suit all people. Therefore, if you are ready for this kind of experiments and extraordinary solutions, you can make a vertical zoning of the room.

The approximate image of the room will look like this: the bed can be under the ceiling, while the rest of the place is taken at the bottom of the living room.

Bedroom Living Room Design: How to combine a resting corner and a place to sleep (40 photos)

Bedroom Living Room Design: How to combine a resting corner and a place to sleep (40 photos)

Bedroom Living Room Design: How to combine a resting corner and a place to sleep (40 photos)

Bedroom Living Room Design: How to combine a resting corner and a place to sleep (40 photos)

Bedroom Living Room Design: How to combine a resting corner and a place to sleep (40 photos)

To implement such an idea, you need to have sufficiently high ceilings and not be afraid of the height. It will look for such a design in the interior will be very unusual and intriguing.

Bedroom Living Room Design: How to combine a resting corner and a place to sleep (40 photos)

Bedroom Living Room Design: How to combine a resting corner and a place to sleep (40 photos)

Bedroom Living Room Design: How to combine a resting corner and a place to sleep (40 photos)

Bedroom Living Room Design: How to combine a resting corner and a place to sleep (40 photos)

As a result, we can conclude that the option of combining the living room and the bedroom has its advantages and cons. In any case, this option is possible, only you will need to properly zonate, arrange furniture and make lighting.

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