Characteristics and application sealant for wooden floor


Floors in wooden houses are most often made of wooden fedes, usually pine or larch. One of the properties of such a material is the strong exposure of humidity and temperature differences in the room. Boards swell, dry up, narrow and expand after changes in environmental conditions. Accordingly, they constantly lie tightly to each other.

In addition, the tree is constantly exposed to mechanical wear, which also changes its structure and deforms the coating elements. All this leads to the fact that wide gaps are formed between the boards. Old methods, such as the surface sewing sheets of fiberboard or plywood, are already irrelevant. The smelting of girlfriend, for example, a mixture of glue with sawdust and varnish, has a much smaller set of functions.

Nowadays, to get rid of these sex flaws, use sealant for internal work. It may consist of one or two components. The main compound is usually silicone, polyurethane or acrylic.

Characteristics and application sealant for wooden floor

The substance completely fills even the wider gaps, reliably fastens with the boards and does not cover the coating to deform. If there is a need to choose a sealing composition suitable for the general appearance of floors in the house, you can choose a special color sealant.

Characteristics of a sealing substance

In order for the floor to serve for a long time and did not cause reproaches, you need to choose the most high-quality sealing material. To do this, you need to figure out what properties it should have.

The following features are distinguished:

  • High elasticity and strength of material. To improve these characteristics, the sealant includes additional plasticizing components and other polymer additives. Detailed information about the composition is available on packaging with solutions.
  • Good adhesion of a substance that allows you to securely bore it with the surface of the tree.
  • Resistance to paint and varnishes, since after sealing the floor is covered with the finish layer. If the sealant treatment is made after the finishing of finishing works, you can choose a color version of the solution.

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Characteristics and application sealant for wooden floor

  • Security for ecology and health. Most sealant models are made from environmentally friendly materials. The main one is silicone - is absolutely safe, only additional components can cause doubts. For confidence in safety, sealant needs to choose a product marked with a picture of purity, testifying to the availability of international quality certificates. In this case, it will be possible not to worry about the selection by sealant of harmful substances into the atmosphere.
  • The sealant should be specifically designed for internal work and approach wooden surfaces.

It is worthwhile to get information about the most popular and proven manufacturers in order not to buy fake products. Sub-quality materials may be in their composition silicone, strongly diluted with oil, which will lead to a bad clutch with a tree and inefficient protection against water.

Why do you need to seal the floor?

In addition to the obvious protection against moisture, the sealant has a number of useful functions. Regardless of what type of floor is treated with laminated or natural parquet, wooden board or even sheets of plywood - sealant will save from the following troubles:

  • Heat leaks from the room. According to statistics, through the slots in the wooden floor can be lost to a third of all heat. About it often forget during finishing works, paying attention to the insulation of only walls, windows and doors. However, the filling of the gaps with a sealant with additional laying of the insulation will provide a good increase to the heat-insulating properties of the floor. It will also save on the heating of the house.
  • Drafts. An additional source of cold will be removed after sealing slots in the floor.
  • Destruction of a tree. The sealant layer is a pillow between individual boards, deformed with them. He also does not give them to affect each other, which prevents the cracking of the coverage elements.
  • Biological impact. The sealant does not produce multiply in the creams of insects and bacteria and grow fungus, which is usually the scourge of wooden floors, both from solid wood and from the parquet.

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Characteristics and application sealant for wooden floor

  • Complexity in cleaning. The gaps in the wooden floor are beautiful collections of dust and dirt, cleaner it becomes almost impossible. The sealant is smoothing the surface, substantially facilitating care for her.
  • Reducing the service life of the material. Protecting wood from destruction and environmental impacts, sealing significantly improves the durability of the coating.
  • Skyrp parquet from laminate. This sound is caused by the breaking of the castle compounds of the coating elements. The sealing substance protects the drilling fastening system and fastens the boards with each other, eliminating this problem.
  • Overlook the floor. Silicone smoothes them, making the surface of the monolithic and absolutely smooth, which not only has practical benefits, but also makes the floor more attractive aesthetically.

Thus, the use of sealing substances is not easy is recommended, it is necessary if you want to get a fully functional floor, pleased with your durability and practicality.

Application sealant

Characteristics and application sealant for wooden floor

For application, a mounting gun of both manual type and pneumatic can be applied. If the front works are large, you can use a building pump that accommodates a large amount of solution and will significantly speed up the process.

Silicone is applied only on dry and necessarily a warm surface so that the high-quality clutch of material with a tree is provided. For internal works, a large exposure of moisture is unuschable, so that there should be no problems with ensuring dryness.

Before starting work, the gap is carefully cleaned from dirt and diverse. They fit the sealing cord, which will additionally play the role of insulation. Silicone is applied through a pistol nozzle with a diameter of 7 to 25 mm. It is necessary to extrude it evenly and gradually. It is processed by slit in small areas so that Silicon does not have time to dry before handling with a spatula.

Using the spatula, the applied substance is neatly smeared on the junction. It is necessary to make sure that the edges of the sealant layer are tightly adjacent to the surface of the boards. To the spatula smoothly moved, you can moisten it with a mixture of water and alcohol.

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The primary drying of the substance occurs in 30 minutes, and it fully solids in a few days. With low temperature and high humidity, this process is delayed.

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