Lambrequins for kitchen with their own hands - simple and original


The kitchen for many owners is not only a premises for making food, but also a place where it is nice to talk to your beloved girlfriend or gather the whole family for dinner. Therefore, it should look comfortably and hospitably, and help create such an atmosphere of lambrene for the kitchen. They will decorate the room and betray her special charm.

Lambrequins for kitchen with their own hands - simple and original

Types of Labreken

Lambrequen came to us from the Middle Ages. Initially, any horizontal element of the ornament was called to decorate knightly rhythlics. Later it was used when carved on wood and metal. In the XV century, they were decorated with beds, and later began to decorate the windows.

With a wide variety of lambrene forms in the kitchen, you can share three types:

  • soft;
  • hard;
  • Combined.

Soft lambrequins are divided into simple and complex. The first are a cut of the tissue collected in the folds. With its simplicity, such a lambrequin for the kitchen will be an interesting decoration of the window opening, and even a beginner master will be able to sew it with his own hands. To give such an originality product, you can experiment with its shape, make an arched, wave or oblique option. The oblique version is particularly relevant if the kitchen window is combined with access to the balcony.

Complex lambrequins consist of various decorative elements (swolsters, cakes, ties), creating a single magnificent composition. For the manufacture of such a model, it will take an easy, simply draped fabric. As a rule, the height of the finished product exceeds the 1/5 part of the curtains, but completely closes the upper stale.

Increasingly, the kitchen windows decorate hard lambrequins. They are sewn from dense tissues that pre-duplicate the seal to get a tough basis. Such a lambrequin can be any form: a simple rectangular, arched, complex configuration. If desired, the product is decorated with beads, glass, bows. In addition to beauty, this model has a functional purpose - hide cornice.

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Combined lambrequin for the kitchen combines the elements of a soft and hard version. The dense curly base is complemented by decorative elements made of light tissues. It is more difficult to sew such a product, but it can bring special elegance and unique in the room. The main thing when it is made not to overdo it with the decor.

Lambrequins for kitchen with their own hands - simple and original

Subtleties of choice

Labreken in the kitchen is capable not only to decorate the window, but also influence its visual perception.

  • For small windows, it is better not to use this type of decor or limit the strict simple or hard option, while the eaves must be slightly lifted, then the visually height of the window opening will increase.
  • Disproportionally high windows can be reduced using jabot or tie.

Choosing a cloth for sewing such a product with your own hands, it is necessary to give preference to materials that are not afraid of frequent washes, do not burn out. A good option for the kitchen can be cotton, flax, organza or polyester. If the window is darkened or goes north, it is preferable to choose light transparent fabrics, more dense textiles can be used for southern windows. The tint of the material must be combined with the total color gamut room.

The type of product should be selected taking into account the area and functional features of the room, the general style design, it is very important not to forget about fire safety. In a small room too lush options will be inappropriate, it is better to stay on simple elegant products and play with color solutions.


If you do not have experience in sewing such products, it is better to start with simpler options. A high decor can become a highlight of such decoration for the kitchen.

Lambrequins for kitchen with their own hands - simple and original

How to sew a simple lambrequin?

Simple lambrequin on the kitchen sew with their own hands is quite simple. It may consist of one canvas or to be with a lining. For its manufacture, it follows:

  • Choose decoration design (rectangular, arched or other form);
  • Measure the length of the eaves and increase it in 1.5-2 times;
  • determine the necessary height of the product;
  • cut the web taking into account the scapups on the bending;
  • process seams;
  • Top to sew a curtain ribbon;
  • Shape folds and fix on the cornice.

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Such lambrequins in the kitchen - under the condition of the right choice of tissue - in almost any style solutions will be harmoniously.

Lambrequins for kitchen with their own hands - simple and original

Independent tailoring of a tough model

Stylishly and interesting looks like a hard lambrene for the kitchen. For the manufacture of such a model it will be needed:

  • main fabric;
  • The seal (it is better to take a thermobano, but you can use a synthetic procession, problemin, fliesline or even thin plywood);
  • Self-adhesive tape "Velcro" (Velcro);
  • Decor at will.

To make such a window decor for the kitchen, you need:

  • Develop a product sketch and make a pattern;
  • transfer the pattern to the fabric taking into account the allowance (the material is pre-moistened and pasted);
  • carve out the part of the seal (without allowance);
  • Connect the main fabric with the seal (it is more expedient to start with the middle, so the probability of tissue displacement is less);
  • process edges with decorative ribbon or oblique baker;
  • attach velcro;


It is better to cut the tape with small pieces (up to 30 cm). So, if the part breaks, the whole design will not fall and it will be easier to replace only a small segment of the mount;

  • Decorate the finished lambrequin for the kitchen with a decor according to the sketch.

If desired, the finished product can be added with lightweight or ties and get a combined option.

Lambrequins for kitchen with their own hands - simple and original


The lambrequins in the kitchen can be interesting decorative elements that completely transform the room. Even simple models will make a note of sophistication and originality, will give the atmosphere of comfort, the delicate taste of the hostess will emphasize. Sew this decoration for the kitchen with your own hands, with your own hands, not even experienced seamans.

Before you begin to sewing the window decor for the kitchen, you should choose a cloth and choose a model. It is important to consider the features of the room, its style design. To begin with, it is better to give preference to simple variants that are easier to sew and followerly to care for.

Organically in the kitchen space will fit a simple lambrene, which is also easy to sew even in the absence of experience. More confident masters in their forces can try to make a hard model. In order for the window decor to please the originality, it can be supplemented to your liking.

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