How to get rid of bugs in the croups and flour in the kitchen forever folk


How to get rid of bugs in the croups and flour in the kitchen forever folk

All food products must have good storage conditions. Many hostesses face such a nuisance as the appearance of bugs in flour and cereals. It is not necessary to sin on uncleanness and preoccupation. After all, bugs can dwell in fruits, biscuits and packed packs with croups.

Faced with the situation when, in the croups began a bug, how to get rid of pests need to act quickly, otherwise they can spread throughout the house. Bugs in the cereal can also eat furniture, boards and fabrics. Pests can athee on all edible reserves and even bakery products.

Small insects Despite the size are capable of spoiling products and be a source of various diseases. With getting rid of bugs do not need to slow down, as they can simultaneously hit a large supply of provisions.

Basic methods, how to get rid of bugs in the cereal and flour

So, consider the main varieties of beetles that can settle in the cereal:

  • Bread grinder - Beetles of light brown color, up to 3 mm magnitude. Mostly settles in places of large cluster croup: warehouses, bakeries, confectionery. Prefer eating dryers, crackers, cookies, etc.
  • Redhead Mukohed - Redhead beetles of up to 2 mm magnitude. Also live in warehouses, breadcruberties, bakeries. Eating bent or sent camp.
  • Flour Khrushchk - insects reddish brown, values ​​up to 4 mm. Mix in kitchen cabinets, breadmen and bags with cereals. Fall with flour and other bulk croups.

First of all, it is necessary to determine which bugs in the kitchen, how to get rid of them depends on the degree of breeding of pests in the cereal. It is known that these beetles are able to fly, so they can freely fly into the open window.

There are such ways to get rid of bugs in the kitchen:

  1. Throw all available cereals.
  2. Cleaning the cereals by folk methods and room in a special safe container.
  3. Making a poisoned boring acid bait.

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Sometimes it is not possible to purchase a newly destroyed stock. There is no financial opportunity, then you have to get rid of the beetles with proven methods.

Important! If minor bugs started in the kitchen, how to get rid of them with chemistry, it is necessary to throw away the entire cereal and process the cabinets with a special means where it was stored. Spray chemical products for products so that after being used too dangerous to health.

In addition, you need to comply with all the necessary hygiene rules: do not leave products in open places and remove trash behind you.

How to get rid of bugs in the croups and flour in the kitchen forever folk

Bugs in flour: how to get rid of temperature processing

Consider in more detail how to get rid of bugs in the croups and flour in the kitchen with the help of temperature exposure.

There are 3 ways to get rid of pests with temperature:

  • Equalcing in the oven. The semolina and flour can be buried at a temperature of no more than 50 degrees more than 10 minutes (preferably up to 30 minutes). The remaining cereals can be kept at temperatures up to 110 degrees.
  • Impact ultraviolet. Many beetles absolutely do not tolerate the effects of sunlight. This fact can be used in the event of a problem, how to get rid of bugs in flour. Ceres need to be placed directly in the sun, several hours and beetles will leave.
  • Impact by frost. Several hours of staying cereals in the freezer or on the balcony (at a temperature of at least -15) will be forced to die available individuals in the cereal itself.

Important! The listed methods will get rid of bugs in the cereal and flour, will kill only insects and larvae, which were directly in the pack. However, beetles can hide or postpone the larvae in the rocks of kitchen furniture, so it is necessary to carry out additional processing.

How to get rid of bugs in the croups and flour in the kitchen forever folk

In the croups began a bug: how to get rid of cleaning

In order to protect yourself from the emergence of new insects, you need to take a number of measures. When bugs appear in the cereal and in the kitchen, it is a kind of signal for unscheduled general cleaning.

At any time, you may have bugs in the closet, in the kitchen how to get rid of these parasites, you must first of all destroy the pests in the croups, and then begin to furniture.

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Initially, you need carefully with soda or soap solution to wash the lockers where the croup was stored. A very good means of problem, how to get rid of cereal bugs in the kitchen is the treatment of all the shelves where the products are accommodated with acetic solution, in proportion one tablespoon per liter of water. You can place in the corners to place bags with a pyrethrum (a variety of chamomile), the smell of which is as well as the vinegar, is able to scare not only bugs, but also mole. Experts recommend handling boiling boils, however, not all coatings are resistant to temperature.

Any insects are large or small bugs in the kitchen, how to get rid of it without discarding at least part of the croup will not tell any source. In any case, there are feces, larvae and dolls of beetles, therefore, even if you are ready for this psychologically, then the product should still be sifted through the smallest sieve.

Important! No need to be limited only to cleaning the kitchen. If at least one insect remains alive, it can move to another room and at the same time eat food residues, crumbs, etc. Therefore, it is very important to clean the entire housing.

How to get rid of bugs in the croups and flour in the kitchen forever folk

Small bugs in the kitchen: how to get rid of the bora

A good option to get rid of flour bugs in the kitchen is the manufacture of boric acid bait (borants). The value of boric acid is that when absorbed, it begins to poison the insect organism after a while.

There is a chance that the poison will be eaten and bring as many individuals as possible in the nest, and this will entail the death of most colonies.

How the bait is made:

  • Prepared sheets of paper decompose on the shelves of kitchen cabinets.
  • On the leaves, scatter sugar powder (you can sugar with the addition of the bora.
  • Together with the bura, you can also mix flour, semolina, honey, etc.

How to get rid of bugs in the croups and flour in the kitchen forever folk

How to get rid of bugs in the cereal using water

In emergency situations, when not to cook from, you can use water. The affected croup is poured with water (can be salted), under the action of croup pressure, fall down, and insects will pop up. The Cropa itself after you need to rinse thoroughly from pollution. The remaining bugs in the cereal, how to get rid of them are needed in several stages, after washing and calcining, it is advisable to once again sift everything. In order to avoid shocks at the sight of living insects, before pouring a wheel with water you need to organize it initially.

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This method is not suitable in the case when bugs in flour, how to get rid of them we have already told.

How to get rid of bugs in the croups and flour in the kitchen forever folk

How to get rid of cereal bugs in the kitchen: Additional methods

Previously, people had no opportunity to hide under high temperature or freeze products. More recently, the damage of such a product, as the croup was considered a great misfortune, but then the spoiled product was given to animals. In order for the bugs to appear at all, other methods were used.

How to get rid of bugs in the kitchen by folk remedies:

  • Use of herbs and plants with strong smells. In places where products are stored, you can decompose garlic, bay leaf, carnation, wormwood. All these smells are not tolerated.
  • Popular and effective folk method is considered to be placed in a container with a cereal metal nail. IMPORTANT: Before putting nails need to be washed and dried so that rust does not form.
  • The most optimal is considered to suspend cereals in glass containers with tightly closing covers. Glass jars can be placed on high shelves where there is light access.
  • Placing packs with cereal on the shelves of the refrigerator. In the refrigerator, there is no such free access as in kitchen cabinets, and the low temperature will not give pests to break.

Summing up, I want to say that the magic methods how to get rid of bugs in the croup forever does not exist. Anyway, you can not be 100% confident in the products of the same store, or warehouse where these products are fusing. The main key is to carefully comply with the purity in the kitchen and the constant processing of surfaces by disinfecting agents.

How to get rid of bugs in the croups and flour in the kitchen forever folk

Video on the topic, how to get rid of bugs in the kitchen

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