How to calculate Metage Curtain: Right measurements


The importance of window curtains in the interior is difficult to overestimate. It is the curtains that form a final view of the room. It is necessary to choose them on the basis of the overall style and color scheme. But it is necessary not only to choose the appropriate material, but also correctly calculate the required amount, otherwise the discrepancy will spoil the most thoughtful design.

How to calculate Metage Curtain: Right measurements

Curtains, curtains, curtains are varieties of the window frame, can rise upstream using the mechanism or be sliding.

So that you have no problems in dealing with textile sellers or designers, call elements of the window frame with their names.

Curtains - curtains of any type, can be sliding or climb using the mechanism.

Cartins - Thin translucent curtains of any type. You can face titles: Tulle, Mesh, Organza, but these are just types of material for sewing curtains.

Curtains are heavy, usually opaque curtains. Previously, the term was used to designate the fabric decorating doorways, today it combines all dense curtains.

Right measurements

An important step in calculating the material for curtains is the correct removal of the window size.

How to calculate Metage Curtain: Right measurements

The length and width of the curtains depends on both the parameters of the window and the head of the cornice regarding the floor.

The general formula for calculation does not exist and for each type of fabric it will be individual. For the most accurate calculation, you need to know the following parameters:

  • Cornise length;
  • curtain width;
  • curtain length;
  • Required stock for sewing braid;
  • Rapport drawing.

Rapport is the distance between the repeating elements of the pattern. It needs to be known that with a string curtain, both canvases turned out to be identical.

It is better to produce measurements with a metal roulette. The tailoring cm is not too accurate and convenient.

How to calculate Metage Curtain: Right measurements

According to the formula, you can calculate the flow consumption per bantle fold, then the received method multiply by the number of planned folds.

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So, with terms everything is clear, you can move to measurements.

  1. Cornise length. It is important that by the time of the calculation and the acquisition of the fabric you have already knew exactly what model will hold new curtains. If the walls are wall, its length is measured strictly from the tip to the tip, the height is from the upper boundary of the floor tube. If the cornice is ceiling, the length needs to be measured from the edge to the edge, and the height is from the bottom edge to the floor. It is not necessary to make frozen "on the eye", fasten the cornice on the wall and only after that take a roulette.
  2. Curtain width. Based the length of the eaves from the tip before the tip. If the curtains are two, the value must be divided by half. The resulting digit is the minimum possible width of the curtains. In order for it to lay beautifully, the result must be multiplied by the coefficient "on the fold". For curtains - 2-4, for the porter - 1.5-3.
  3. Curtain length. Correct this measurement is extremely important. To determine the optimal length of the web, measure the distance from the string of the cornice or the bottom limit of the fixing rings to the desired level. The most common options: to the windowsill (1 cm above it), below the windowsill (10-15 cm below) and to the floor (1 cm above the floor). I do not need to lay the reserve on the label.
  4. Stock for sewing braid. Decide in advance with the size of the braid and lay 2 widths on its sewing.
  5. Rapport drawing. After you have the final curtain sizes on your hands, measure the rapport and add it to the desired length if the drawing is located along the length of the tissue.

Calculation of the number of material

How to calculate Metage Curtain: Right measurements

Calculation of tissue for tulle and curtains with a 2.6 m window height and 2 m front corn area.

Before you begin to calculate the pattern, it is better to know the width of the rolls you need in advance. Depending on the data obtained, the formula will be different, this will allow you to purchase the perfect quantity so that you have enough to tailor, but also the minimum excess remained.

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Most tissues for curtains have a roll width from 2.8 m. That is, if the roll width is 2.8 m, and the length of the curtains you need, taking into account the bending and processing, does not exceed this indicator, you can take a tissue in length.

The porter tissue is usually produced in rolls with 1.4 m wide, 2.8 m, 3 m, but it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the material. Significantly prevents saving a large drawing. In addition, it is not recommended to lay the minimum width of the porter, overflows of the fabric and beautiful folds play far from the latter role in the interior design.

It is more profitable to gain cloth in width, but you must definitely pay attention to the direction of the pattern. This rule is one for all types of curtains.

How to calculate Metage Curtain: Right measurements

To calculate the wague length, it is necessary to divide the lambrequin length by the number of alleged swaps.

Now that you have all the necessary measurements in your hands, you can proceed to the calculation of the required amount of fabric to the curtains. The formula will be different for the curtains and the port, the data are used the same.

To facilitate understanding of the example, conditional indicators are given:

  • Correspond's length - 2 m;
  • Curtain length - 3 m;
  • Assembly coefficient - 2.5.


  1. Along the length of the canvas. Length Curtains + Upper bending + Lower bending = 3 + 0.2 + 0.1 = 3.3 m.
  2. In the width of the canvas. Carnation length x assembly coefficient = 2 × 2.5 = 5 m.
As can be seen from the example, the calculation of the fabric along the length of the canvas, subject to the coincidence of the drawing and the necessary measurements, it allows you to significantly save.


  1. Along the length of the canvas. The length of the curtains + the upper bending + the bottom died = 3 + 0.2 + 0.1 = 3.3 m.
  2. In the width of the canvas. The length of the cornice x assembly coefficient = 2x2,5 = 5 m. The result should be divided into 2, since the porter 2, but it is necessary to purchase 2 panels of 2.5 m, this will allow you to avoid errors with independently strip.

When calculating, consider the drawing rapeport. If it is, it is necessary to add this indicator to the result. If the rapport step is quite large, you can sew beautiful pickups or decorative pillows from the excess fabric.

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Non-standard designs

If you decide to use unusual solutions in the interior, for calculating and tailoring the curtains it is better to contact the specialists. But you will have to remove the dimensions yourself, and it is very important to show maximum attentiveness, as the responsibility will lie on the customer.

If you plan to install arched cornice, it is better to go to a specialist with its photo on which the exact dimensions of all parts are indicated. Only in this case the calculation of the fabric will be correct.

Calculate the amount of material for Roman and Japanese curtains is the easiest way. Measure the width and height of the window opening, launch the machining of the processing, in the case of the eastern curtains - to the back.

Calculation of the amount of fabric for sewing curtains only at first glance looks difficult. Little practice and attention, and you can call the necessary member, without even producing measurements. The personnel tailoring of the curtain is not only significant savings, but also the opportunity to show their creative start.

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