How to get rid of household ants forever folk remedies at home


How to get rid of household ants forever folk remedies at home

The appearance of red ants in the apartment does not promise anything good. Opinion about the fact that ants are harmless mistakenly, these small insects as well as cockroaches are capable of transferring various kinds of infection to long distances.

The problem is that these insects can have a nest at a decent distance from your home, which is just a place where they take food. Thus, getting rid of ants in the house there is a chance of their return again after a while. In this article, we will consider the most popular and effective methods of combating homemings.

Methods of getting rid of home red ants

The redness ants differ from street (black) very many. First, it is red insects that prefer to settle in residential premises and near them. Secondly, red ants can fly, which contributes to their movement for longer distances.

How to get rid of home ants forever, this question is quite complicated. This type of insects can settle in the cracks between the spans in the high-rise building, under the floor and plinth, as well as in clothing.

How to bring red ants from the apartment despite the fact that they are already inhabited by the neighbors, it is necessary to solve this problem together. The effect is fixed for a while, if you bring small pests only in myself, sooner or later they are shining from the adjacent room.

Distinguish such ways to deal with ants:

  • Insecticidal aerosols - They are applied to the places where (linen, sugar bowls, bread ministers, etc.) are moved and found. The aerosols are effective only temporarily, as the individuals die immediately, does not have a poison to the uterus, which puts the larvae.
  • Chemicals - These include various kinds, gels, sprayers, crayons and other bait, which include substances capable of destroying a whole colony.
  • Ultrasound devices - Specialized blocks, when connecting to electricity (outlet), make a sound that do not feel human hearing. However, various insects, including ants try to avoid similar sound oscillations.
  • Folk Methods - Effective methods that were not used once to get rid of ants by previous generations.

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Important! The main minus of chemical means is the fact that they are also dangerous to humans. The substances included in the composition can cause allergies and chemical poisoning.

How to get rid of household ants forever folk remedies at home

How to get rid of ants using chemicals

How to get rid of red ants in the apartment at home, consider Read more Chemicals:

  1. Aerosols, sprays, rapestors. They kill the ant immediately after spraying. They are considered effective for the fight with randomly flown or only recently emerged pests. The main minus data of the means is the adaptation of insects and addictive to the poison.
  2. Gels. They are more effective in the problem how to get rid of domestic, red, small ants. The tool contains a poison that is activated several hours after use. Thus, small individuals of the colony will bring to the poison of the urava. Even if some of the ants remain alive, they can be safely torn by spray. It will be no one to produce new larvae.
  3. Insecticidal heating powders and crayons . Act similarly, like gels. Are placed on the surfaces where insects are constantly running.
  4. Boric acid . Acts similar to the dryer. The acid itself is able to eat the human body chitin a few hours after use. Powder Buras can be bought in any pharmacy. How to get rid of red ants in an apartment with boric acid, more effectively mix acid with food products (sugar, honey). The concentration of the substance should not exceed 2%, with more the individual will die immediately after eating.

Important! During the use of any chemical preparations, it is necessary to eliminate contact with the skin and mucosa. You need to use gloves and mask during the processing of the room. It is also recommended to leave the apartment for several hours.

If you still decided to contact the San Epitstation with a problem how to get rid of ants in the house. It should be known that they use insecticidal solutions that are harmful to humans. Weathered tool from several days to week.

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How to get rid of household ants forever folk remedies at home

Getting rid of ants with ultrasound

Studying reviews of many people can be concluded that it is quite effective in the problem how to get rid of red ants in the apartment are ultrasound devices.

There are specialized devices that radiate ultrasound waves are extremely unpleasant for insects. The device joins the outlet directly in places of accumulation of ants. You should know that in one day the proper effect does not achieve, it is necessary to include the device regularly until the pests disappear until the pests. How to get rid of red ants in the apartment. Means and drugs can not always be used, with individual intolerance to one or another component, as an option, you can choose an ultrasonic device.

How to get rid of household ants forever folk remedies at home

Home Ants: How to get rid of folk remedies

Nature laid down that ants, like any living being, do not like certain conditions and impact on them. Our ancestors were not in service with all sorts of chemicals, but at the same time they also effectively led the struggle against ants.

Consider a Read more Question: Home Ants How to get rid of folk remedies.

We list the most effective ways:

  • Strong smells from garlic, vegetable oil, peppermint, laurel sheet, elderberry, wormwood, cinnamon frightened ants . It is necessary to lay out one of the selected plants on the tracks and places of clusters of ants over the month.
  • Baking soda - In small quantities you need to sprinkle plinth, corners and all the cracks in the floors. A few days later you can already carry out wet cleaning and remove the soda.
  • Ammonia - It is necessary to process paths and places where products are stored. The ants are moving along the ladded by the smell, and the alcohol completely removes it.
  • Muravyev routes are treated with a ready-made mixture of sugar and water yeast. The yeast themselves adversely affect the ants of the ants after being erected.
  • Manna and corn cereals - It is necessary to scratch on the slots and trails of ants. After entering the body, the granules cereals swell that it damages the digestive system of the insect.

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The above methods are good for cottages or infrequently used premises. If you have homemade red ants, how to get rid of them without the use of chemistry the task is almost impossible. In the warm spring spring, the ants are activated and able to overcome long distances, not to mention that it is impossible to find a nest of the nest. Sometimes even full-fledged repair with the replacement of the ceiling and floor coatings does not eliminate the annoying pests.

How to get rid of household ants forever folk remedies at home

Preventive measures from the appearance of red ants

In order to subsequently not rushing and thinking how to get rid of ants in the apartment, you should take care of the cleanliness of the dwelling.

The habitat of any insects be it cockroaches, beetles or ants there is a garbage bucket, sewage, water supply and other places of moisture accumulation. In addition, pests love to sit in the garbage and food remains. There are no universal ways to prevent the invasion of ants, because many of us have children who leave crumbs, inaccurate pets and even unclean neighbors. How to get rid of red ants in the apartment even randomly flew through the window - It is necessary to ensure the most uncomfortable habitat conditions (remove food, water, decompose mint, etc.). However, this does not mean that it is necessary to fold and inactive.

We give several tips that may be saved from the emergence of ants:

  • do not leave the food products in open form, including food for animals;
  • Food waste needed to throw away every day;
  • It is necessary to make wet cleaning on an ongoing basis;
  • To exclude insect penetration, it is necessary to close all existing holes in the floor and walls.

As prevention, you can wash the floors with soda or vinegar. Cleanliness is the key to your success.

How to get rid of household ants forever folk remedies at home

Video: how to get rid of ants in the house

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