Luxury Moto House and Mary Melnikova - Elite village "Doville" in the suburbs


The reverse side of popularity is universal attention to the star. Hundreds of lenses and mobile phones are watching every step of their idol. And today, thanks to social networks, popular artists are often shared by their own life. But this is exactly the most interesting! Where does a person live, the army of which has millions of fans? Below is information about the rap artist Mother, who, together with his wife, was built by Maria Melnikov, a chic house in one of the most elite villages of the country.

Luxury Moto House and Mary Melnikova - Elite village

ILO and Maria Melnikova

The ILO is one of the most sought-after rap artists of the leading BLACK STAR label. With his wife ILO (Matvey Melnikov) met in a fashionable social network Instagram.

Luxury Moto House and Mary Melnikova - Elite village

Interesting! Matthew's wife before marriage succeeded in the model business.

Luxury Moto House and Mary Melnikova - Elite village

The young family was to decide where they want to live and raise their children. The homely focus, the keeper of which Maria wanted to become, leaving the model business, it was decided to build in a stunning place - the village "Doville".

Luxury Moto House and Mary Melnikova - Elite village

"Deauville" is an elite place for country houses of the most successful and well-known people of our country. Therefore, the neighbors of the newlyweds will also probably be "star". However, the real pride of the village recognized as an amazing lake located on 15 hectares.

Luxury Moto House and Mary Melnikova - Elite village

Given the "star" neighbors and a wonderful natural landscape, the house was to build the appropriate. With this rapper coped to 5 with a plus, building one of the most beautiful houses of the village. Raper's house is designed in a single style characteristic of the houses of the richest European cities of the new time. Extracted windows with small balconies and pastel colors create an impression of a European fairy tale.

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Interior of a luxury home

It is unlikely that at least someone would gladly let me in the house of strangers, especially if we are talking about famous people. They are wary even post photos of the internal decoration of their luxurious house, which practically became the attraction of the village. Just one photo shared star couple with its subscribers, which can be estimated by the inner interior of a luxurious house.

Luxury Moto House and Mary Melnikova - Elite village

By photography, the enviable height of the ceilings is immediately striking. It can be seen that professionals were approaching the planning, the task of which is clearly not the creation of a template country house . The room center is equipped with an arch of a pleasant beige color, competent work with lighting highlights and emphasizes the arch, creating the atmosphere of comfort and security.

The shelf with icons issues caring owners who did not just trust the designer, forgetting about personal things, but allocated a special place for important things.

Naturally, it was not without high technologies. The edges of the photo gives a huge TV in the whole wall. One can only guess what other technologies can be decorated with a house of such famous people.

It is better to live a countryside ... or?

Naturally, possessing such capabilities as the idol of modern youth rapper ILO, you can afford to live in a beautiful mansion somewhere away from the city. The country has no noise of modern megacities, and clean air adds energy and charges forces forces forces.

Luxury Moto House and Mary Melnikova - Elite village

However, all work is still focused in cities. And this means that even creative people have to get out of their cozy "Berlogs" to plunge into the business life of the capital . Probably, that is why most people share a country house from a city apartment, which is so necessary when a lot of urban affairs is hit.

Luxury Moto House and Mary Melnikova - Elite village

It is difficult to constantly ride a country house, considering traffic jams and a distance. Therefore, perhaps, only a luxurious country house and an apartment in Moscow can be better than a luxurious country house in Moscow.

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ILO and Masha Melnikova: 9 facts that you did not know about them (1 video)

All illustrations of this article (9 photos)

Luxury Moto House and Mary Melnikova - Elite village

Luxury Moto House and Mary Melnikova - Elite village

Luxury Moto House and Mary Melnikova - Elite village

Luxury Moto House and Mary Melnikova - Elite village

Luxury Moto House and Mary Melnikova - Elite village

Luxury Moto House and Mary Melnikova - Elite village

Luxury Moto House and Mary Melnikova - Elite village

Luxury Moto House and Mary Melnikova - Elite village

Luxury Moto House and Mary Melnikova - Elite village

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