How to align the floor under the tile: screed with your own hands


How to align the floor under the tile: screed with your own hands

Floors and input groups from ceramic tiles today are one of the most interesting and practical design solutions for many premises. Outside in country houses, clinker tiles are laid out the base, facade and stairs of the input groups.

Also tile found its use inside apartments and houses in the bathrooms, toilets, corridors, table and kitchens. In the construction of commercial real estate, almost all the floors in stores, shopping centers and even in technical premises are separated.

So that the coating serve for many years and did not crack, you need to know how to align the floor under the tile. Only on a qualitatively prepared surface can be created a durable coating.

Requirements for the base under the tile

How to align the floor under the tile: screed with your own hands

Cement-sand screed is well in contact with tiled glue

First of all, the base for laying the tile should be well in contact with tile glue. Therefore, most often, with its manufacture, there is a screed under the tile from the cement-sandy solution. Such a coating will provide reliable adhesion with adhesive layer.

If necessary, the surface of the screed can be treated with a concrete contact. This composition will make the surface of the roughness, which will ensure more reliable contact of the tiled glue with a rough coating.

It is required to make the most smooth rough base. Minor height differences are admissible. Large drops can be eliminated by the adhesive layer, but this is not the best way out. First, the tile glue is more expensive than the cement-sandy solution, and secondly, with a large layer of glue, it is more difficult to produce tile laying.

How to align the floor under the tile: screed with your own hands

Tile should be put only on a flat surface, otherwise, with time, the coating crackles

The base for floor ceramic material should be as stable as possible. When the tile flooring device on concrete floors, it practically does not occur. In situations where there is a desire or need to make tiled floors in a country house with wooden floors, it is required to pay the stability of the design of the primary value. Also in the manufacture of bases on wooden beams requires complete waterproofing.

Alignment of the floor under the tile must be performed in compliance with the above designated requirements. Without a qualitative arranged reason, it makes no sense to spend money on an expensive finish.

On the poorly prepared surface of the tile, simply cracks.

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Types of hardware

How to align the floor under the tile: screed with your own hands

Dry screed team

Before aligning the floor under the tile, you need to familiarize yourself with the types of screeds. They are manufactured in three main types.

  1. Dry team.
  2. Sand-cement.
  3. Bulk.

The dry screed team is made from guides, sheet material and thermal insulation submet. After the device of such a base, it will be used to be waterproof, since the sheet materials should not come into contact with moisture. Tile glue can not be applied to a sheet cover without its preliminary protection. This design can be suitable for houses with wooden floors, but this is not the best type of rough floor for tiles.

How to align the floor under the tile: screed with your own hands

It is much easier and cheaper to make styling a sand-cement screed. Only lighthouses will be needed to sand and cement. These materials are inexpensive, and the quality of the tiled floor will correspond in all respects.

The bulk floors are arranged even easier than sandy-cement, but the cost of materials will be more expensive. The main advantage of such a coating is a minor consideration of the process. Filling the floor on a small area can be made alone in a short period of time.

A variant of the device of a draft base can be selected under its separate case, focusing on the area of ​​the coating, labor costs, the financial value and view of the building overlap.

Bathroom tie device

How to align the floor under the tile: screed with your own hands

The bathroom is one of the most uncomfortable places in the production of finishing works in the apartment. It has few space and there are engineering communications, which only complicate work.

The tie in the bathroom will require the cost of time and means to fulfill this work correctly, it is necessary to familiarize themselves with the basic procedure.

Preparatory work

How to align the floor under the tile: screed with your own hands

Before making a tie of the floor in the bathroom, you need to perform a large amount of preparatory work. It is required to fully free the space from all over. Then it is necessary to make dismantling work, remove the existing floor covering. If, after removing the upper layer, an old cracked screed in the bathroom is detected, it must be deleted.

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Often, when dismantling work, you have to use mechanical equipment, perforators, and so on. In places of pipe pass through the overlap, it is necessary to very carefully remove the old material so as not to damage the water supply and drainage systems.

After removing the old coating, it is advisable to make an audit of engineering communications. If possible, it is better to repair their repair to subsequently not return to this issue. After solving all the preparatory tasks, you can make a screed in the bathroom.

Cement-sand tie

This work can be made independently without the involvement of specialized organizations or private masters, since to fill the floor in the bathroom can almost anyone, at least a little familiar with construction work. For details of this draft coating, see this video:

After removing the old coating, the floor must be carefully remedied. Places where deep lines and cracks are available, it is necessary to align cement-sandy solution. Thus, the first preliminary alignment of the most problematic sites is carried out. Then the layer of rolled waterproofing is stacked, since the bathrooms are in most cases narrow, one can pick up the width of such a roll size that will not be needed to docile.

How to align the floor under the tile: screed with your own hands

The screed level should be below the floor level in the next room

Floor screed in the bathroom under the tile should be below the level of the existing floor in the corridor exactly to the height of the tile itself and the adhesive layer. To accurately perform it, it is necessary to establish special beacons that are guided by pouring the solution.

Lighthouses can be installed on plaster, glue or other base, the main thing is to withstand one horizontal plane. After the guides are fixed, laying a sandy-cement solution.

The screed in the bathroom can be produced in a fairly short time. To quickly perform work, you must have all the materials and tools in the workplace.

And of course, it is impossible not to do without anyone help when dismantling the old bath, especially if it is cast iron.

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Laying of ceramic tile

Depending on the size of the ceramic material, the optimal height of the tiled adhesive is selected. This sequence can be traced on the table.

Tile size, mmHeight of the adhesive layer, mmGlue consumption

1m2, kg

25 * 25.four1,6
50 * 50.four1,6
100 * 100.four1,6
100 * 200.6.2,2
150 * 150.6.2,2
250 * 125.eight2.7
250 * 200.eight2.7
300 * 300.103,4.

It can be seen from the table that for 300 x 300 tiles, the recommended thickness of the adhesive layer is only 10 mm. From this size should be proceeded when the device is screed. The height difference must be within this magnitude.

The tile lays with a small gap between the edges, which is regulated by special crosses, which are installed in the corners and do not give tiles to converge. After laying the tiles, they are neatly removed, and the seams are watched.

The tile masonry is a rather complicated case, which only the master is performed. Experienced specialists can do this work, practically without taking levels in hand. For beginner builders, this is an unbearable task.

It is important to attract to laying high-quality tiler, otherwise the entire previous work can be corrupted by inexperienced workers. Tile laying details See this useful video:

Ceramic tile gives the room a solid and rich appearance. The device of such a coating requires considerable costs. So that the work was performed qualitatively, and the coating has served for many years, it is necessary to observe the construction technology using only high-quality materials.

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