The reasons for the weak head of hot water from the gas column and what to do?


The reasons for the weak head of hot water from the gas column and what to do?

The gas column, or flowing water heater, is a convenient (A, often the only possible solution for those who are deprived of the joys of the central water supply and heating. Not all are familiar with this device, but those who lived in the house of the old building connected to gas supply, know very well, which is a gas column.

Fortunately, modern gas water heaters differ significantly from those who have equipped at home several decades ago. Now it is not large, noisy and fading "monsters", and very compact and practical devices that are practically reminded of their presence in the apartment.

The reasons for the weak head of hot water from the gas column and what to do?

The reasons for the weak head of hot water from the gas column and what to do?

The reasons for the weak head of hot water from the gas column and what to do?

However, something remained unchanged. For example, problems with water pressure. Modern gas columns suffer from this no less than their predecessors. We will talk about the causes of a weak head of hot water and the ways to solve this problem we will talk in today's article.

The reasons for the weak head of hot water from the gas column and what to do?

Why the water pressure is not strong enough?

Consider the most common factors that affect water pressure in a flow gas water heater.

  • The power of the device. In order that the gas column was a good water pressure, you need to purchase the device of the appropriate power. A bad set of water can give a gas column, with a capacity of less than 8 square meters. It is better to acquire a water heater, the power of which ranges from 8 to 10 square meters.
  • The presence of blockages. Any pipes under which water flows are subject to blockage. If we are talking about a gas column, then the problem is most often in the mesh filter, which is clogged by lime and rust particles. If the water through the filter passes badly, then the pressure will be small.
  • Education scale. Scatter often appears in metal containers designed to boil water. In the gas column, the function of such a container, or the tank performs the heat exchanger. If the tap water is too rigid, with time on the walls of the heat exchanger, a layer of scale is formed, which gradually sneaks into the tube - from here and the weakening of the head of hot water.
  • The consequences of technical works. This factor is associated with a scale that settles inside the heat exchanger. The code overlap water in the pipes, and then resume its supply, the so-called "hydrolyon" occurs, as a result of which the scale particles fall into the mixer. As a result, in one of the parts of the mixer is formed a blockage.
  • Preventive work. Like any other gas equipment, the column needs careful care, one of the important components of which is the regular prevention of the appearance of blockages and other problems. Often the cause of poor water pressure is the neglect of the maintenance of the device.

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The reasons for the weak head of hot water from the gas column and what to do?

The reasons for the weak head of hot water from the gas column and what to do?

What to do?


Methods Solutions

Clouded filter

The mesh filter is "at the entrance" to the heat exchanger. You can eliminate the block, pulling out this item and reading it with a rigid brush under the jet of water. If during the cleaning process you noticed that the filter is damaged, replace it with a new one.

Skip in heat exchanger

Special tools that are designed to remove and prevent the formation of scale in gas speakers, not recommended. They have an aggressive chemical composition that destroys metal surfaces. Much more efficiently and safer "folk" means, for example, simple citric acid dissolved in hot water.

Vomor in tubes

If the blockage was formed in the pipe, on which hot water goes, you can try to eliminate it, running the opposite course of cold water. To do this, remove the cap, put a tank for collecting water and open both cranes. Then clap your finger. There is a chance that cold water, moving in the opposite direction, will push the blockage forward.

Fault mixer

If the small garbage penetrates the pipes of the gas column, it may well get inside the mixer. Most of all the formation of blocks is subject to filter, transs-box and a thin rubber hose. You can eliminate the problem, if you disassemble the mixer and visually inspect each item for the presence of foreign objects. Mud accumulations are usually easily washed with flowing water.

The reasons for the weak head of hot water from the gas column and what to do?

The reasons for the weak head of hot water from the gas column and what to do?

The reasons for the weak head of hot water from the gas column and what to do?

What gas columns work with weak pressure?

If the cause of a small heap of hot water lies not in gas equipment, but in water pipes, it is possible to solve the problem, or normalizing the pressure in the pipes, or by purchasing a gas water heater, which will be regularly functioning even with poor water pressure.

Modern gas columns will be cope with this task, which are equipped with water adjustment with water. They work according to the following principle: the stronger the water pressure, the higher its temperature, and vice versa. Thus, if you set the minimum water temperature, the column will be turned on even with a weak pressure. However, if problems with the head of hot water are observed constantly, it will be more expedient to provide the pump system.

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The reasons for the weak head of hot water from the gas column and what to do?

To wash the heat exchanger independently from scale, you can see the following YouTube user video, in which everything is described in detail and described.

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