Arid plot - not a sentence! [10 plants that love dry]


Most plants refuse to grow on scarce and hot areas. Therefore, the owners of arid sites often have to abandon the idea of ​​turning the garden to the oasis of beauty and harmony. Unpretentious plants will help save the situation, which are adapted to drought and lack of nutrients.

Arid plot - not a sentence! [10 plants that love dry]

To emphasize the beauty of these ascets will help boulders and stone walls.

Top 10 plants for arid sites

1. Lavender narrow-leaven

This long-term evergreen semi-staple with accommodated inflorescences is highly resistant to the Sun and drought. Lavender not only adorns the site, but also pleases with a sophisticated gentle aroma. In addition, the plant is used in medicinal purposes, as well as perfumery, cosmetology and in everyday life.

Arid plot - not a sentence! [10 plants that love dry]

2. Lupine

This non-collective fertility of the soil flower is distinguished by bright and lush flowering and beautiful green foliage. Currently, breeders raised the lupins of a wide variety of colors, as well as varieties, in the inflorescences of which are combined up to three shades. Lupins look spectacular along the garden tracks and on the flower beds.

Lupins Perennial grades enrich the soil with nitrogen. Annual grades are unpretentious and resistant to various diseases.

Arid plot - not a sentence! [10 plants that love dry]

Arid plot - not a sentence! [10 plants that love dry]

3. Oatman ash-gray

This is a hardy and unpretentious culture that is suitable for different types of soils, even for dry and scarce in composition. The inflorescences of the oatmeal is rather unpleasant, but the foliage is characterized by an exotic form and the original color. Seeso-blue leaves of this perennial cereal are able to give the site a special charm.

Arid plot - not a sentence! [10 plants that love dry]

4. Vasileuk

Modest, but charming vasilek blooms long and practically does not require care. So that the plants rarely glad the look and looked aesthetic, it should be cut off the shockless flowers.

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Arid plot - not a sentence! [10 plants that love dry]

5. Rosemarin

Rosemary is distinguished by drought resistance and high decorative properties. The plant looks perfectly both in group and single landings. Rosemary is appreciated for a pleasant spicy smell, thanks to which it is actively used in cooking. Rosemary's greenery has medicinal properties and is used in the treatment of nervous disorders, climax, impotence, rheumatism. The plant has excellent invalid properties.

Arid plot - not a sentence! [10 plants that love dry]

Arid plot - not a sentence! [10 plants that love dry]

6. Timyan Creeping (Chabret)

The long-term semi-stabbed, the average height of which reaches only 15 cm. Thymey loves dry and stony places and prefers to settle on the side of the roads, slopes and solar pools. Running, thyme forms a dense carpet from pinkish flowers. Flowering in thyme lasts from 2 to 2.5 months. Small inflorescences Plants exude tart thick aroma. The tea with the chamber has a pronounced fragrance and has a number of medical properties.

Arid plot - not a sentence! [10 plants that love dry]

7. Iberis

Even novice flowerflowers will cope with the cultivation of Iberis. The plant persistently tolerates frost and drought. Iberis does not require special conditions of cultivation, but transplant tolerates badly. Among the many varieties of Iberis there are perennial and annual varieties. Most gardeners prefer many years of species.

Arid plot - not a sentence! [10 plants that love dry]

Iberis is suitable for group landings on stony slopes and alpine slides.

8. Kotovnik Fasten

The exquisite Kotovnik Fassen is very popular with flower flower for beauty, abundant and long blossom. The plant is extremely unpretentious. The brightest and large bushes of the cat grow on dry and lung soils.

Arid plot - not a sentence! [10 plants that love dry]

Arid plot - not a sentence! [10 plants that love dry]

9. Lichnis Crown

Lichnis's bustice is easy to learn from silver-nine leaflets and elegant raspberry flowers. Best Lichnis blooms on scanty soils. In this case, flowering lasts from June to autumn. Under abundance of organic substances, bloom is reduced. The plant is not afraid of wind and rain, but with an excess of moisture easily exposed to fungal diseases.

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Arid plot - not a sentence! [10 plants that love dry]

10. Carnation

The carnation is an unpretentious and resistant plant, which is distinguished by drought-resistance, long blossom, variety of color scheme and a delightful aroma.

Arid plot - not a sentence! [10 plants that love dry]

Among shrubs that can withstand straight sun rays throughout the day, it is worth noting Barbaris, an evergreen, forsy, the Chubushnik.

The most beautiful drought-resistant perennials for the garden (1 video)

Plants for the garden, which are easily transferred drought (14 photos)

Arid plot - not a sentence! [10 plants that love dry]

Arid plot - not a sentence! [10 plants that love dry]

Arid plot - not a sentence! [10 plants that love dry]

Arid plot - not a sentence! [10 plants that love dry]

Arid plot - not a sentence! [10 plants that love dry]

Arid plot - not a sentence! [10 plants that love dry]

Arid plot - not a sentence! [10 plants that love dry]

Arid plot - not a sentence! [10 plants that love dry]

Arid plot - not a sentence! [10 plants that love dry]

Arid plot - not a sentence! [10 plants that love dry]

Arid plot - not a sentence! [10 plants that love dry]

Arid plot - not a sentence! [10 plants that love dry]

Arid plot - not a sentence! [10 plants that love dry]

Arid plot - not a sentence! [10 plants that love dry]

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