How and where to put a toilet bowl in the bathroom


As a rule, apartments are always sold with the finished bathroom, where the toilet, sink and bath or shower are already installed. Often the bathroom is combined with a toilet, or owners independently combine these two rooms for more rational premises. In any case, sometimes the bathroom requires repair. And here the question arises, leave the toilet in the same place or move it. In this case, you should create a project that is most acceptable to the owner, allowing you to effectively and comfortably use the area.

How and where to put a toilet bowl in the bathroom

Drawing toilet bowl.

However, it is worth remembering that when designing it is necessary to be guided by construction standards.

Each country provides its requirements. In Russia, they are regulated by various skills that set out the norms on the location of sanitary devices (bath, shower, sink, toilet and bidet).

Construction requirements

When designing a combined bathroom, the following standards should be taken into account:

How and where to put a toilet bowl in the bathroom

Connection diagram of plumbing in the bathroom.

  1. The minimum area of ​​the combined bathroom, where sink, toilet, bath and place under the washing machine are located, is 3.8 m².
  2. There should be at least 70 cm in front of the bathroom or shower cabin, the optimal value is 105-110 cm.
  3. Before the toilet or bidet should be free space at least 60 cm, and on the sides of the longitudinal axis of plumbing - 40 cm on both sides.
  4. The free space before the sink must be at least 70 cm, and if it is located in the niche - at least 95 cm.
  5. The distance between the sink and the wall should be at least 20 cm and between the toilet and the sink - at least 25 cm.
  6. The sink is installed at an altitude of more than 80 cm from the floor.
  7. Washpipe, which is washed with an erup tray, should be located at an angle of 45 degrees with a hole to the wall.
  8. The optimal option is the presence of a window in the bathroom, which provides natural lighting and ventilation. However, in the construction of modern multi-storey houses, such design of the bathroom is extremely rare. The window is replaced by the forced ventilation device, which removes the resulting condensate and smells from the bathroom.
  9. The bathroom is forbidden to have a kitchen and other residential rooms. The exception to this rule is only two-level apartments, where it is allowed to place a toilet and bidet over the kitchen.

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Performing all these requirements, you can get a properly equipped bathroom.

Reference recommendations

How and where to put a toilet bowl in the bathroom

Montaza location scheme in a narrow bathroom.

During the construction of houses at the design stage, the bathroom and the bathroom are located in such a way as to use a small area with maximum efficiency. Despite this, many in the future make the redevelopment of these rooms, and separate rooms are combined. In addition, plumbing devices are changing or complemented by new equipment: the bath is changing onto the shower cabin, and the bidet is placed next to the toilet.

Before proceeding with work, you should create a bathroom project. If any "grandee" changes are carried out, then it is necessary to coordinate them with the relevant government agencies. In addition, it is necessary to navigate not only for their preferences, but also for construction standards.

For a better process, it is recommended to listen to the following councils of specialists. Before buying and mounting new plumbing devices (for example, bidet), it is necessary to take into account all the nuances of water supply and sewage systems. Any little thing in the future can lead to the need to parse the entire system.

Special attention should be paid to the layout of the bathroom of small size. Immediately decide where all important plumbing nodes will be located. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the size of the plumbing and the standards of distances between them.

Before you start planning and buying, it is recommended to decide on plumbing models: bath or shower, toilet bowl, sink, bidet.

How and where to put a toilet bowl in the bathroom

Tank mounting scheme.

Installation of the toilet and bidet requires special attention. They should be located directly next to the sewer riser. Otherwise, the likelihood of clogging a plum pipe from toilet and bidet is significantly increased. This is due to the fact that the angle of inclination will be lacking for high-quality content drains. It is recommended to place the toilet at a distance of no more than 1 meter from the central riser, another plumber - at a distance of no more than 3 m. Otherwise, you may need to install the duct.

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In the bathroom of the large area, this problem can be solved by installing the toilet or bidet on the elevation (for example, on the podium).

Installing the toilet with your own hands

Installing the toilet in the bathroom can be made with your own hands. First, dismantling the old toilet bowl is carried out. The process is as follows:

  1. Drain of water from the tank.
  2. Disable water supply.
  3. Disconnecting floor toilet. If it is attached to screws, they first need to be unscrewed; If cement, then it should be carefully broken.
  4. Disconnecting the termination: the corrugation is simply removed if the chumps are chuled or plastic, then it disassembles or spills.

After dismantling the old toilet, preparatory work is performed:

  1. Cleaning the floor from dirt, cement residues, glue, silicone.
  2. Preparation of the surface. It is necessary to align the floor if the smoothness of it was damaged when removing it. Next, you should prepare the holes for fastening for the new toilet. You can use old holes if they are in a normal state, do not crumble and retain a dowel.

How and where to put a toilet bowl in the bathroom

Installation scheme toilet bowl.

After all the work done, they are moving directly to the installation of a new toilet in the bathroom. It can be attached to help screws, cement or epoxy resin. The most convenient and common way is to use screws and bolts. Under the heads it is necessary to put rubber gaskets. Screw the screws must be gradually, from one and the other side alternately, since the toilet can crack. It is necessary to install Plumbing Rivne.

The use of epoxy resin is possible if the floor is perfectly smooth. The surface must be cleaned from garbage, degrease, then give roughness with the help of corundum stone and deflectting again. The solution is further prepared in accordance with the instruction, the mixture is applied to the surface of a layer of 4-5 mm. The toiletz is tight, with force pressed against the surface and is maintained in this state for at least 12 hours.

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Next should be acting in the following sequence, which is the same for any type of toilet bowls:

  1. Attaching the corrugations of the required size. For this, the socket is lubricated with a sealant and connects to the corrugation.
  2. Installing the toilet to the place and screwing the screws (if this method is selected).
  3. Filling the junction between the floor and the floor toilet to the silicone. It must be done to exclude water from entering the base of Santhpribor.
  4. Installing a tank. When fastening the fastener, it is necessary to monitor the pulmonary position of the tank. After installation, it is necessary to check the tightness and serviceability of the drain tank.
  5. Installing the mechanisms of flushing.
  6. Connecting the toilet to the water supply with a flexible liner. The ideal eyeliner is a reinforced hose with cape nuts.
  7. Check the tightness of the connection. It is necessary to put water and make sure that there is no leaks.
  8. Final testing of the entire system, its high-quality operational state.

It is also recommended to check the system after 1 hour. On this, the installation of the toilet in the bathroom is complete. And if the plumbing device works properly, it means that the whole process was carried out correctly and efficiently.

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