Metal door lining


Metal door lining

The plates on the metal door can be fully considered an independent decorative element, which is fairly easy to reproduce, compared to other versions of jewelry.

Decorating metal doors can be performed by various methods, for this, various types of structural paints, wooden rails, laminate and other materials are used. These finishes are quite difficult to perform, and the result depends on your skills and skill.

The simplest method, apply the decorative one-piece element - the pad on the door capable of pretty quickly to give a beautiful and modern view of the entrance door.

The difference in lining on the door in the following:

  • appearance - selected by the customer depending on his preferences;
  • Material - the quality of the product depend on it, the appearance of the product and the life of the surface;
  • The cost of the product - depends on the complexity of the work used by the materials and the costs of other resources.

Consider the types and main characteristics of this material, as well as study the main stages of the independent installation.

Pads on the doors made of wood

Several species are performed from this material, depending on the wood decoration method:
  • varnish coating;
  • painted;
  • laminate-covered;
  • Processed veneer.

The appearance and properties of the lining depends on the outer layer. For example, the veneer has low moisture resistance, so it is not used to cover doors in a private house, only for apartments. Similar properties have lining covered with laminate.

To decorate doors in a private house or in the dacha, the optimal option will be door cards covered with paint or varnish. Of course, after a while, such a type of coating will need to be restored, but you do not have to throw away, as with lining with the use of laminate or veneer.

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Plywood lining

A similar option with wooden door cards, distinction only in technical properties and price. Because Plywood is made of wood and is a thin veneer, glued with layers, under the influence of various factors, it can burst.

Because of such properties of the material, it cannot be used to finish outdoor doors that come out.

Plywood lining can be covered with laminate film, veneer, varnish, painting.

MDF lining

This material is sometimes called wood derivative, because It is made of fine wood chips and dust interconnected by the polymer composition.

The use of such a composition makes such lining moisture-resistant, but only when using an additional outdoor protective coating, for example, laminate.

Such protection is not too reliable, because Even a small scratch can spoil the card from MDF. However, with a gentle handling, the lining will serve for a long time.

Plastic overlays

The most optimal option, with a good service life, which can also be used in the apartment and in a private house.

When choosing it is better to use expensive plastic, because It is made using modifiers, which makes it better. Cheap plastic will quickly burn out in the sun and more susceptible to mechanical damage.

Metal door lining

How to install lining yourself

Before starting work, all the door fittings are removed. To install the inner lining we apply glue on it. The card is applied to the door leaf, fixed with four clamps, which must be put on any soft material so as not to damage the lining.

From the outside we drill holes that should be located vertical rows as follows: Four rows, in each row of five holes.

Through the tapping screws, the length of which is calculated, the length of which is calculated so that they do not go to the front side. The clamp is removed and transferred from the outside to the card, according to the holes in the metal and slits.

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The principle of installing outdoor overlays is similar, the difference will be only in the location of the screws. They need to be installed throughout the card in a place where the metal sheet goes beyond the door of the door canvase. Installation step - 20-25 cm, it depends on the weight of the door. After the completion of the work, the nails cap are covered with a gasket that does not give air to penetrate between the box and the web.

As you can see, install lining on the metal door very easily and it is possible to cope on your own. It is only necessary to prepare material, tool and know the principle of installation.

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