Cement consumption per 1 m2 screed: how to calculate the number


Cement consumption per 1 m2 screed: how to calculate the number

Consumption of cement by 1 m2 The screed is calculated depending on which the solution is prepared. The design features of each mixture have significant differences based on what conditions the surface will be used, it is planned to lay on top of the screed flooring, what is the composition of the mixture, how many layers and what is the bleeding method with overlapping. Consumption of cement on the screed remains the primary parameter for all types of works performed on a flat roof or indoors, on open terraces or glazed balconies.

Preparatory stage

Cement consumption per 1 m2 screed: how to calculate the number

Determine the volume of the mixture, focusing on the height of the screed

Before proceeding with the preparation of a solution intended for filling the screed, you need to perform certain measurements and calculate the amount of not only the cement directly, but also the solution itself.

First of all, it is necessary to accurately and correctly measure the area or the site, on which the screed will be flooded.

Cement consumption per 1 m2 screed: how to calculate the number

Clearing the surface on which the screed will be filled from the construction trash and unnecessary items, proceed to the definition of the zero level. You need to mark on all walls using a laser level of level or water level of Waterpas.

Having determined the height and thickness of the future screed, it will be possible to accurately calculate how much the solution is needed to get a flat smooth surface.

The calculation is carried out on 1 m2 and this will help determine the required amount of cement, which will be required to create a qualitative solution.

After installing the zero level, all the results found must be connected to one smooth line to determine the level of the height of the height.

Cement consumption per 1 m2 screed: how to calculate the number

The height difference must accommodate from 0.8 cm to 5 cm

The height difference level is the distance or height between the main (initial) surface and the line connecting the points found using the construction level. The resulting value should not exceed 5 cm, but it should not be less than 0.8 cm. Otherwise, the surface will be subsequently susceptible to cracking and start crumble.

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Determining cement consumption per 1 m2 screed, it should be taken into account and its features. For example, using Portland cement to prepare a solution, you will have to spend a little more sand, it means that the amount of cement itself will be reduced.

To take into account the peculiarity of a material brand is necessary because with incorrect calculation the created screed will not be able to withstand a certain load and will not be durable.

Performing calculations, it is important to pay attention to the cement brand. For the preparation of the composition using the M500 brand powder, 5 parts of the sand will be required and only one part of the cement, and if M300 brand is used, then the sand will be needed already three parts.

Cement consumption per 1 m2 screed: how to calculate the number


Cement consumption per 1 m2 screed: how to calculate the number

To prepare a high-quality mixture, avoid the recalculation of building materials and, accordingly, funds must accomplish the exact calculation. It will be necessary to clarify not only the cement brand, but also features like:

  • the presence of plasticizers in it;
  • sulphate resistance;
  • percentage of additives;
  • The load level that the coating created from this powder is capable of withstanding.

Cement consumption per 1 m2 screed: how to calculate the number

Multiply the area of ​​the room to the height of the screed

To perform accurate calculation of the consumption of material by 1 sq.m. You can use a simple formula. The value of the total area of ​​the room must be multiplied by the setpoint of the tie height. So, if in the room, the total area of ​​which is 80 m2, the screed with a thickness of 5 cm will be filled, 80 m2 x 0.05 m = 4 m3 of the solution will be required.

Considering that the M500 brand cement will be used to fulfill work, you can continue the calculation:

Cement consumption per 1 m2 screed: how to calculate the number

According to the standard one cubic meter, the mixture will require 410 kg of cement. To create a screed in this room, you will need:

4 m3 x 410 kg = 1640 kg M500 brand powder.

1640: 50 = 32.8 bags (80 m2), where 50 is a mass of one cement bag.

This means that on 1 m2 ties in this room you will have to spend almost 0.5 bag cement bag, 1.5 bag of sand or 25 kg of cement Mark M 500 and 75 kg of fine sand. For details on how to correctly calculate the consumption of materials for the screed, see this video:

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When performing calculations, it is necessary to take into account the features of the preparation of the solution from the cement of various brands.

Failure to comply with the rules and violation of the technological process leads to the creation of poor-quality and short-lived coverings, bundle, cracking the screed, which will turn quickly quickly and becomes unsuitable for use.

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