London curtains do it yourself: technology tailoring, features


Despite the diversity presented in modern stores, women do not stop sewing the curtains with their own hands to make their home even more cozy. From the moment of appearance to this day, London curtains do not lose their relevance. They are a cloth, which the top is flatter, and on the sides and to the bottom assembled with bantle folds. Such curtains are made of fabric, which has vertical stripes. In addition, the curtains in this style have folds when opening showing the drawing in the central part of the strip.

London curtains do it yourself: technology tailoring, features

So that the London Curtains looks spectacularly on the window, it must be well revealed.

If the curtains are made in this version, they will look like the most efficient. The whole fabric, which is going to bottom, allows you to bend the speed, having a canvas in the most advantageous way. It should be noted that the folds should begin approximately 15 cm from the edge, and the central part of each fold should be wider than this distance 2 times, that is, it should be equal to 30 cm from one edge to another.

It is important before the independent sewing of the London curtains correctly make the calculation of the amount of tissue.

London curtains do it yourself: technology tailoring, features

Various design options for London curtains.

The width of the main web should be 1 cm more than the rail, 61 cm should be added to the width obtained, which will be necessary to create folds. To the total length, the addition should also be made, which should be 4 cm, it will be needed on the allowance. The lining should be given the same length, but it concerns its width, it should be 7 cm less than the main cloth.

Before going to the store, you should take m. And being already in place, it is necessary to choose a fabric that can be folded on the strips, you can prefer a fabric that will allow you to position the pattern exactly in the central part of the fold.

For each segment of the cord, 2 fabric lengths will need, which must be added 1 width of the curtains.

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Tools and materials

  • meter;
  • main fabric;
  • lining fabric;
  • Ribbon Velkro;
  • small plastic rings;
  • nylon cord;
  • sewing kit.

Sewing technology London curtains

London curtains do it yourself: technology tailoring, features

Scheme of sewing London curtains.

In order to sew London curtains, it is necessary to cut off the cloth of the main and lining fabric. Next, it is necessary to lend both parts of the curtains by the front sides inside, then you can stack lateral sections. Open seams must be rejected. The lining must be located in the center of the basic fabric. Next, you can shoot the bottom edge, and after the curtain should be turned. Following the corners must be rejected.

The London Curtain has a feature that is the presence of folds. In order to note the places in which they will be located, it is necessary to insert a pin at a distance of 15 cm from the edge from the side, and a couple more pins in 15 cm. Following the same principle, it is necessary to place the opposite direction.

London curtains do it yourself: technology tailoring, features

Curtain pattern.

After you combined external pins, the camera should be added to the front side inside. From the upper edge you need to be filled and stroke 20 cm folds, having fastened with the reverse seam. The folds must be laid, noting on the upper edge. Next, they must be hooks, which will make it possible to form an involnery and front side, then you can all rejuvenate, including the folds of the wrong side.

The next stage will be the top edge of the curtains, which should be 2 cm, then you need to run the resulting edge. The upper edge should be equipped with an Velkro ribbon, the lower side of which should be reinforced by a secret seam, capturing an exclusively lining. From the side of the lining, small rings should be strengthened, which are located in the central part of the fold, place them follow 5 cm from the lower edge.

It should be trained through the rings 2 of the same piece of nylon cord, the ends of which should be tied to the lower rings.

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Features of London curtains

If you omit the London chart, it will look pretty strictly, however, the created impression is deceptive, especially it is revealed when such compositions for windows are manufactured using a contrast material, it is capable of expressing himself at the moment of lifting the curtains. The observer cannot leave indifferent oncoming folding folds.

The secret of the charm and originality of the curtains made in English style is the right choice of "companions" for them. Such curtains are perfectly able to beat and combine with narrow windows, in addition, they will be excellent, if they are placed in front of the window in a niche. English Curtain, if it is lowered to half the window, is able to form soft folds, giving the room a feeling of rigor and simultaneous mysterious incompleteness.

The London Curtains can be sewn with the use of dense linseed or cotton fabrics, perfectly cope with the task of wool, veil or shenill. With a colors, you can experiment as much as you like, there are almost no restrictions, which is especially convenient when using these curtains you need to issue different interior styles. So, for classic design, the strip is perfect, which will become very relevant in a strict interior.

If you wish to give the curtain effect of the "explosion", the folds should be as deep as possible. It is this feature that is a characteristic feature of London curtains, which distinguishes them from the other types of curtains. As you wish to use the bottom - to completely lift or lower it, the effect in any case will be unsurpassed.

From the pattern in the form of a small flower or Scottish cell in the manufacture of English curtains, it is not necessary to use if desired.

Before sewing the chart in such a style, it should be noted that it is absolutely decorative, as it will always be fixed on the eaves. Such a composition excellently cope with the task of decorating the window opening in the kitchen space, bathroom or children. Lambonen, made by type of London curtains, in tandem with massive porters is preferable to post in other residential premises.

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In order to activate the English flat curtains inverted folds, the fastening of the profile cornice should be used, the mechanism of which is lifting.

In particular, the pair of companyon tissues will look sophisticated, which are combined in the finished product. So, you can combine a plaid with a floral ornament, which is permissible to replace the strip or flowers, the second material may be stuffed or smooth. Thanks to this designer solution, the oncoming folding folds at the time of the rise are able to give a unique decorative effect, which is how English curtains look amazingly beautiful.

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