Choose a gun for mounting foam. Pistol device


Choose a gun for mounting foam. Pistol device
Where is the mounting foam? Perhaps it will be easier to say where she has not yet been applied. Installation of windows, thermal insulation of rooms, eliminating the slots and gluing all sorts of materials. Soundproofing steel and acrylic baths and kitchen sills. Garden sculptures and decor elements.

This is not a complete list of the possibilities of using a polyurethane sealant, which we know as a mounting foam.

Sold foam in packages in the form of cylinders.

And the latter are two species:

  1. Household . It includes tubes that are screwed at the outlet. Do not require additional tools for work. However, the consumption of the material is quite high. This is due to the fact that the foam inconsistently comes from the cylinder.
  2. Professional . Typically have greater litters and require the use of a special pistol, which allows economically and quite precisely distributed foam. Savings is achieved by activating foam in the tube. It has a smaller extension. As a result, consumption is more economical. In addition, packaging for professional use contain more material.

How to choose a pistol for mounting foam?

Choose a gun for mounting foam. Pistol device

It is about this adaptation and will be discussed in this article. What is the design of a pistol? What are guided by his choice? How to use it? The answer to these questions we will try to find with you.

The principle of operation of the gun and its device

The principle of operation of the gun designed to work with the mounting foam is based on the simplest mechanics.

It consists of the following nodes:

  • The tube through which foam is produced. It is equipped with two valves.
  • Small mechanism.
  • A pen.
  • Callery fasteners.

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Foam cylinder is fed through a ball valve into the feed tube. Pressing the jug is opening a double valve, which is located in the tube. Thanks to this, the foam can go out. From the other end of the tube there is a mechanism that adjusts the volume of the foam supplied. A special nut, unscrewed or twisting, increases or reduces the foam output.

What should I pay attention to when choosing a gun for mounting foam?

Due to the fact that the principle of operation and the device of pistols for the mounting foam is almost the same for all manufacturers, the choice is much facilitated.

Choosing a gun look at:

  • The material that is used in the manufacture of a specific model. The abundance of plastic parts will reduce the service life of the tool. At the same time, it is worth paying attention to how the main working components made from metal, high quality will increase their chance for a long gun service. However, there are exceptions from any rule. Some manufacturers have recently used high-strength plastic, which withstands existing loads.
  • Can a gun hold pressure inside itself. This moment check when buying, unfortunately, will not work. When buying a tool, it is enough to purchase a flushing fluid packaging. As a rule, it is made from ordinary acetone.

Choose a gun for mounting foam. Pistol device

How to check whether the gun is holding a pistol? The house is installed a can with acetone in a gun, and the solvent starts inside. Then the balloon is removed, and the tool is left for a couple of days. After that, you can define the quality of the device. To do this, just click on the trigger. If acetone, which remained in a pistol, will be released under pressure, as when shot, the acquired product of proper quality. If the cotton is not, then you can return the gun to the store. It maintains a commodity look and without problems can be exchanged to another model.

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How to use a pistol for mounting foam?

Choose a gun for mounting foam. Pistol device

In fact, there are no secrets and nuances when working with a gun. Everything is extremely simple.

First of all, the tool needs to be charged. For this, holding a balloon ring raise up the thread up to the stop. After that, screw the full balloon. Return the ring to its original position. At the same time, you can hear the hiss of the compressed gas under pressure.

After that, you can proceed to work. It is enough to send the pistol tube to the right place and click on the trigger.

Foam first can go thin jet. If there is a need to increase the duct, you need to unscrew the nut, which is located at the end of the instrument. You need to adjust smoothly. An experimental way can pick up that consumption of the material that is required.

In terms of competent circulation, this device can protect against foam drying inside itself. To do this, just leave the balloon on it. If the packaging with foam will be removed, then inside the polyurethane foam will freeze. And pretty quickly. To avoid this trouble, you can either rinse the solvent tool, or install a new cylinder with foam and make it activation. And one moment. If you store a gun with a cylinder down tube, then it will be in working condition at any time. Foam will not freeze.

Pistol costs and manufacturers

As for prices for this tool, they can cost $ 10 (and there are no guarantees that he will work out), and 20 - 50 cu. In the latter case, you will acquire professional quality products. And naturally, it is preistently not at the market, but in specialized stores.

From manufacturers you can note the "bison" (Belarus) and "WORKMAN" (Canada). They are followed by Stayer, Hilti and Kraftool. The last group of manufacturers produces pretty good products. However, there are many fakes. Original models serve for a long time. And fakes are surrendered after the first use. Therefore, it is desirable to be alert and acquire guns in proven stores.

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We wish you success and pleasure from using a professional quality tool. Let every day brings you satisfaction from labor and joy from the results obtained.

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