Installing gas speakers


Installing gas speakers

Installing gas speakers

Solving the question of purchasing a water heater, quite often the choice falls on natural gas apparatus. They are reliable, accessible and allow you to quickly heat the large volumes of water. But even until you select a suitable column model from Valliant, Neva, Electrolux, Astra, Junkers, Oasis, or another manufacturer, it is important to learn about the features of the installation of such equipment.

Installing gas speakers

Installing gas speakers

What law is the installation regulatory?

Installation of gas columns in apartment buildings is carried out according to such documents:

  • Snip 42-01-2002
  • SNiP 31-01-2003
  • Snip 41-01-2003

Installing gas speakers

Many customer buyers doubt whether it is possible to place it in the bathroom, as they heard that it is not recommended to do this. Indeed, if earlier (in the houses of the 60s), the gas service installed the device in the bathroom, in recent years it insists on the mounting column only in the kitchen. Nevertheless, the ban on the installation of columns in the bathroom was registered in the arrangements of the rules operating until 2003.

In the current SP, there is no prohibition for such installation, but only indicate the requirements for the room in which gas equipment is installed. The main of them is the size of the room at least 15 m2 and the presence of a window with a minimum of 0.45m2, which is practically not fulfilled for standard bathrooms of apartment buildings. So the failure in the installation of the column in the bathroom may be due to these requirements. If the old column is already in the bathroom, to transfer it when replacing new equipment is not required.

Documents for installation

It is easiest to install a column in a place where such a device already stood before. At the same time, it is important to purchase a certified device, then contact the HCEK to obtain a copy of the project of its apartment where water and gas supply, chim response, the location of the column and its technical characteristics are noted. Next, you need to apply to the gas service for replacing the column while maintaining the installation site. A separate application is also required for repair work on a gas highway.

Installing gas speakers

If you first set a column in the building or are going to change its location, prepare such documents:

  1. Act on the state of the chimney. Such a document is drawn up and is assigned by the service controlling the flue and ventilation channels.
  2. Specisport column.
  3. Statement of the right owner of housing for the reorganization of the apartment. It should be submitted to the city administration.
  4. The project of the installation that is performed in Gorghause.
  5. Statement on the work of Gores.

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Installing gas speakers

Installing gas speakers

As soon as permission received, the gas service will make the insert into the gas pipe and put the counter. Separately pay attention to the installation of the water supply. Hanging the column in place, lined with non-combustible materials, the gasman must configure and run the device, then put a fill with a gas meter.

Additionally, the owner issues acts:

  • From the fire service.
  • On the reception of the device into operation.
  • From technical supervision.

In addition, the column installation project is defined in BTI.


The place where the column will be mounted, choose with a light-up to arrange the exhaust and compliance with other standards, as well as taking into account the summing up communications and ease of use.

There are such requirements:

  • The location room of the gas water heater should be non-residential, to have an area of ​​at least 7.5 m2 and the height of the ceiling of at least two meters.
  • Indoor is important to provide sufficient ventilation (a window is required).
  • Pressure in water pipes should be from 0.1 atm.
  • Installation should be performed on a non-splashable wall of concrete or brick, then the surface isolation is not needed. If it is carried out on a difficult-scale wall, then for the lining of the wall to give it non-combustible can be used by a basalt heat-insulating cardboard 3-5 mm thickness and a galvanized sheet of 0.8-1 mm thickness. In this case, the insulating material must be beyond the boundaries of the column at least 100 mm from all sides.
  • On the walls of the tree or the walls with a light-selling coating, the installation of the columns is prohibited.
  • The sidebar of the device should be located no closer than 15 cm from the wall.
  • Before the front panel of the device should be free space (minimum 60 cm).
  • The minimum distance from the column to the gas stove is considered 10 cm.
  • Flexible hoses or metal pipes with an internal diameter of 13 mm and up to 2.5 m long and up to 2.5 m should be used for supplying water and gas.
  • Before mounting on the column, a locking crane must be installed.
  • The chimney receive channel must have a circle of 120 mm in diameter.
  • The diameter of the removal gas from the pipe column should be from 110 mm, and the length is from 300 mm to 2 m. In addition, the pipe is placed with a slope upward at least 2 degrees.

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Installing gas speakers

Installation rules in the apartment

  • Use in apartments to disrupt combustion products from the column of corrugated chimney made of aluminum is not permitted.
  • The crane that overlaps the flow of gas into the column is mounted next to the device. He should have a yellow handle.
  • If you want to hide the gas column for decorative panels, they should easily be removed and be made of non-combustible material.
  • Since the columns mark some inertia, to exclude emergency situations, cold water should be tied to the device with a separate pipe.

Installing gas speakers

Installing gas speakers

Installing gas speakers

Is it possible to hide the gas column in the closet and where can I hide it?

Mounting the column in the kitchen, housing owners often think about hide the apparatus from the eyes, but doubt whether the furniture is allowed to close such a device.

The gas column can really be hidden in the closet, but such furniture should have a lower wall so as not to prevent equipment ventilation. Also in such a closet there must be no rear wall. In addition, its side walls must have good protection against fire.

Installing gas speakers

Chimney and ventilation

Installing the column in the house or apartment, the hood should be given enough attention, because it is important not only for the quality of the system, but also for safety. Picking the pipes for drawing, take into account the power of the column - with the indicator below 19-20 kW and the provision of one point is used with a diameter of 11 cm, and for a power columns above 21 kW, supplying water for 2-3 points, the pipes with a diameter of 13 cm are needed .

A good choice for a private house will be corrugated pipes from multilayer aluminum. Inside such a pipe is installed with steel wire to give chimney shape. In the city apartments, instead of corrugated chimney, steel pipes covered with white enamel, resistant to heating, as well as galvanized steel pipes. For a private house, this is a less preferred option due to the formation of a large amount of condensate in a steel pipe and a high probability of icing in winter.

Installing gas speakers

Installing gas speakers

In recent years, the installation of coaxial ventilation has gained great popularity. The structure of such a pipe provides for the presence of a single pipe inside it - the exhaust gases are distinguished along the inner, and the air from the street enters the external.

Installing gas speakers

Cost of work

If you need to first dismantle the old column, such work will cost you 300-800 rubles, but you can save and make dismantling yourself. The cost of installing new equipment will influence the column brand - the connection of the domestic manufacturer's device is cheaper (from 1,500 rubles) than the installation of the import column (from 1,700 rubles).

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Also, the list of works will also affect your spending - if you need to prepare the basis for mounting the device, then connect the column "from scratch", the price will be alone if everything has already been prepared and you hung the device yourself, have already connected it to water supply, and only lift it Gas, the price will be much lower. On average, the setting of the column needs to pay 3000-6000 rubles.

Installing gas speakers

Registration of gas speakers

To the new column worked in your apartment on legal grounds, it must be registered. To do this, after installing the device, cause gas service, which issues all the necessary documentation.


When unauthorized connection to the gas pipeline, as well as with the unaccountable consumption of gas in the apartment or in a private house, the owner faces an administrative penalty. Its size is currently 10,000-15,000 rubles. For information, see the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation - Ch. 7 p. 7.19.

Connecting a gas column

Certified specialists should be installed and connecting the column.

You need to prepare all the documentation and consumables, and they will hold such work:

  • Will be celebrated on the wall of the point for fastening the column, after which they drill them and secure the device with self-draws.
  • Check the thrust before installing the chimney.
  • Go to the column gas hose.
  • Mount the line connecting the column with water supply.
  • Clean the part of the hot water supply output from the column.
  • Install chimney.
  • Tested column.

If you want to assemble the column with your own hands, it is permissible to be done only with respect to the fixing of the machine on the wall and connecting the water pipeline. For all manipulations associated with gas, you need a specialist.

For the connection of the gas column to the gas pipeline, see the video channel "NewsRoom 24".

Operating Rules

To the new column served for a long time and did not require repair, you need:

  • It regularly conducts its maintenance, cleaning the apparatus from Nagara, dust and scale. Recommended frequency - once a year, but when contamination, you can perform unscheduled cleaning.
  • Do not allow excessive heating of water in the column, as it accelerates the process of formation of scale on the walls of the heat exchanger.
  • If necessary, install the filter and pump in front of the column.

Installing gas speakers

An example of installing a gas column You can see in the next video channel "Yury Trifonov".

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