It ispano in the nursery: manufacturer options and placement tips


The design of the children's room is a rather responsible and time-consuming process. The final result depends on how nice will be the baby being indoors. For decorating children use various ideas. So, for example, often make an interesting panel in children with their own hands. In order for such a masterpiece optimally fits in the interior design and gave him a highlight, it is necessary to follow certain rules.

What makes the panel?

Panel in the children's room are made with their own hands from various materials. So it can be paper wallpapers, photo wallpapers, cardboard, vinyl paper and even newspapers. When choosing a material, it is worth considering that the composition should not be complex and incomprehensible. As a panel for a small children's room, an image of simple images is quite suitable.

Panel for nursery with butterflies

You can give a special highlight of the children's room with the help of different pieces of wallpaper or photo wallpapers pasted on a part of the wall.

Wall mural in the children's room

The choice of material for the manufacture of decorative panel depends on the set of factors. But the main criterion are the interests of the child. Listen to his desires, turn on all your fantasy, and you will definitely get a bright composition.

What to take into account when choosing a composition?

The main material is resolved. It remains only to determine what to make? When solving this issue, some factors should be taken into account:

  • Paul baby. The compositions in the room for the girl and the boy may differ. So, in the first case, you can depict the princess or flowers. As for the design of the room for the boy, then it is better to prefer a typewriter or airplane. A good solution will be the character of his beloved fairy tale or cartoon. The main thing is that the work liked the children.

Wall decor in children's

  • The age of the child. The design of the room must correspond to the age of the child, because the elements of the decor not only decorate the room, but also affect the development of the kid. So, complex and incomprehensible compositions for a small child are not the best option. Of course, in a separate case, such compositions are used.

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Wall decor in children's

  • Style. Composition can be made in any style. The main thing is that it organically fits into the interior of the room. The image must be soft. This will help create a comfortable setting in the room.

Panel on the whole wall in the children's room

Determine the placement

In order for the wall panel for the children's room effectively worked as a decorative element, it is necessary to properly approach the selection of its location. In solving this issue, designers advise to follow such recommendations:

  • The optimal place for such a work is considered a free wall. No need to score free space with different decorative elements, such as paintings, photos or more. Panel, like the wall decoration, should be the only one.

Panel for children's hands

  • If a glossy surface is used to decorate a nursery, then it must be placed so that the light is reflected as much as possible. This will make the room visually spacious and light. Of course, it is permissible to use from one side of the color item.

Panel for children's hands

Options and ideas

The ideas of creating a panel for children are a lot. It can be a decor in the form of a cloud with a garland of drops, a photo or silhouette of a child in a decorative frame, bright letters or inscriptions from colored cardboard or fabric. On the Internet you can find visual examples and based on them to make a unique composition by adding something to your own.

For the children's room, a good solution will be an image of nature (wood or flowers), the heroes of fairy tales and cartoons, animals and much more.

Panel in children's hands

Especially popular today have children's panels on a part of the wall of the letters. Select words, one or a set of random characters.

Panel for children with letters

Panel from felt

Relatively recently, such material appeared on sale as a sheet felt. For creative people who are engaged in needlework, he became a real discovery. They quickly appreciated all his merits.

Among the main advantages of the felt is to highlight:

  • strength;
  • well preserves the form;
  • not limp;
  • variety of shades;
  • Not deformed and does not mind.

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Sheet felt

Due to such advantages, the felt is widely used to implement their most bold and interesting ideas. This is especially true of the manufacture of panels with their own hands. Compositions from felt look very beautiful and aesthetic. They are used to decorate different premises. The most important thing is that making the decoration can even beginner.

Panel in the form of a cloud of felt

Very original and at the same time just looks panel in the form of a cloud with droplets. To create such a composition, you must prepare:

  • multicolored felt;
  • threads in tone and needle;
  • scissors or stationery knife;
  • pencil or surplus;
  • Patterns for pattern.
Panno cloud with droplets with their own hands
An example of a template

Consider the process of manufacturing the composition:

1. To the feta apply the prepared client pattern and circuit with a pencil circuit. The lines on the edge on the edge must be clear and visible.

2. We make cutting material. To do this, use sharp scissors or stationery knife. When carrying out this work, caution should be taken, especially if children are attracted to the process.

3. You must have two identical details that need to be sehered from each other, leaving the gap for filling. In order for the cloud to be volumetric, to put a synthet board and squeeze the space.

4. Now we make droplets, which will then hang from the cloud. To do this, decide in advance with their number and cut the desired elements by the template.

5. From the obtained droplets we make a garland. To do this, you will need a thread that you need to sew to a cloud from the back side, after which you sew the droplets. So that the composition was more interesting, make several such garlands of different lengths.

6. It remains only from the ribbon to make a loop, sew it to the cloud and hang the decor on the wall. Beautiful and original panel ready.

Panel in the form of a cloud in children's hands

On video: Panel cloud with stars with their own hands.


Wall mural or wallpaper-panels are very popular. This is due to the fact that with their help you can originally arrange part of the wall or the entire wall. Of course, it is necessary to rely on the interests of the child, you can find ready-made wallpaper with the image of your favorite kid characters, so and independently make a composition of existing old wallpaper.

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However, it is very important to properly approach the choice of material:

  • Color. To choose a shade for finishing a small room you need to come up very carefully. If the color is dark, it will visually reduce the room and make it darkened, the bright panel will make it lighter and spacious. Among the popular shades is to highlight beige, green, yellow and sandy shades.

Panel in Children's wallpaper

  • Texture. If you correctly choose the material, then the composition will look more comprehensive. Natural glare will give elegance. Of course, you do not need to overdo it. Too relief panel will put pressure.

Panel in the nursery on the wall of wallpaper

  • Picture. It is worth considering the size of the image - the small pattern is suitable for a small children's, the large pattern is more appropriate in a more spacious room. In a small children's optimal solution, the image, which is leaving the distance, will visually increase the room.

Decor of walls in children's wallpaper

The decor in the Patchwork style will also be a good solution. In this case, you will need only trimming of old wallpaper. The most important thing is that they are combined with each other.

Patchwork Wallpaper in the Children's Room

Modular panel

The composition consists of 3 or more crafts that have certain dimensions. If desired, the panel can be made independently from ordinary wallpapers, cut pictures and even from the fabric.

Modular panel in children's own hands

In the manufacture of such paintings, follow the advice below:

  • A panel consisting of several modules as a whole should have a suitable form.
  • Before sticking the composition you need to decompose on the floor so that the whole picture is visible.
  • The modules themselves may have a width of 50 cm to 1 m, depending on your preferences.
  • Billet should be glued on the cardboard basis or Phaneur.

Modular panel in children's own hands

For the design of children use various images. It can be single trees, cloud, toys and a lot more. Options are very diverse. The main thing is to properly approach the choice, and that the pictures are combined with each other.

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How to make a panel for a children's room: a few interesting ideas (+64 photos)

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How to make a panel for a children's room: a few interesting ideas (+64 photos)

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How to make a panel for a children's room: a few interesting ideas (+64 photos)

How to make a panel for a children's room: a few interesting ideas (+64 photos)

How to make a panel for a children's room: a few interesting ideas (+64 photos)

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How to make a panel for a children's room: a few interesting ideas (+64 photos)

How to make a panel for a children's room: a few interesting ideas (+64 photos)

How to make a panel for a children's room: a few interesting ideas (+64 photos)

How to make a panel for a children's room: a few interesting ideas (+64 photos)

How to make a panel for a children's room: a few interesting ideas (+64 photos)

How to make a panel for a children's room: a few interesting ideas (+64 photos)

How to make a panel for a children's room: a few interesting ideas (+64 photos)

How to make a panel for a children's room: a few interesting ideas (+64 photos)

How to make a panel for a children's room: a few interesting ideas (+64 photos)

How to make a panel for a children's room: a few interesting ideas (+64 photos)

How to make a panel for a children's room: a few interesting ideas (+64 photos)

How to make a panel for a children's room: a few interesting ideas (+64 photos)

How to make a panel for a children's room: a few interesting ideas (+64 photos)

How to make a panel for a children's room: a few interesting ideas (+64 photos)

How to make a panel for a children's room: a few interesting ideas (+64 photos)

How to make a panel for a children's room: a few interesting ideas (+64 photos)

How to make a panel for a children's room: a few interesting ideas (+64 photos)

How to make a panel for a children's room: a few interesting ideas (+64 photos)

How to make a panel for a children's room: a few interesting ideas (+64 photos)

How to make a panel for a children's room: a few interesting ideas (+64 photos)

How to make a panel for a children's room: a few interesting ideas (+64 photos)

How to make a panel for a children's room: a few interesting ideas (+64 photos)

How to make a panel for a children's room: a few interesting ideas (+64 photos)

How to make a panel for a children's room: a few interesting ideas (+64 photos)

How to make a panel for a children's room: a few interesting ideas (+64 photos)

How to make a panel for a children's room: a few interesting ideas (+64 photos)

How to make a panel for a children's room: a few interesting ideas (+64 photos)

How to make a panel for a children's room: a few interesting ideas (+64 photos)

How to make a panel for a children's room: a few interesting ideas (+64 photos)

How to make a panel for a children's room: a few interesting ideas (+64 photos)

How to make a panel for a children's room: a few interesting ideas (+64 photos)

How to make a panel for a children's room: a few interesting ideas (+64 photos)

How to make a panel for a children's room: a few interesting ideas (+64 photos)

How to make a panel for a children's room: a few interesting ideas (+64 photos)

How to make a panel for a children's room: a few interesting ideas (+64 photos)

How to make a panel for a children's room: a few interesting ideas (+64 photos)

How to make a panel for a children's room: a few interesting ideas (+64 photos)

How to make a panel for a children's room: a few interesting ideas (+64 photos)

How to make a panel for a children's room: a few interesting ideas (+64 photos)

How to make a panel for a children's room: a few interesting ideas (+64 photos)

How to make a panel for a children's room: a few interesting ideas (+64 photos)

How to make a panel for a children's room: a few interesting ideas (+64 photos)

How to make a panel for a children's room: a few interesting ideas (+64 photos)

How to make a panel for a children's room: a few interesting ideas (+64 photos)

How to make a panel for a children's room: a few interesting ideas (+64 photos)

How to make a panel for a children's room: a few interesting ideas (+64 photos)

How to make a panel for a children's room: a few interesting ideas (+64 photos)

How to make a panel for a children's room: a few interesting ideas (+64 photos)

How to make a panel for a children's room: a few interesting ideas (+64 photos)

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