Decorate the plot: artificial reservoir do it yourself


To arrange a pond for almost everyone. First you need to decide on the dimensions of the reservoir and decide why it will be used. Someone chooses a pond with aquatic plants and even with the ability to have fish there, others prefer a swimming pool with clean water in which you can swim in the heat. However, in any case, too small, less than two meters, it is not worth doing it, because the water will quickly overheat and deteriorate.

Decorate the plot: artificial reservoir do it yourself

Choosing a place for reservoir

It is desirable that the place where the pond is planned is sufficiently sunny, but it's good if in the hottest clock the water will be in the shade. Trees and large shrubs in close proximity should not grow, otherwise the leaves will constantly turn out on the surface of the water. It is important to take into account what kind of land. It should be remembered that in the sandy soil to arrange a pond without waterproofing will not work, water will inevitably leave . Also before the start of work, you need to find out exactly wherever and how the underground cables and pipes go on the plot in order to accidentally damage them.

Decorate the plot: artificial reservoir do it yourself

Drive and waterproofing

When we managed to determine the place, it is necessary to note the boundaries of the reservoir. For this we will use pegs and rope. Often, if it is planned to be a progressive sizes, the work on the ridge is carried out with the use of special equipment. A pit for a small pond can quickly dug yourself.

Decorate the plot: artificial reservoir do it yourself

Next Important Point - Waterproofing . Experts strongly recommend not to neglect her. A simple available option is another layer of clay thick minimum 20 cm. There is a special film . The budget is the usual polyethylene, but more resistant PVC will last longer. Sold and ready-made plastic forms that need only to wear.

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Decorate the plot: artificial reservoir do it yourself

Decorate the plot: artificial reservoir do it yourself

A solid and expensive option is concrete waterproofing, and the most modern technology is spraying with liquid rubber. The coating is obtained very durable and reliable, even Siberian frost is not afraid.

We should not forget about the filter - useful acquisition, which will help solve the problem of water pollution.

Decorate the plot: artificial reservoir do it yourself

Improvement of the adjacent territory and decoration of the reservoir

Today there is a very large selection of plants for the pond. For the deepwater zone, the pitches are perfectly suitable. Rogoz and the reeds will make many years to delight the eyes of thickets along the shores of the reservoir. AIR Bolotnaya and the ordinary cane will help keep the water in the pond clean.

Decorate the plot: artificial reservoir do it yourself

A beautiful and unusual solution is to make not only water, but also a stream, a fountain or a waterfall, or a whole cascade of small waterfalls. Sometimes the bridge is paved through the pond.

Decorate the plot: artificial reservoir do it yourself

It looks well as weathered in a single style walkway. For the design of the coast, stones, tiles, pebbles, gravel . Plant multiple plant, break out flower beds.

Decorate the plot: artificial reservoir do it yourself

Fish in the pond can be performed solely decorative function, for example, koi carp. Caras, lumps, sterling rolls for fishing. For the content of large fish, the pond should be more. Never sew together predatory and herbivores.

Decorate the plot: artificial reservoir do it yourself

It will be unique to make a reservoir. It happens underwater and surface.

Decorate the plot: artificial reservoir do it yourself

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Decorate the plot: artificial reservoir do it yourself

Decorate the plot: artificial reservoir do it yourself

Decorate the plot: artificial reservoir do it yourself

Decorate the plot: artificial reservoir do it yourself

Decorate the plot: artificial reservoir do it yourself

Decorate the plot: artificial reservoir do it yourself

Decorate the plot: artificial reservoir do it yourself

Decorate the plot: artificial reservoir do it yourself

Decorate the plot: artificial reservoir do it yourself

Decorate the plot: artificial reservoir do it yourself

Decorate the plot: artificial reservoir do it yourself

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