Mix for bulk gender: how to do at home


Mix for bulk gender: how to do at home

To improve the quality of covering and simplifying the production of works on the device, builders and apartment owners are increasingly using a self-election mixture for bulk sex.

Such compositions are easy to prepare and work, as a rule, do not require special skills and are available at a price. The building materials market surprises the diversity of CCM for bulk floors, of various quality and characteristics. Consider the specifics of the use of the mixture, based on which the bulk sex consists and the main properties of the fill result.

Speakers for screed

Depending on what room is planned to be carried out, as well as what result, various formulations are recommended to use.

Mix for bulk gender: how to do at home

Mixtures for the bulk of the finish finish and the blacks are different than the thickness of the possible layer, the time of drying, strength and, of course, the price.

It is customary to distinguish between the types of mixtures to subsequent criteria:

  • Fill layer thickness;
  • Diluent type: aquatic or solvent;
  • electrical conductivity coefficient;
  • layer texture;
  • Basic binder.

Most of the basic properties of the mixture for bulk floors depends on the main binder

Basic componentScope of applicationprosMinuses
GypsumLow humidity premises (up to 70%)The thickness of the leveling layer can reach 10 cm, which allows to hide a very significant height differences at the base;

Low thermal conductivity; Budget value.

Ready period, dried period longer than in cement mortar;

Lose strength with high humidity.

CementWith no restrictionsFast coating readiness time;

Not susceptible to high humidity;

High strength.

High price;

Thin layer fill up to 5 cm.

Epoxy resin or methyl methacrylateWithout restrictions, more often for non-residential premises.Daily preparedness of the coating;

Excellent designer and decorativeness;

Can be applied over 3D layouts;

Increased wear resistance.

Are not suitable for leveling significant surface defects;

Toxic when working;

Large solution consumption: more than 1.5 kg per 1m2.

Polyurethane (polysparta)It is often used in private construction.High strength; non-slip, resistant to abrasion; Suitable for pouring inclined surfaces without forming ruins.Not resistant to mechanical damage;

Long cycle of readiness;

High price

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Stage of work

Mix for bulk gender: how to do at home

Black screed poured a thick layer

Among other things, the mixture for the bulk gender should be distinguished by the stage of work carried out by it. For basic or black screeds are used levels. These mixtures are poured under beacons with a large layer thickness.

Used to eliminate coarse defects in overlapping and height drops. Filling of this kind quickly dries. You can save on the volume by setting the reinforcing grid in the layer.

Mix for bulk gender: how to do at home

The upper fill must be thick no more than 5 cm

The upper leveling fill under the decorative finish is carried out by the corresponding compositions of the thin layer of no more than 5 mm.

The mixtures have a high cost, are used as a final alignment.

The solution is captured quickly, but the final hardening comes with time.

Some types of mixtures are poured as a decorative coating, usually this epoxy fill with 3D floors.

It is important to understand that the finish mixtures can actually lie on any basis that is indicated on the package. But when used for a screed, the composition of the bulk sex of a certain brand will have to apply the finishing fill of the same brand.


Mix for bulk gender: how to do at home

Binding mixture component Mixed with mineral additives

Many decide, everything is simple, mix the mixture for sex with your own hands and save. In the theory, the bulk floor is not complicated. Moreover, most manufacturers do not hide the elements of the mixture and write them on the package.

As mentioned above, there is always one binding component to which various mineral fillers, additives, additives and of course sand are added.

Mix for bulk gender: how to do at home

All of these components perform their function and mix in a certain proportion. And even if you find the proportions and the recipe that manufacturers, as a rule, hide, the mass of thin faces will still remain. What sand? What faction? What and in what sequence is mixed.

Ultimately, it is unlikely to save. Rather, spend additionally on the ready-made dry construction mixture.

Less complex mixes for draft screeds are completely able to prepare independently.

Tips for choosing

Before buying a mixture, you will appreciate your capabilities both financial and physical, if you work yourself yourself. On how to pour such floors, see this video:

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And a few simple tips to help determine the purchase:

  1. Buying a mixture, you need to know exactly for which room it is intended. For a bathroom or kitchen, a mixture based on plaster will not fit.

    Mix for bulk gender: how to do at home

  2. If all the characteristics of mixtures are similar and it is difficult to choose some particular, prefer the one that allows you to arrange a heap system. This will give extra opportunities for the heat insulation device.
  3. When kneading the solution strictly follow the instructions on the package. If the experience of such work is not enough, first mix in small batches. The frozen solution will not be able to dilute again.

The smoothness of the prepared floor directly affects the service life of the decorative coating, so do not save at this stage.

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