How to make curtains beautifully: step by step instructions


Curtains are an integral component of the interior of almost any premises. They can be purchased in the finished form in one of the numerous stores, but more interesting and more profitable to make curtains on their own. The result of this creative process will be not only very beautiful curtains, but also the mass of positive impressions.

How to make curtains beautifully: step by step instructions

For sewing classic curtains, almost any tissue is suitable.

Is it difficult to sew the curtains yourself?

As a rule, do it yourself so-called. Classic curtains. These are direct curtains, for sewing which traditional fabrics are used. They are complemented by light curtains. Such curtains will be able to make almost any person.

If desired, they can be supplemented with lambrequins that will close the top of the curtain. You can make such a lambrequen as you wish. The most popular is the direct lambrequen with folds, and one of the most original - the product with an unusual bottom line of Croy. If you do not have experience in this case, it is better to start with the creation of simple compositions, gradually moving to more complex. One of the most important and responsible stages in the independent creation of the curtain is the choice of fabric.

What fabrics do curtains make?

How to make curtains beautifully: step by step instructions

An example of calculating fabric for curtains.

Before you decide to make the curtains with your own hands, you will need to choose a suitable tissue. In most cases, people prefer textiles with different patterns. Among the wide variety of available materials, the greatest preference is given to a combination of saturated dark green and gold shades.

When choosing a cloth color, focus on the overall interior of the decorated room.

If a bright decor will prevail in the room, the curtains should be from a monophonic and not very catching matter. And if your room is decorated in a calm color, there are no catchy drawings on the walls, you can choose a rather bright and spectacular fabric. Curtains from such a material will perfectly complement the room and can even become a major accent. If you are planning to tailoring the curtains at once for all rooms, you can buy a tissue for sewing wholesale and save well.

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Curtains should not be merged with the available room interior, so the choice of fabric should be approached as much as possible. It is better not to use to create silk curtains and satin material, because They are quite complex in work. Prefer in favor of cotton, velvet, brocade, organza, flax, etc. In the process of choosing fabric to create a curtain, it is necessary to determine not only with matter for the main web, but also with a cloth for curtains.

Curtain decoration questions

How to make curtains beautifully: step by step instructions

Table volume table for lambrequin.

Many believe that straight classic curtains look boring and unoriginal. In fact, this is not the case. Even the most ordinary curtains can be changed and improved. For example, it is possible to sew a beautiful decorative braid to the curtain, with which it will be possible to assemble its upper edge. It can be sewn differently, the form of the folding folds will depend on it. Before you choose some elements of the decor, you need to think about the finish, which usually includes various kinds of brushes, ruffles and other items.

For sewing ordinary direct curtains do not need patterns. All you need to do is to measure the window opening. Based on the dimensions of the window, you can accurately calculate how many fabric you will need to purchase. If you use fabric with an ornament, buy it with a margin so that the drawings are symmetrically looked on the window.

Choosing a cloth for sewing curtains, be sure to consider the fact that during operation there will be allowed to fit, so it will be necessary to purchase a few more matter than it was determined during the calculation.

Prepare everything you need for work:

  • fabric for curtains;
  • Clips on which they will hold;
  • sewing machine;
  • eaves and accompanying accessories;
  • centimeter tape;
  • scissors, pins and threads;
  • meter bar;
  • iron.

Step-by-step instructions for sewing beautiful curtains

How to make curtains beautifully: step by step instructions

Pattern for sewing classic curtains.

With superficial review it may seem that in the sewing the curtains there are no difficulties with their own hands. However, performing such work, you need to strictly adhere to technology. Before you begin to sewing the curtains, you will need to know how much fabric it will be needed for this. To do this, take a centimeter tape or roulette and measure the distance between the floor and the cornese and the length of the eaves. If you are going to sew long curtains, add to the distance between the floor and the cornese of 10-15 cm for the link. Pick the width in accordance with personal preferences. If you want the curtains to be draped and have many folds, multiply the measured cornice length by 3. For example, if its length is 2.5 m, then you will need 7.5 m tissues. If you do not like when the curtains have a lot of folds, it will be enough to multiply the length of the eaves to 2.

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Add to the calculated width of about 6 cm per feet. In the event that you need to sew 2 canvas, then in the calculation process, a couple of centimeters should be added to crosslinking them. In the event that the fabric you choose has a large ornament, purchase it with a margin. This will allow you to combine the drawing, and the finished curtain will look like a whole inseparable cloth. To do this, fold individual pieces of matter by the outside to each other and set. Side edges need to be adjusted inward 2 times. At the same time, the first bending should be 10 mm, and the second is 20 mm. Slow on the sewing machine. After that, adjust the bottom edges inward. The first time by 30 mm, the second is 50 mm. Enclose the adjacent edges using an iron, and then step up. The top edge begins inside 30 mm and strokes the iron.

Curtain mounting options.

Print the decorative braid from the wrong side using a pin. You will need to retreat from the upper bend of 10 mm. It is recommended that the braid is at least 50-60 mm wide curtains. Pull the ends of the shoelaces from the wrong side of the braid and tie. Excellence with a curtain braid inward. Similarly, do with another edge, only without binding shoelaces. It will be the outer edge of your

Homemade curtains. Tape to the curtain along the edges of the braid. Sweep the fastened edges of the braid. At the same time, the tips of the shoelaces from the outer edge should not be sewed. After that, you will need to make folds. It is very simple: you just need to pull them with shoelaces and tie. The braid has a loop. They should insert hooks at the desired distance. The larger the number of folds you want to get, the more hooks will need to insert. Classic curtains are ready. Try not to rush and be especially careful when performing a machine line. Any error can lead to the fact that it is necessary to dissolve seams, and on the finished curtain it will be quite noticeable.

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Recommendations for sewing curtains for different rooms

Types of Roman curtains.

Curtains designed to decorate different rooms at home differ from each other. So, the curtains for the living room in most cases are decorated with lambrequins. They can be created in the form of lanes of matter with additional decorations or in the form of drapery. Labreken allows you to hide eaves and other elements. It makes the appearance of the curtains more attractive. With independent sewing curtains for the living room, various pickups and brushes, bows, decorative braids, frills and other elements are very often used.

In most cases, the kitchen is a fairly compact room, the area of ​​which is less than the area of ​​the bedroom and the living room, and the presence of furniture and technology makes it even less. This must be considered when sewing curtains. The best option for the kitchen is curtains that visually expand the room. It is recommended to use not very bright material, without all sorts of volumetric patterns. As a rule, kitchen curtains are made of transparent or translucent material, without a cumbersome decor. Such curtains will make the window, like the kitchen room itself, big and light.

In the bedroom you can hang a variety of curtains. You can make gorgeous curtains in tone walls or furniture. Best for such rooms, materials are suitable for juicy and deep shades, as well as bright calm tones. In the bedroom perfectly look at the flowing long curtains from very dense material. Such curtains will allow, if necessary, hide from sunlight and create a calm and cozy atmosphere in the bedroom.

Thus, you can independently make the curtains on your own, which would be perfectly fit into the design of any room and have become a decent interior decoration. There is nothing complicated in this, you only need to follow the instructions, and everything will turn out. Good job!

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