Than laundering the primer from glass: varieties of compositions and techniques


If during the repair you did not have the opportunity to protect the windows from pollution, you need to find out what means it can be cleaned of a solution. Also, with a similar task face and in the case when the soil solution hit the tile.

Than laundering the primer from glass: varieties of compositions and techniques

Wash the windows from the primer

There are different types of primer, which can be removed by water, but there are also substances for which the purchase of special chemicals is required. It is very problematic to choose such substances, because you need to remove contamination so that it is not possible to harm the finishing material.

How to remove different primers from glass?

Than laundering the primer from glass: varieties of compositions and techniques

Wash the windows of the machine from the primer

  1. Soil under the wallpaper

Very often before glue wallpaper, it is required to handle the surface with glue for wallpaper. This solution is particularly easily deleted if it is "fresh." It can be cleaned by a moistened with a rag, but if it is dried - do not use abrasives. To cut the dried agent, you can moisten the contaminated area and wait a bit until the glue is swollen. Then it can be easily removed with a wet sponge.

  1. Acrylic soil under the paint on a water-free basis

Such material is easy to clean both glass and tiles. To do this, the stain must be mixed and allowed a little bit off, then it will depart from the tile without the use of chemicals. An exception can only be the mass in which there is an admixture of pigments. Then you will need to lose the contaminated area White Spirit. If the primer mass dried too much, wet it with water with high temperature. If the pollution needs to be removed from the tile on the floor, it is better to give preference to boiling water.

  1. Adhesion primer

This is a primer that is used for impregnation of materials. It increases the adhesion of the foundations and subsequent materials for finishing works. If such a stain dried hard, it will be very difficult to delete it. Basically, remove such pollution can only be mechanically. To clean the glass is better stocking blade. In this case, the blade must be kept at an angle of 45 degrees, trying to pick up the edge of the primer. After the strip or flap is removed, the actions are repeated on the second circle. To make it easier for yourself, you can use the organic solvent, which contains esters that accelerate the process of swelling the soil and "kill" its adhesive features.

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Surface cleaning technology from adhesive primer looks like this:

  • wet the rag into the solvent and apply to contamination;
  • Waiting for about 1 hour;
  • Clean the rag;
  • Film with the blade;
  • Wipe the surface of the tile with a soap solution, and then wash out simple water.
  1. Phenolic primer

To soak wood, it is very often used primer from phenol. If such a solution hit a ceramic surface or a glass product, and then more than 15 hours have passed, then a solvent will be required to remove contamination. The solvent was washing to serve xylene, solvent, as well as a combination of White-spirit with solvent in an equal ratio.

If contamination did not have time to dry, remove it with a moisturized foam or a simple rag.

In that situation, you do not know when the soil you do not know, but you have a bit of the most substance, then such a task is enough simply. For this, the solution is applied to the contaminated plot of tiles, they are slightly waiting, and then wipe with a rag or a sponge with abrasiveness. Such actions can help you cope with the task, because in any soil there is always some kind of solvent. But, if a lot of time has passed after contamination (more than 10-14 days), then such a method will not save you. After all, in such a long period of time, the substance is completely polymerized, and a means of a strong action is needed to clean the stain.

Homemade cleaning agents

Than laundering the primer from glass: varieties of compositions and techniques

How to wash the primer from the glass?

If it happened so that the soil was not left at all, and his type is not known to you, the question remains unresolved than laundering the primer? In this case, you will have to try in practice different substances and all kinds of technologies.

As a rule, boiled water is used to remove contaminants from ceramic tiles with small porosity. For this, the stain is watered with boiling water, and after a few minutes wipe the rag.

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Vinegar is used for glass surfaces and acid-resistant tile. It is poured on the undiluted form for the dried ground, after 10-15 minutes, remove with water. Such a cleaning of the surface has to repeat several times.

The soda is suitable for both the glass surface and for the tile. The dried ground is wetted with water, fall asleep soda to the formation of a casual mass. After 5-10 minutes, this mass must be washed using a foam sponge. In this case, the soda will act as a solvent on an alkaline-based and as a mechanical abrasive.

Cleaning Chemicals

Than laundering the primer from glass: varieties of compositions and techniques

Clean and wash the windows

If you could not clear the glass surface from the primer with the primer tools, you need to introduce "heavy artillery" in the face of chemicals.

To purify the glasses, you can take any means, and for the tile it is worth buying a substance based on alkali.

For greater visibility, consider the technical features of the most popular detergent PowerFix.

PropertiesA substance based on phosphoric acid, the impact has a quickly, without damaging the surface. It has a pleasant smell.
StructureOrganic and inorganic acid, non-ionic surfactants (less than 5%), corrosion inhibitors, pigments and flavors.
Area of ​​useFor the purification of water and acid-resistant surfaces, post-country cleaning of floor covering.
Type of substanceLiquid
FeatureInorganic substance

All the above-mentioned "drugs" are highly concentrated and professional, so before using them you need to carefully familiarize yourself with the instructions and to act strictly according to the scheme specified in it.

To remove dried pollutants, use the concentration of the chemical "for deep cleaning", after which it is good to spin the product or water base.

Cleaning from primer with a steam cleaner

Than laundering the primer from glass: varieties of compositions and techniques

We spend the windows from the primer

Basically, a larger number of powder sucks can be cleaned with a steam cleaner. He proven itself well when cleaning the porous structure of the tile, but not suitable for a glass surface. It is also worth being attentive when working with glazed tiles, which is very unpredictable.

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The technology of performing work with a steam cleaner is quite simple and consists in 2 points:

  • Install the steam stream to the contaminated area;
  • Remove the pollution with a rigid coating with a brush.

Before using a steam cleaner, pollution needs to be lubricated with a solvent. In this case, the mechanical cleansing of the surface will be minimized, and the tile will not lose its primary appearance from the assembly friction.

Preventive work

Than laundering the primer from glass: varieties of compositions and techniques

Wash the glass from the primer

We hope that everything will agree with the truth that it is easier to prevent the problem, rather than eliminate it. But, such an expression comes to mind only after spending a few hours to clean the surface.

But, in fact, if we recall that everything can be hidden under the film or old newspapers, then you will not have to spend a lot of time and strength to rip off the dried traces of the soil.

To protect the windows, you can use a shrink film, which is characterized by the minimum thickness, and will not be able to prevent the penetration of the sun rays. It is easy to mount it simply on the frame itself, using greater tape for this, and for the tile, you can choose any substance with a water-repellent feature. Outdoor coating can be hidden only under dense polyethylene, which will be better in top of the way also with dense paper.

Similar simple manipulations will help make repairs quality and fast without additional financial investments.

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