String for curtains - simple ceiling eaves


String for curtains - classic time. So you can characterize string eaves, which again in the trend and interest in which has recently increased significantly and designated them as one of the most practical and functional for curtains.

Minimalism is a style in which string eaves for curtains look harmonious. High-tech style is able to present string curtains unusually relevant and elegant. "The more simpler, the more expensive" is the ideal expression that you can characterize the external image and the practical component of the string curtains.

Designers literally gave the strings to the second life, they stressed their minimalism and made it not a disadvantage (as it was considered during the time of restructuring), and dignity. They were simply reanimated by making the most elegant cornices for curtains.

Curtains are attached to the cornice, which has an unusual view - the view of the string stretched. Huge advantage to be a given type of curtains is so popular in the market of textile goods and accessories, their harmoniousness and compatibility are practically with all kinds of design styles and directions. They can accommodate any interior: from residential premises to loggias and balconies, even niches are not an obstacle to them.

String for curtains is the perfect option when it is necessary to focus on the fabric, emphasize the grace of material, its natural beauty. Strings, holding silk curtains and curtains from organza or taffeta look great.

String for curtains - simple ceiling eaves

Advantages of string karnis

What can simply attract? What makes string cornices popular and popular? A huge number of positive points is the determining factor.

  • Compact design. Minimum occupied place, ease of attachment. Isn't you aiming for this?
  • The string cornice is an imperceptible detail of the interior. All attention will be focused on the "weightless" curtains, which seem to be in the air.
  • Strings for every taste. They can be of any color and any coating. You can choose them in gold or platinum color, copper or silver shades will satisfy all non-standard wishes. A decent appearance is expensive.
  • Universality of the product. Ceiling or wall threads - strings take all options. They function perfectly on any territory.
  • The optimal price category is the strongest trump card. Democratic price, supported by popular use - explicit and indisputable dignity.

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String for curtains - simple ceiling eaves

Main features

String eaves have several features in their structure, each of which carries its functional and semantic load, so it is very important to express accents at the most important points.

  • The string is very thin, but durable steel thread is a fundamental design element. In appearance is identical to the musical string, especially guitar.
  • Fastening cables are ceiling, wall and even in a niche.

The string can be stretched:

  • near the window;
  • between opposite walls (this option will turn the curtains in the screen or partition);
  • At the inclined wall of the attic;
  • Between the walls that are absolutely not parallel to each other.

Low and compact rooms are organically included in the interior string eaves - both ceiling and wall mounted. Ceiling string cornices - perfect option for the window. Change your old eaves to the ceiling string, and you will notice how the new video will update the interior. In addition, ceiling suspensions significantly increase the height of the room.

  • Brackets, holders, calipers - additional design elements, an important piece for fixing the cable.
  • Very diverse distances (the length of the eaves from the string can be very impressive, even five meters for them is not the limit).
  • The number of cables can vary, and in some embodiments, the eaves of three strings are a perfect view. The strings are easy to trimmed with scissors for metal thread, simply cut up with ordinary impositions.


Do not hurry to trim the excess part of the string. It is better not to rush and try to roll the surplus in the form of a ring, which after modestly strengthen the side.

  • Strings are attached with special hooks or clips.
  • The coating can be any - from a modest steel to a luxurious gold, resembling vintage decorations.

String for curtains - simple ceiling eaves

We study the features of operation

String is the undemanding detail of the interior, but not universal. Want to create a perfect image of your interior? Then pay attention to the following recommendations and practical advice, they will definitely help arrange the right accents on elements and accessories.

  1. Only light fabrics are suitable for string curtains. For example, a chiffon curtain in the bedroom, the curtains in the living room, a veil in a nursery or in the bedroom look great on the string. Even Jacquard, but a lightweight version, take string curtains. Are no exception and satin, cotton - any light cloth. In no case do not hang on the strings of heavy teak or tapestry curtains. You will spoil everything: the string will definitely resist in connection with the inability to keep the mass of the textile canvase.
  2. Want classic curtains? It is permitted, but provided that the cables will be stretched into two rows. Only a double cable is capable of keeping enough sweaty curtains. You dream of a lambrene, but do not want to give up the curtain in the form of strings? There is no reason for concern. Three rows of cables - and the question is resolved.
  3. String cornis is suitable for all surfaces. This means that the installation process will not add difficulties and trouble. But, as in each rule, there is an exception. It is impossible to install strings on stretch ceilings, as the mount will contribute to the puncture of the taut fabric and air intake. Ceiling eaves and suspended ceiling - "Hardening mixture". Very time-consuming process - fixing the string on the suspended ceiling. The difficulties consist in the ability of the ceiling to be saved under the weight of the fabric. Sometimes even medium weight fabrics can be critical for all cornice.
  4. The curtains string on the windows of a rectangular form are very advantageous or if the window openings are wide enough.
  5. The manifold of string tension systems. The range of strings is very rich in the types of fastening and tension system. Before buying a string system, read the design features, read the assignment instructions, evaluate the ceiling eaves and learn how to adjust the strength of the string.
  6. Metal string is vulnerable. Like any metal product, they are subject to corrosion. The temperature regime is unstable? In the room is increased humidity? Then the strings must be coated with an anti-corrosion substance.

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The most important thing is the ultrathin cable will not break the visual perception, and the proportions of the room will comply with the standards and rules. The strength of string eaves in their simplicity, due to this they are even able to distract attention from additional elements of the interior, focus on the curtains.

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