How to calculate the champs on the chart: Calculation by the formula


Curtains in the apartment are comfort, warmth, unique situation. For a long time they hung on the windows. For their hanging used harsh thread or fishing line. They were just a piece of fabric. Sometimes striking curtains on the windows. It was a riding perfection in the design of windows and interroom openings. There were those long-standing times. Today, curtains are used for the porter of various designs. The canvas are attached to different ways. Fasters are constantly being improved.

How to calculate the champs on the chart: Calculation by the formula

Dimensions of chalks.

The chammetes today are among the most popular ways to fasten the curtains of various banins. The demand for them is continuously growing. What is it? These plastic or metal products are add-ons to the curtains. Most often, they have a ring shape with a diameter of the inner opening of 1.5-50 mm. They may have the shape of a square, triangle, flower, dolphin. Coloring them can imitate skin or metal, wood of various breeds. Their color is the most diverse.

Curtains of different models determine the choice of color and fastening shapes. Most often use products round shape. Color is selected such that combines the color of the canvas, eaves, furniture. In order for the cloth to move on the eaves freely and did not get stuck, you need to choose rings with an inner diameter greater than the diameter of the carnisy rod by 15 mm.

The advantages of loverrs.

The use of curtains with chamoises has its advantages:
  1. They are moving on any eaves without excess noise.
  2. The folds on the canvas are described symmetrical and beautiful.
  3. Reels save curtains from damage and wireless wires.
  4. They bring additional beauty to the interior.
  5. Wash such products, without removing fasteners.

The number and material of chalks

Metal rings look beautiful, but they scratch the bars of the eaves, noisy, can be stained with rust with washing. Plastic products are deprived of these flaws. They are cheaper than metal.

You can install them on the curtains without the use of a special press.

How to calculate the champs on the chart: Calculation by the formula

Color gamma champs.

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How many mounts need to be installed on each chart? Their number must be even. This rule cannot be broken. With an even number of side edges, any curtains will be directed to the window. With the odd number of edges will look at different directions. It does not look very beautiful. To calculate the number of parts you need to know the width of the curtains. An ideal distance between them is considered to be 18 cm. It is allowed to change it in the range of 15-22 cm. The side rings are installed at 5-7 cm from the edge of the fabric.

Calculate the champs on the speed by the formula: N1 = (L - 2a): 18 + 1. Designations in this formula:

  • N1 - the required number;
  • L - the width of the canvas;
  • A is the distance from the edge of the canvas to the center of the extreme chief challenge.

If the result is an odd number, it needs to be rounded to the nearest even.


  1. Curtain 200 cm wide (L = 200).
  2. Distance (a) = 6 cm.

We substitute this data in the formula: N1 = (200 - 2 x 6): 18 + 1 = 11.4 pcs. The result is rounded up to 12. The result: for a 2 m wide curtains require 12 recordings.

You can use another formula: CL = (W - 2P): P + 1.

Designations in this formula:

  • CL - the number of chalks on the chart.
  • W - Curtain width.
  • P is the distance from the center of the extreme chain to the edge of the curtains.
  • P is the distance between the centers of the holes.

How to calculate the champs on the chart: Calculation by the formula

Challenge challenge challenges.

Example of calculation:

  1. Curtain width (w) = 300 cm.
  2. The distance from the edge to the center of the nearest lover (p) = 7.2 cm.
  3. The distance between the centers of the holes (p) = 20 cm.

We substitute these numbers in the formula and obtain: cl = (300 - 2 x 7.2): 20 + 1 = 15.28 pieces. When rounding, 14 or 16 parts are obtained.

What will be needed to install chalks

The chammets are installed in sewing workshops, but it can be done at home with their own hands. To work you need to cook:
  1. Ready-made curtains.
  2. The lubricant tape of the thermoclacial material.
  3. Threads.
  4. Tape measure.
  5. Pencil or flavored fabric.
  6. Sharp scissors or a special pass.
  7. Iron.

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Brief Installation Instructions:

  1. You need to purchase the required amount of rings.
  2. Place the layout of their location on the canvas.
  3. Cut out with scissors or break holes on the markup.
  4. To impose halves of plastic lover on both sides of the curtains, pressed on them until it clicks.

Fastening champs on fabric

Mount the chalks like this:

  1. It is necessary to strengthen the top of the web. The finished product will then look more beautiful, the champs will not fall as a result of a possible displacement of the fabric, the folds on the fabric will be cleaned more clearly expressed. Strengthen the top of the curtains with a special lover ribbon. It can be replaced with her dublerin. The lubricant tape is made of a thermoclaim material. Its width is 5-12 cm. It is recommended to use ribbons whose width by 2-3 cm exceeds the outer diameter of the champs. Color is usually pick up the color of the curtains itself. Working with Dublerin represents more difficulties, as it needs to be lined.
  2. Marking with a pencil or marker. First, hole centers are measured and designated. Then the ring is superimposed on this place and from the inside will be bored with a pencil. All marking is performed on well-loose fabric lying on a flat surface, which can be a ironing board or table. It should not be any folds and dents.
  3. A hole in the tissue is done with scissors or a special pass.
  4. Both details of the challenges are inserted into the hole and snap. For the installation of metal products, a special press may be needed.

Sew beautiful curtains and equip them with champs without excess costs every woman. The main thing in this matter is to choose correctly necessary materials that correspond to the style and design of the room. It remains to be patient and do everything without a rush and gently. The result will not make yourself wait.

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