What to hang in the kitchen: maybe tape curtains?


The design of the window opening is considered an important component of the interior. For this purpose, we use a lot of tricks and design techniques. Especially important is the design of the kitchen, because the window textiles is a bright interior accent, which will certainly appeal attention. At the same time, the kitchen is not just a place to eat food, but also a corner for warm family communication.

What to hang in the kitchen: maybe tape curtains?

Kitchen - meaningful place in the house

  • Curtains from tapes in the interior
  • Care of curtains from ribbons
  • One of the newest, but already scored the popularity of the kitchen window decorations is considered to decorate with ribbon curtains. What is it, what are they so attractive to consumers and how to choose the curtains to the kitchen?

    Features of ribbon curtains

    Structurally ribbon curtains are a canvas consisting of bonded strips of fabric. Often there are identical intervals between textile strips. Ribbons are cut according to the equity, after which they are processed by special scissors with festony edges.

    What to hang in the kitchen: maybe tape curtains?

    Such curtains are made from any fabrics:

    • transparent;
    • matte;
    • dense or thin;
    • textured or smooth;
    • Natural or synthetic.

    What to hang in the kitchen: maybe tape curtains?

    Natural fabric - good selection

    Artificial ribbons or natural?

    Artificial materials are divided into 2 types:
    • synthetics (polyester, polyamide, polyacryl) - products of petrochemical industries;
    • Cellulosic fibers (triacetate, acetate, viscose).

    For the interior of the kitchen, it is definitely better to use curtains in the form of tapes made of synthetic materials. It is they who provide stability of tapes to the effect of temperature differences, moisture, are easy to care and have an affordable cost.

    Natural fabrics for the manufacture of tape and other types of curtains are vegetable (flax, cotton) or animal (silk, wool) of origin. Such curtains in the kitchen are definitely stylish and beautiful, but completely impractical, because with such fabrics it is problematic to remove stains. In addition, with a constant operation in a room with elevated levels of humidity, they serve agencies for harmful microorganisms (mold and fungi), which, in the case of a kitchen room, is considered completely unacceptable.

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    Advantages of curtains in the form of ribbons

    Ribbon curtains for the kitchen make it easy to adjust the illumination of the room. With visible weightlessness and visual lightness, such curtains reliably protect the tenants from the irreposed looks from the outside, while the stylish decorating the window opening.

    Curtains made of ribbons allow you to penetrate the room with fresh air, which in the case of the kitchen is often considered simply necessary.

    Considering the existing types of curtains, it seems as if the tapes are the least practical, but it is not. The modern textile industry came to the level when there is an opportunity to make and choose a fabric that is not afraid of fat, dust or moisture. This does not mean that such curtains do not need to wash, but it will have to do so much less often that will provide longer operation.

    What to hang in the kitchen: maybe tape curtains?

    Child Nuances

    Choosing tape curtains in the kitchen, pay attention to the following points:

    1. On the south or northern side of the room there is a window (the color range of the canvas depends on this: it is advisable to use curtain shades curtains for the sunny side, and in the room in which there will be a peach, lemon or orange curtains in a room.
    2. For the curtains used in the kitchen, exclusively aesthetic characteristics of the fabric little! They must be practical. It is best to buy curtain ribbons impregnated with special fat-repellent compositions in the factory conditions. This will protect the fabric from premature wear due to frequent washes.
    3. It is very important to choose the curtains, adhering to the combination with the design of the kitchen room. Tape porters are universal, they are suitable in the case of decorating the kitchen in many styles.

    What to hang in the kitchen: maybe tape curtains?

    Curtains from tapes in the interior

    Curtains from ribbons, like a rope or rope curtains, decorate additional accessories: beads, ribbons, beads, bows.

    What to hang in the kitchen: maybe tape curtains?

    Accessories should be chosen with taste

    In order to allow to penetrate into the room to a large number of sunlight, tapes are tied up with pickups and attach to holders mounted in the wall.

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    If it allows the design of the room, the tapes can be made multicolored (in the form of a rainbow) or contrast strips. Also it is also attractive, a combination of companion tissues: made in a single style, but containing different elements of the decor. In this case, althoton stripes alternate with tissue stripes of the same shade, supplemented with a stylistic pattern.

    It is better that the curtain ribbons are double-sided, and the fabric equally attractively looked from the inside of the room and from the street.

    What to hang in the kitchen: maybe tape curtains?

    Care of curtains from ribbons

    Ribbon textile is very convenient in operation and care. The curtains do not require ironing, which are very loved by hostesses, and timely attention and care, not only protect fabric from pollution, but even extends the service life.

    Tapes for caring for tape curtains:

    • Before washing the ribbon curtains, it is necessary to carefully study the product care instructions (independent wash is possible only if it is permitted by the manufacturer!);

      What to hang in the kitchen: maybe tape curtains?

    • You can not allow the joint washing of synthetic and natural tapes, because Fibers, intertwining, rub and cling to each other, losing elasticity and softness;
    • If the curtains are erased in a washing machine, it is advisable to fill it out by no more than 50%, which will ensure gentle mode and efficient rinse;
    • If there are clear contaminants on the tissue, they should be processed before washing, focusing on tips on removing stains;
    • Curtains in the form of ribbons are better not to press in a washing machine, because Then they are difficult to smooth them.

    What to hang in the kitchen: maybe tape curtains?

    If manual wash is assumed, the curtains are soaked for 40 minutes in warm soapy water, then carefully erase and remove the foam directional water. They give drain and in semi-drying is hanging on a cornice for self alignment.

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    The flowing and quenching even from the lightweight breeze curtains from the tapes attract attention and create comfort, so necessary in the kitchen.

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