Mistress note: how to tie curtains into the kitchen with your own hands


Each of us seeks to turn your home into a quiet, calm and cozy shelter, where you can hide from troubles and wait for the storms of storms and the waterways of passion.

Mistress note: how to tie curtains into the kitchen with your own hands

Original knitted curtains for the kitchen

  • Knitted lambrequen
  • Therefore, decorating your home, we often strive to create decorative interior items with our own hands, passing them to the part of our heat and positive emotions. And knitted things are able to create a homely and warm atmosphere in the coldest and gray room.

    Knitted curtains in the kitchen interior

    Original, touching and cute looks for kitchen curtains, knitting or crocheted. This is not only a manifestation of a creative start, giving a room of an individual character, it is also the creation of an original, not having analogue of a decorative object for the kitchen.

    Mistress note: how to tie curtains into the kitchen with your own hands

    Bright knitted curtains will create an atmosphere of a holiday, filling the room with freshness, light. Products are suitable for both interiors made in the classic style and for touching and romantic design: in Eco-style, Provence and Country.

    It is important to choose the ornament and size of the canvas. For example, knitted curtains for small cuisine must be a small size - the open surface of the window and the penetrating light will visually increase the space. As a rule, the openwork knitted curtains along the length rarely "descends" below the windowsill, often these are short curtains covering the lower half of the window. Supplement the decoration of the crochet-crocheted lambrequin, performed in the same style, identical or contrasting in a color solution.

    To create a rustic style, a nonsense patterns with vegetable or animals motifs are suitable, cute pictures of rural life. The palette is muted shades of blue, lilac, olive color and any options for white paint.

    Mistress note: how to tie curtains into the kitchen with your own hands

    For the classics, more magnificent and frustration is characterized. Therefore, knitting curtain hook for the hall, for example, will require large, rich patterns with alternating geometric shapes or large colors, leaves, butterflies, etc.

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    Curtains may differ on execution technique:

    • Crochet.
    • Spokes.
    • Macrame.

    Attention! When working on full-size products (from floor to ceiling) Take care of the reliable mount. Knitted curtains, especially the knitting needles, it turns out quite hard.

    Mistress note: how to tie curtains into the kitchen with your own hands

    If you are not sure of your own strength, and this is your first knitting curtains, start with decoration of finished products - make a border or garter for the curtain. You will immediately see as with the appearance of these minor trifles created by your own hands, the entire room will be transformed, as if absorbing your care and love for a family hearth.

    And be sure, the first successful attempts will inspire you to create new, larger masterpieces. Let it first be a crochet knitting with diagrams, with detailed instructions and processes descriptions. But soon you are lean and you can create and implement your own masterpieces.

    Making a curtain

    Before tie the curtains with crochet or knitting needles, decide on the equipment, pick up the yarn and "tool". The thread number must match the thickness of the spoke or hook. Parameters are in direct proportional dependency: for a dense thread, choose a hook or needles thoroughly and vice versa.

    Mistress note: how to tie curtains into the kitchen with your own hands

    From the type of yarn selected, the selection of the material tool material is dependent:

    • Woolen yarn knives plastic crochet.
    • Lyon and cotton "prefer" metal guns.

    Crocheted curtains with schemes must match the size with the parameters specified in the instructions. Therefore, before starting work, tie a "test" piece of cloth with a size of 10 by 10 cm. Fold and swing it. According to the resulting pattern, it is easy to determine the size of the future product and, if necessary, adjust the knitting density.

    The temperature regime and the washing method of the finished knitted product should be based on the care guidelines indicated on the label of the yarn manufacturer.

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    Mistress note: how to tie curtains into the kitchen with your own hands

    Curtain knitted curtains with diagrams, with a detailed description of the work, can be found on the Internet or specialized print publications. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the most popular and common techniques: Brugge and Filey Knitting Curtains and Curtains.

    File technique

    This is a crochet technique. Its peculiarity lies in alternating openwork (empty) and dense (filled with viscous) cells on the canvas, made in the form of a grid. The filled cells form a variety of patterns or patterns, and the emerging game of dense and translucent sites looks particularly effectively against the background of the window-littered window opening.

    Mistress note: how to tie curtains into the kitchen with your own hands

    Crocheted model

    The fillet knitting curtains will not be an insurmountable difficulty even for beginner needlewomen. The formation of the selected pattern and the surrounding air grid is created by alternating only 2 main loops: air and columns with one or more nakid. Deciphering the scheme of patterns of products performed in the fillet technique is simple:

    • Empty, unclean cell - air loop.
    • Color-filled - filled pattern of the pattern, tie the column with an attachment.

    The fillet knitting curtain is performed by one web or the product is collected from several elements. In this case, you will not need ready-made schemes, you can assemble any composition or even a picture, guided by your own taste and preferences.

    Mistress note: how to tie curtains into the kitchen with your own hands

    Crochet-related curtains are created from natural yarn (cotton or flax), with the addition of viscose. Such mixtures of the thread are practical in care: they mandate less, they smooth well. Filey curtains with a crochet with the addition of artificial fibers are remarkably kept specified when creating a form, not deformed when washing.

    Technique Brugge.

    Mistress note: how to tie curtains into the kitchen with your own hands

    The basis of the Bruges Lace is a braid in the form of a strip, which, adding to your desire, forms fancy patterns. The braid may be dense or openwork.

    Conditionally knitting braids is divided into 2 parts:

    1. Points with Nakida, located in each next row vertically over each other.
    2. Side connecting chains in the form of arches or triangles associated from air loops.

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    Mistress note: how to tie curtains into the kitchen with your own hands

    Spinning, the braid forms a variety of figures and images. To impart lightness and openwork, the product can serve as a mesh made of air loops. Large ornaments can be "diluted" with small elements when connecting side chains. Combinations of patterns and motifs are countless, so follow the finished scheme or give the will of fantasy - to solve you.

    Knitted lambrequen

    This textile design element of the window opening is the logical conclusion of the stylistic solution. Knitted lambrequen is harmoniously combined with braided curtains, and with curtains and curtains made of traditional materials: Tulle, organza, cotton, flax, etc. When combining various materials, an interesting design welcome will be the beat of the tissue texture, color combination:

    Mistress note: how to tie curtains into the kitchen with your own hands

    • On dense one-photon curtains from natural fabrics, weightless lambrequin plated originally. It will resemble a weightless cob, through which the main fabric of the curtains is shifted.
    • Or, on the contrary, knocked out of thick threads, bright lambrequin will give a naughty and touching view of the boring white curtain.

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    You can link the lambrequen with crochet or spokes in several options. Changing the top knitted models, you add completely new color or stylistic accents and mood of the same curtain.

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