Chipboard, fiberboard, MDF: how to choose a kitchen material


The kitchen is a place of high humidity, frequent temperature differences, a high degree of contamination, so kitchen furniture should have a number of distinctive features compared to other furniture in the house. So that she served for many years and did not lose the initial species, it is important to choose the correct material from which it will be made.

Chipboard, fiberboard, MDF: how to choose a kitchen material

The furniture headset must withstand constant contact with water and pairs, regular washing, impact of chemistry and other adverse factors. It is worth considering the main options for materials present in the market, which may well withstand all factors and determine which one is better and more relevant.


Chipboard is deciphered as a chipboard. It is manufactured by pressing chips, sawdust and other small wood waste, pre-impregnated with a resin, to fasten together. For kitchen furniture, manufacturers use a special moisture resistant material, marked "B". It differs from the usual in that during pressing to the resin, paraffin or its emulsion is added, as a result, the material acquires resistance to moisture.

Chipboard, fiberboard, MDF: how to choose a kitchen material

The advantages of the material:

  • moisture resistance;
  • strength;
  • glued, it is painted and twisted, so all the details are easy to assemble into a single design;
  • fire resistance;
  • heat and sound insulation;
  • budget price.

The disadvantage of the material can be called that it highlights Formaldehyde Human Health. And since the person in the kitchen spends a long time, and the cooking process passes in such conditions, the material should be used carefully and in minimal quantities.

Chipboard, fiberboard, MDF: how to choose a kitchen material

Note! Manufacturers produce two types of chipboard - e1 and e2. The first is more environmentally friendly, therefore it is used for the manufacture of furniture in residential premises.

The material is very loose and work with it is quite difficult, especially without special equipment and experience.

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Chipboard, fiberboard, MDF: how to choose a kitchen material


The panels are made of wood waste - chips, sawdust. For gluing, the paraffin and lignin add to them, so they are more environmentally friendly, compared to the chipboard, due to the absence of formaldehydes. In addition, MDF is stronger and more resistant to fire, moisture.

Chipboard, fiberboard, MDF: how to choose a kitchen material

Advantages of MDF:

  • environmental friendliness;
  • moisture resistance;
  • withstands temperature differences and mechanical effects;
  • long service life;
  • Handling is easy and you can give the desired form;
  • Single and smooth surface, so it is easy to react.

MDF may well compile a competing with a natural tree, and it is cheaper at times.

Chipboard, fiberboard, MDF: how to choose a kitchen material

The lack of material is that in domestic markets there are exclusively foreign manufacturers, which produce MDF, therefore the cost of material is overestimated.

Chipboard, fiberboard, MDF: how to choose a kitchen material


According to the method of production, the material is similar to MDF, the difference is that the DVP is pressed by a wet way. This process is cheaper, therefore the value of the material is significantly lower. This method of production does not allow to make a thick stove. Fiberboard is used to finish the rear walls of the cabinets, if they are moved to the wall or as the basis in the boxes.

One side of the material is covered with laminated film, and the other remains not touched.

Chipboard, fiberboard, MDF: how to choose a kitchen material

Fiberboard for the manufacture of furniture is not intended, only as an additional material.

As a result, we can conclude that MDF is safer for health, stronger and presented in a wide range. But its value is an order of magnitude higher . Therefore, if you wish to make or order kitchen furniture, which will last for many years, it is better to overpay and choose MDF. This overpayment will be more profitable and will pay off over the years, and the appearance of the furniture will delight for many years.

Chipboard, fiberboard, MDF: how to choose a kitchen material

What kind of kitchen it is better to choose MDF or MDF (1 video)

All illustrations of this article (9 photos)

Chipboard, fiberboard, MDF: how to choose a kitchen material

Chipboard, fiberboard, MDF: how to choose a kitchen material

Chipboard, fiberboard, MDF: how to choose a kitchen material

Chipboard, fiberboard, MDF: how to choose a kitchen material

Chipboard, fiberboard, MDF: how to choose a kitchen material

Chipboard, fiberboard, MDF: how to choose a kitchen material

Chipboard, fiberboard, MDF: how to choose a kitchen material

Chipboard, fiberboard, MDF: how to choose a kitchen material

Chipboard, fiberboard, MDF: how to choose a kitchen material

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