Overhaul procedure


Overhaul procedure

Overhaul of the apartment can be of different complexity. Sometimes it is enough to dismantle the old finish and fresh repair, and sometimes, in addition to old finishing materials, it is also necessary to dismantle overlaps and old communication systems.

The last case is usually relevant if the apartment, the owner of which you are, is located in the house of the old building.

House of Soviet times, often have a not too convenient layout. In addition, over time, all communications systems wear out and require replacement.

In such homes for communications, materials that can no longer meet modern operational requirements were used. Despite the fact that they conducted communications with the calculation "on the century", today they are increasingly demanding a replacement.

The order of overhaul includes several certain stages following each other. Change the stages in places you will not work, since this order has long been determined.

Depending on the complexity of the repair tasks, you can include additional work or exclude some of them. Follow our recommendations to carry out overhaul or redevelopment of the apartment without problems.

Stages of overhaul of the apartment

Overhaul procedure

So, all the work on overhaul can be divided into several large blocks. Remember that overhaul - the work is sufficiently dirty and time-consuming, therefore, take patience to make it.

Overhaul steps:

  • Disassembling the old finish and elements of window and door structures.
  • Disassembly of communication lines.
  • Dismantling, if necessary, partitions.
  • Laying new communications and fresh flat decoration.

Dismantling works

Overhaul procedure

Consider in order each of the listed steps. Dismantling of the old finish is perhaps the most dirty work. Not only wallpapers are removed, but also the old layer of plaster, putty, elements of wooden finishes (plinths).

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If you are planning to replace windows, window shoals and window sills are also dismantled. The same should be done with old door jambs of interroom doors.

All the garbage, which is formed at the same time it is better to immediately assemble and take out. It is advisable to order garbage collection by specialists.

When the whole construction garbage outside the apartment, you can proceed to the following operations. Here you need to dismantle the old links.

Disassembling communications when conducting overhaul

Overhaul procedure

Do not regret the old wiring, and remove the entire entire. It not only spoils the whole picture of fresh repairs, but also can cause a fire in the house.

If you are also planning to replace heating batteries, together with radiators, remove old rusty pipes - they can flow over time and spoil fresh repairs.

It will be more difficult to remove old communications from the bathroom and the bathroom.

In Soviet times, it was customary not only to install the toilet on the bolts, but also pour over cement mortar. Approximately also entered when installing the sewer pipe.

Here it is necessary to gently dismantle the pipes using chisel and grinder. Old Communications You will no longer be useful and they should also be taken to the landfill.


Overhaul procedure

When all the stages on dismantling are completed, you can start the finish again. The main types of finishing works in the house are made after laying new communications, stripping and preparation of wall surfaces, ceiling and gender.

It is better to replace the concrete tie of the floor so that fresh finish served longer. In addition, you need to re-align the walls using one of the modern ways for this.

Ceiling, if it has cracks or irregularities, you should re-slip. For fresh repairs, it is best to use only modern finishing materials, and not those that were in the go of a dozen years ago.

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New lines of communications, in particular, electricity, better entrust to launch specialists.

The optimal selection of materials, switches, sockets, as well as the wires of the wire lines will best make a professional electrician, not an amateur.

Decorative repair is carried out only after laying the main communications, the installation of plumbing, new windows and doors.

Decorative finish is perhaps the easiest and most challenge stage of overhaul.

The selection of finishing materials depends on what design project you have chosen to play in your apartment.

On our construction forum you will find a lot of information on the holding of economical and modern repairs of the apartment. If you have questions, ask them to our specialists.

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