How to make a floor screed with your own hands in a private house


How to make a floor screed with your own hands in a private house

The arrangement of an even concrete screed requires such modern systems of premises, like warm floors. At first glance, the fill and the alignment of the concrete is no difficulty.

However, at closer examination, this work has many nuances, only strictly observing which you can get a high-quality black screed that can serve not one decade. The technology of fillings of a cement tie of the floor in a private house also has its own features.

Purpose of concrete tie

How to make a floor screed with your own hands in a private house

Cement black screed performs in the structure of floors a number of different functions.

Depending on the type of floor coatings, the main role is attached to this or another property of concrete fill.

Consider what a role can play a rough concrete layer in the arrangement of floors in a private house.

Surface leveling

How to make a floor screed with your own hands in a private house

Screed will save from problems with fights and depressions

The main purpose of the cement screed is the creation of a smooth and durable surface of the base.

Laying of any modern floor covering is not possible on an uneven surface, covered by grumps and depressions.

The smooth bottom layer in one case makes it possible to save on expensive adhesive compositions for the finishing coating, allowing you to make their layer thinner.

In other cases, without a smooth foundation, it is impossible to obtain an ideally smooth surface of the decorative floor.

Creating a solid foundation

How to make a floor screed with your own hands in a private house

Black floors, due to the special strength characteristics of concrete solutions, play the role of the ground that makes up the severity of furniture and household appliances. From how strong the rough concrete fill is fully dependent on the strength of the floors in the house.

The elements of the finishing finish laid on a solid monolithic base will not shift relative to each other, to deform and crack.

When installing in its house, such progressive heating systems, such as water or cable and cable floors, it is also impossible to do without concrete fill.

In this case, it performs two functions at once - protective and heat transfer.

Protective functions

How to make a floor screed with your own hands in a private house

Concrete will protect the warm floors from deformation and mechanical exposure

Heating elements of floor heating systems are quite vulnerable to physical exposure. Under the external load, plastic pipes for which the coolant flows can be deformed and frightened.

As a result of the heated water or antifreeze, it will be difficult or generally stopped. This can occur if the flooring is covered right on top of the heating elements.

Heating electrical cables with the same, open, laying method may be accidentally interrupted or their insulating strip will be damaged.

In order to avoid such trouble, the heating elements of warm floors not only fit onto a concrete screed, but also poured with a screed. Under such shell, they are no longer afraid of any external influences.

Heat transfer

How to make a floor screed with your own hands in a private house

Such a base is well conducted heat

Pouring the heating elements by concrete solution allows you to significantly improve the efficiency of warm floors.

The fact is that the coefficient of heat transfer concrete is much higher than other materials.

Thanks to this, thermal energy passes through the screed with minimal losses, and smaller energy costs are required to heat the room to a comfortable temperature.

Preparatory work

How to make a floor screed with your own hands in a private house

On concrete floors need to close cracks, remove trash

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Before making the tie of the floor with their own hands in a private house, a number of preparatory work should be made.

Their character will fully depend on the design of the house and on what carrier grounds it is planned to be pouring.

In a residential building of an individual building, it can be:

  1. Ground surfaces. This option is possible if the design of the house does not provide for the presence of a basement or basement. In this case, as a base for concrete fill, the surface of the soil is directly.
  2. Concrete floors. The most common type of base for screed. In a private house, concrete floors are mounted from the plates or is poured by a monolithic method with a support for the walls of a concrete foundation. At the same time, the walls of the house can be made of the most different material - bricks, wood, aerated concrete, etc.
  3. Wooden floors. Despite the controversial opinions, the device of a concrete screed over wooden floors is quite possible. For this, it is only necessary to prepare wooden structures in full compliance with the construction regulations.

Only observing all the recommendations of SNiPs concerning the fill of cement screeds, you can get a high-quality surface suitable for further use.

Consider the procedure for conducting preparatory work in each specific of the listed cases.

Preparation of the soil base

How to make a floor screed with your own hands in a private house

The ground base is freed from garbage and turf until sandy pillows

First of all, it will be necessary to free the entire area of ​​the future floor from any organic. At the same time, under the word "organizing" means not only shrubs and grass, but also a layer of superficial black soil.

It should be carefully removed up to the appearance of underlying mineral breeds - sand, clay, soglinka, etc.

How to make a floor screed with your own hands in a private house

The fact is that the organic substances are engaged in the course of the time, decreasing in size, therefore, the bay solution on the organic soil layer, we risk a dozen years to get an emptiness under the floors. What it can lead to, it is clear to anyone: cracking the monolithic base, and in the worst case its sagging and sediment in the formation of emptiness.

After removal of the layer, the leveling of the platform produces. For these purposes, it is possible to use a ground base by moving the ground with higher sections to lower.

Funny areas after completion of work must be carefully tamped. To achieve a better effect, it is possible to shed a bulk part of the base with plenty of water to the complete cessation of the soil.

How to make a floor screed with your own hands in a private house

The layer of sand-gravel pillows must be 5 - 15 cm

If there is no good faith to approach the compaction of the bulk soil, it can be asked under the pressure of a concrete solution.

As a result, instead of the perfectly smooth surface of the draft floor, you risk getting a significant bias on one of the sides.

After the soil surface is aligned to an acceptable state, produce a sand-gravel pillow with a thickness of 5-15 cm with a thickness of 5-15 cm. It is needed to improve the hitch of the solution with the soil, as well as in the form of a peculiar shock absorber during the seasonal roasting of the soil. This is especially true for bunched and water-saturated soils.

Preparation of concrete floors

How to make a floor screed with your own hands in a private house

The least troublesome version of the pouring screed for a private house, if we take into calculation that all construction standards have already been observed when installing the slabs.

In this case, you will have only to inspect all the joints of the plates and, if necessary, close the cracks with plates or silicone sealant.

If concrete floors are mounted under the horizontal bias, align similar defects just have to be screed.

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Preparation of wooden floors to the pouring screed

How to make a floor screed with your own hands in a private house

Check out the wooden structure for strength, it must withstand the weight of a concrete tie

The most time will be the work on the preparation of wooden floors to the fill of the cement screed. Wooden base is the most common in individual residential building.

In essence, wooden floors are not intended to flood concrete layer over them. This is connected with very limited carriages of the tree, and with a much smaller service life of wood compared to concrete, but sometimes there are cases when you have to make exceptions and equip the cement screed over wooden flooring.

First of all, you will have to carry out a complete revision of wooden structures for the detection of rot or fungi. All structures affected by fungus must be removed, and the surface of the remaining wooden elements is processed by antiseptic compositions. Read more about the screed on the wooden floor, see this video:

It will be nice to treat wood with a solution against insect-tree-bullies.

How to make a floor screed with your own hands in a private house

After the audit, the wooden structure should be reinforced as much as possible. If there are doubts about its supporting ability, it is necessary to strengthen the base with additional carrier pillars.

The fact is that a concrete screed with a thickness of 5 cm has a mass of up to 200 kg per sq.m., which will create an impressive pressure on the entire design of the overlaps.

Lags under the boardwalk must be laid in a step of no more than 0.5 m. The boards themselves should be a thickness of at least 5 cm, and it is desirable to make them from the most durable trees, such as larch.

Waterproofing device

How to make a floor screed with your own hands in a private house

Rolled waterproofing impose a mustache

Next, over the base, waterproofing should be arranged. It is necessary to prevent the leakage of the smallest moisture particles from the basement through the pores in the concrete.

Accumulating under the flooring, dampness provokes the development of mold and rot.

For the creation of a water-repellent layer, two main types of materials can be used - coating and calene (rolled) waterproofing.

How to make a floor screed with your own hands in a private house

Bituminous isolation well protects wood from moisture

The first species is the liquid compositions that are applied using brushes or rollers. They are created on the basis of bitumen or polymers, and the principle of their work is to fill all the smallest cracks, which covers the access of dampness into the room.

The inlet insulation is produced in the form of rolls, which are rolled along the surface of the base and are attached to it by means of adhesive mastic.

Each sheet of rolled waterproofing is superimposed on each other with at least 5 - 10 cm, and the joint is thoroughly labeled with adhesive solution. If necessary, 2-3 layers of waterproofing can be displayed.


How to make a floor screed with your own hands in a private house

Screed with reinforcement will be much stronger

The next stage of work is to create a reinforcing frame. Reinforcement allows you to significantly increase the strength of the concrete fill, prevent its cracking during operation.

At home, Armokarkas can be made with your own hands. To do this, you will need steel or fiberglass reinforcement with a diameter of 6 - 10 mm, knitting wire or fastening clamps and Bulgarian. Cut the reinforcement on the segments of the desired length, which fasten the wire crosswise. As a result, we obtain the lattice with the size of the cells about 5 cm.

Under the framework should be put on any lining so that the grid did not lie on the surface of the base, and was raised above it at least 10 - 20 mm.

Preparation of a mixture for roughing

Next, proceed directly to the pouring of draft floors. The composition for them can be prepared with your own hands, or purchase a ready-made mixture in a construction store.

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Different solution

How to make a floor screed with your own hands in a private house

Adding plasticizers will make a mixture softer

This option, despite its archaic, is still quite popular because of its economy.

To make a solution for filling a screed, you will need the following components:

  1. Portland cement brand is not lower than M-400.
  2. Large sand or small gravel.
  3. Water.

How to make a floor screed with your own hands in a private house

If desired, additive plasticizers that make concrete and fluential and fluent in the solution can be added to the solution.

This will greatly simplify it alignment and will allow you to perform work with less strength and time.

When applying a screed in a private house on top of wooden floors as a filler, it is recommended to use perlite or clamzite, which will reduce the density and mass of the solution.

To get the most high-quality concrete, you should follow the proportions recommended by building standards.

The table shows the proportions of components for the preparation of certain types of cement solutions.

How to make a floor screed with your own hands in a private house

Ready mixes

How to make a floor screed with your own hands in a private house

In dry mixtures, the components are chosen in the exact dosage

Today in the construction supermarkets there is a huge range of dry mixes intended for pouring draft floors.

Dry mixes, due to the exactly selected dosage of components, are distinguished by the high quality of the resulting solution.

Another one plus is easy to use. To prepare a ready-to-use solution, it is enough to dissolve a mixture with water in the proportions indicated on the package. The only drawback of finished mixtures is their high cost.

So the draft floors, filled with the use of dry mixtures, will cost you 2-3 times more expensive than their own preparations poured concrete.

Pouring tie.

How to make a floor screed with your own hands in a private house

Lighthouses can be made of metal profile

After all preparatory works are taken for filling the solution. First of all, exhibit horizontal landmarks - "beacons". It is possible to make them from a smooth wooden rail, bar or metal profile.

We have their parallel rows over the entire area of ​​future fill. The distance between them should not exceed 1 m for a more accurate alignment of the concrete layer.

In the place where you have an underground, install the limiter formwork in the size of the future hatch.

How to make a floor screed with your own hands in a private house

Alignment of beacons across the horizon is made by means of a laser, hydraulic or construction level. Start the installation follows from the highest point of the base.

As a result, we turned out rectangular compartments formed by parallel laid beacons. We begin to fill them with a prepared cement mortar, aligning it with the help of a large rule. Pouring for greater convenience of work should be started from the far corner in relation to the door.

If the thickness of the leveling layer exceeds 50 mm, then it is recommended to pour it in two receptions. First, the first layer is poured, and after it is enough to dry, the second layer. By this, you will avoid the danger of cracking over the thick layer of the fill when drying it.

Also, the drying screed is not soaked, it should be closed with a polyethylene film, which prevents too intensive evaporation of water. Read more about the fill of the screeds for beacons, see this video:

How to make a floor screed with your own hands in a private house

With hot weather, with the same purpose, we need to water the surface of the concrete with water every 2 days. The deadline for drying the concrete fill depends on its thickness, the initial consistency and the level of humidity in the room.

Usually this process is from 3 days before the week. The complete hardness of Concrete is gaining only 4 weeks after the fill, therefore further work on the arrangement of flooring is recommended not earlier than in a month.

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