Brony installation height


In creating a comfortable environment, lighting plays a very large role. Wall lamps are used to create soft muted lights. But what height hang the sconce to be comfortable, beautiful and safe? This will be discussed further.

Saw in the bedroom

Most often wall lamps - hang in the bedroom above the bed. They make it possible to organize soft light, read when normal lighting and turn off it without getting out of bed. Standard height for placing the score over the back of bed - 1.20 m - 1.6 m. Raised big, that is, the reasons.

Brony installation height

What height hang wall lamps over the bed? So that they are at a distance of 120-160 cm from the floor

To understand exactly what height hang scaves over the bed, you must take into account several factors:

  • Bed backrest height. The lighting device is desirable to hang above the backs of 20-30 cm. You can and less and more - see circumstances and other criteria. But there are models of beds with high backs. So high that they overlap even the maximum height from the floor - 160 cm. In this case, there are two exits. The first is to hang them above the edge of the back, but most likely the models "with laces" will be required so that you can turn on / off without lifting. The second is to install the sconce on the back of the bed. This is also possible and can even be more convenient.
  • Height. When choosing the height of the installation of Brake above the bed, you can be guided by the growth of a person - it is necessary to hang it in such a way that you can easily reach the switch lying in bed.
  • Type of lamp. If the ceiling and the light stream is directed up, you will have to install the lamp slightly lower on the wall, if the light is directed, you can set higher. But at the same time, do not forget that before the switch, it is necessary to reach without getting up. Eliminates the task of having a hanging lace or chain that activates switch.

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If there is a dressing table in the bedroom, then local lighting will not hurt here. In this case, hanging the sconium is at the level of the upper third of the mirror. Then standing and sitting lighting will be normal. Or, as an option, set several sconces with round lampshades on each side (on the photo on the left).

Brony installation height

You can install many lamps near the dressing table or two sheds at the top third of the mirror

And the latter that it is necessary to take into account (not in importance) is the appearance of the room and how all the planned sources of light will fit into the situation. After all, correctly selected lighting can emphasize the merits of the room and hide the shortcomings.

Which is placed in the children's height

In the children's room, there are usually bras and hang over the bed. In many cases it is a night light. If the child is small, the criteria for determining the height of others. First of all, it is necessary to take care that the child will not be able to get the lamp. Therefore, it is necessary to hang the sconce over the baby cot at an altitude, which is 15-20 cm exceeds the growth of your child, taking into account the elongated hand and what he became on the socks.

Brony installation height

What height should hang out in the nursery depends on the age of the child

If the child is older, it is necessary to find such a position of the sconce so that during the games the lamp is not treated. This is usually a headboard bed. What kind of height hang out in this case? Somewhere 60-80 cm above the mattress level. Here again it is advisable to make it so that you can stay to stretch your hand and turn on / off the lamp.

Location in the living room

In the living rooms, there are hanging in the living room to highlight the recreation area by creating its own cozy corner. Most often, wall lamps are placed above the sofa and / or chair.

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Brony installation height

Above the sofa or armchair height scraps is determined experimentally - stretching the hand

At what height should be shed in this case, more depends on the height of the seat placement. It is easier to determine practically. Sit in a chair or on a sofa, pull out your hand up. Around the altitude where the palm is located and it is worth hanging the lamp. With this location it will be convenient to read and use, although it is no longer so important to reach sitting, because it is quite possible to get up.

Consider one point: if the chairs and sofa are near, and the sconce hang over them, it is desirable to hang them at one height. It looks more harmonious.

Sconce in the corridor and on the stairs

How high and at what distance from each other hang the sconce in the corridor depends on what function they are performed. If it is the backlight of the mirror, it is worth placing them slightly above the upper edge. If the lamps are located on the walls, the optimal height is 180-190 cm. It is if not in the family of those who have a height of 2 meters and above. In this case, it is necessary to lift so that the plaffones are at least at the level of the head, but not shoulders.

Brony installation height

On the wall in the hallway, the sconce is usually hanging at a distance of 180-190 cm from the floor

Often in the corridor or hallway, the bras hang like backlight for paintings. In this case, these wall lamps for highlighting the paintings and hang over the frames are slightly higher. On average, this is obtained at an altitude of 220-230 cm, but it strongly depends on the height of the ceilings.

If the house has a staircase on the second floor, it is also often illuminated by the wall lamps. They must be positioned so that the illumination is sufficient, but at the same time they did not interfere with movement. If the ceiling height allows, they must be higher than the head level, if not, then at least above the shoulders level.

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Brony installation height

Choons selection on the stairs

The number of fixtures are chosen so that all steps are well lit. To at night, the light is not too bright, when planning wiring, you can connect the sconce to two switches - through one. So that the lights were enough, but he was not too bright.

In the kitchen

Even the most small cuisine is trying to divide into two zones - the dining room and the cooking zone. To emphasize this dressing can be covered and one of the ways - to hang a couple of wall lamps next to the dining table. They are known to create a more privatant atmosphere.

Brony installation height

Installation height of wall lamps in the kitchen over the dining table

Heaven elevation in this case - 70-80 cm above the table top. This is optimal, but again it is necessary to watch in circumstances and interior.

In the bathroom

Wall lamps in the bathroom are installed to illuminate the mirror. There are several options for location - above the mirror and from the sides. In the first case, the height of the installation is determined by how the mirror is hanged, in the second - the number of lamps.

Brony installation height

At what height hang on the Bathroom

If there are two lamps - they can be installed, ranging from the middle of the mirror and above. Depends on the level on which the mirror is hanging. You can navigate on growth - in this case it is better if the lamps will be approximately at the level of the eye, and so that they do not blind, they put matte plaffones.

There is another option - several small plafimons - three to five pieces on each side. With this location, they are placed evenly in the height of the mirror.

Here, perhaps, everyone, talked about all the options for the installation of the sconce. Repeat again that all named numbers are recommendatory and you can adjust them to any side. The main thing is to ensure security and convenience, but also do not forget about the design.

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