Tips for designers at the choice of curtains on the chapers for the kitchen


Practical models of curtains on the chamoos are appropriate in any room and, accordingly, in the kitchen. Since the room is functional, simplicity in opening-closing, is suitable as it is impossible for the way - the rings are freely moved, without clinging. Nevertheless, the utilitarian purpose of the kitchen, does not become prerequisites for rigor or asceticism - the room is necessary and it is important to decorate, and the lubricant curtains are attractive to unusually. Than to be guided when choosing is described below.

Tips for designers at the choice of curtains on the chapers for the kitchen

Original curtains on the chalivers

  • Features of the curtains on the champs of manually
  • Types of luphertov

    To properly choose curtains on the chamoches in the kitchen, it is important to decide on the rings. They are somewhat and classified by the following types:

    Tips for designers at the choice of curtains on the chapers for the kitchen

    1. In size - large and small. From how much increased the inner diameter of the lover, chosen the cornice - thick pipes, made of various materials, less than the ring section for 2-3 cm, only standard openings will be emphasized. Narrow and small windows are decorated with appropriate.
    2. By material manufacturing material - plastic, metal. The first withstand light fabrics - tulle, silk, satin. The second - decorate dense materials. If you pick up, on the contrary, the porter will stretch under the weight and reveal the sections of the fabric subsequently scattered.

      Tips for designers at the choice of curtains on the chapers for the kitchen

    3. In color. Rings curtains are represented by a rich palette if only is performed from PVC. Contrast with tone tissue is chosen only if they make up an ensemble with a cornice. Metal, as a rule, are made in a chromed version, gilded or matte. To them and the corresponding fabric is heavy, natural, monophonic.

    Tips for designers at the choice of curtains on the chapers for the kitchen

    Separately, it should be said about the eaves. They are standard - with one or two rods, with mount on the wall, or ceiling, which looks even more stylish in the kitchen decor. Performed from any material - metal, plastic, wood. An important condition - the surface of the rod is carefully processed so that the obstacles in the shift occur.

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    How to choose a fabric

    Kitchen - Active room. There are wet processes, smells are tested, sometimes not always pleasant. Textiles often absorbs them and does not tolerate dampness. Therefore, the corresponding practical fabric is selected:

    • Easy to care.
    • Not absorbing odors.
    • Notmark.
    • Quick-drying.

    Tips for designers at the choice of curtains on the chapers for the kitchen

    This characteristics correspond to tulle, silk, atlas. Lambonen on the chubs for a kitchen of small length, rolled polyester curtains with the addition of cotton threads.

    Kitchen options

    To choose the right curtains to the kitchen, it is important to take into account her features. An important role is played by the room of the room and the kitchen layout - the size of the room, the height of the ceilings, the location and form of the window. Options are as follows:

    • Standard room with window in the center of the wall and low ceilings, decorated to the edge of the windowsill, less often before the middle. The multi-layered decor will allocate the opening, make it a cuisine center.
    • Narrow openings located with a working area - a sink, stove, should not be heated by the canvas in the floor, since, first of all, it is not hygienic - one part will be constantly polluted. Secondly, reveal the curtains in their full beauty will not work. Lambrequins are appropriate there.

      Tips for designers at the choice of curtains on the chapers for the kitchen

    • Windows on the opposite wall from the working area. An ideal solution to hang curtains on the chubs for the kitchen of any length and material. If you have a dining area next to, then the booth is provided in an expensive restaurant.

    Any openness is easily decorated, and it is not necessary to arrange space redevelopment. Several tips from sales assistants will solve the problem of non-standard premises.

    Fabric color

    Focus on the advice of psychologists, choosing a future color, but no one has canceled simple rules too:

    1. Beige, sandy or brown shades, winning in any interior and style.
    2. The curtains in the kitchen should differ from the shade of the walls, otherwise they will lose themselves.
    3. Bright monophonic curtains beat off appetite - proved scientifically.
    4. Yellow or green, attract, freamed, soothe.
    5. Compatibility - a layer of light tulle and dense dark curtains - always relevant.

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    Tips for designers at the choice of curtains on the chapers for the kitchen

    Brown Tint model

    Consider and style. Minimalism does not tolerate flower-roses, unlike country or provence. High-tech will prefer a cell or asymmetric stripes. Classic design is good in woven patterns when the drawing is not separated by color, but texture.

    Features of the curtains on the champs of manually

    Master, examined in detail the factory varieties of curtains in the kitchen, come to the conclusion that the work is easy and at home. Speed ​​scribble on the typewriter is just required. There are several rules making independent work indistinguishable from professional:

    Tips for designers at the choice of curtains on the chapers for the kitchen

    • Using a fliselin curtain tape. The wide band, fixed inside the tissue, will keep the threads, not allowing them to fluff at the place of the cutout under lumes. In addition, such an inset will make the top edge sustainable savory, unlike the tissue tape.
    • It is important to choose the rings for the desired number of folds - small will suit strong drapery, large for luxury waves. But take into account an important feature - too wide distances from the ring to the ring, do not look at any fabrics. The optimal option is 7-10 cm. The number of chalks is always even and 1 spare is purchased as a workout.

      Tips for designers at the choice of curtains on the chapers for the kitchen

    • Plastic rings of dark color are combined with any tint of the canvas, but are installed only on light curtains. Neutral chrome plated emphasize rich fabrics, gilding or frosted eaves itself.
    • It is important to first make the top edge of one canvase if the curtains are of two strips, and only then equal to the second part . Then the curtains will become the same. This is especially true of the fabric with a pattern - incurdictions often occur.

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    For curtains on the charters, you can not use squeezing fabrics or prone to a strong shrinkage. The kitchen is active and frequently visited, the curtains have to be disturbed more than once a day and wash more often than hanging in bedrooms or living rooms. All these actions lead to the fact that the structure of the threads is thinned, and the canvas lose presentability.

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