Tips for designers at the choice of curtains and tulle in the kitchen


The kitchen is a unique room that combines a place for cooking, meals and communication. It is here that the whole family is going at the end of the day to discuss events and share news, and it means that the kitchen decor is important to pay special attention.

Tips for designers at the choice of curtains and tulle in the kitchen

Laconic tulle for kitchen

Curtains and tuna for the kitchen allow you to create a unique aura of ease and coziness, so necessary to create a good mood. What are they and how to choose Tulle?

Decorating the kitchen window involves the creation of aesthetically attractive composition. But this is exactly the case when only beauty is missing: it should be remembered that tulle and curtains in the kitchen must be practical and functional.

Tips for designers at the choice of curtains and tulle in the kitchen

Fabrics for kitchen curtains

The most popular synthetic tissues used for the decor of the kitchen room are considered as follows:

  • organza;
  • veil;
  • Tyule Mesh;
  • Kieme.

Factory embroidery is often used as an additional decor. The kitchen is very relevant curtain with embroidered flowers or a light abstract ornament.

Tips for designers at the choice of curtains and tulle in the kitchen

Modern design of curtains in the kitchen involves using textiles with fashionable prints. From modern technology decor, the curtains also use devil (etching by chemicals of patterns) or batik. But the use of such tissues in the kitchen room is rarely allowed due to the high cost of the material.

Kiese (naply, rope curtains) With all its transparency, perfectly protects the window from prying views, but at the same time passes fresh air and gives the feeling of lightness and weightlessness. In the kitchen premises it is attractively a monophonic cheese or that that imitates the rainbow.

Practical kitchen curtains

Modern textile manufacturers offer a wide selection of fabrics designed specifically for operation in the kitchen conditions. These materials impregnated in the factory conditions dust and tight-repellent liquids. That is, applying such curtains, it is possible to be calm that it will not deteriorate from the accidental fall on the fabric, and after washing the same color gamut will not lose.

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Tips for designers at the choice of curtains and tulle in the kitchen

The popular option is ready-made tulle in the kitchen in the form of a kitty with impregnation. They loved consumers for cute design and practicality. The washing of such curtains does not represent any problems: the threads are placed in a warm soap solution, weft with hands, wash off the soap under the direction directed water and give dry the product in a semi-dry state directly on the cornice.

The use of curtains from natural textiles on kitchen windows is permissible (for example, when placing a country style or provence), but it is practical practical, because beautiful tulle in the kitchen is exhausted with a frequent wash, and fatty or dirty spots are outlined problematic. In addition, with long-term operation in a medium with high humidity on natural fibers, harmful bacteria can settle, which is unacceptable for the kitchen.

Tips for designers at the choice of curtains and tulle in the kitchen

The perfect option is synthetic tleal curtains for the kitchen.

Benefits of synthetics

Visually, synthetic curtains are not inferior to natural. In the production process, the following raw materials are used:

  • polyester fibers (LoveVan, Dakron);
  • polyacrylonitrile fibers (orlon, nitron);
  • Polyamide fiber.

Tips for designers at the choice of curtains and tulle in the kitchen

Model from synthetics

Decorative fabric made with the use of such raw materials is highlighted by the mass of the following advantages:

  1. Damage resistance, strength.
  2. Low susceptibility to high temperatures.
  3. Ecology.
  4. The absence of elements capable of causing allergic reactions or to highlight substances harmful to human health to the atmosphere.
  5. Resistance to the influence of moisture.
  6. Immunity to spread on the surface of harmful microorganisms (mold, fungi).
  7. Durability of operation.

    Tips for designers at the choice of curtains and tulle in the kitchen

  8. Resistance to the effects of ultraviolet radiation (even after a few years, fabrics will not fade, do not burnt).
  9. Ease of care (there are no problems with washing and ironing).
  10. Affordable price in contrast to curtains made of natural fibers.

Tip: If the kitchen windows come out on the sunny side, it is not recommended to decorate them with bright fabrics that enhance the warm effect. Such interior is seriously transferred to hot summer days. But Tulle in the kitchen of yellow and orange shades (if there is similar accessories in the kitchen interior), it is appropriate for decorating a window opening located on the north side.

Tips for designers at the choice of curtains and tulle in the kitchen

Tyula species in the kitchen

When tulle is chosen for the kitchen, it suggests its combination with many kitchen attributes and accessories. Companions fabrics are often used, that is, those that are aesthetically combined with each other. Suppose there is a beige tablecloth. If the use of similar tissue for the curtain seems to be a boring option, apply a similar path of the canvas, but with a pattern suitable for style.

Tip: In the case of small kitchen premises, designers do not recommend to use more than 2 colors, only their shades are allowed.

Arched curtains

Arched curtains are widely used when decorating window openings made in the form of an arch. Often such techniques are used in the construction of private houses or country cottages.

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Tips for designers at the choice of curtains and tulle in the kitchen

Curtains for arched windows hang in several ways:

  • on the smooth cornion over the arch;
  • Vangest, creating severe folds;
  • in the form of the arch.

Also popular was the method of decorating arched opening with rope curtains.

If the ceilings in the kitchen are high, then the arch is decorated with lambrequins capable of visually expanding the space and give the necessary stuffing of comfort.

But even in a standard apartment that has ordinary rectangular windows, you can beat the visualization of the arch. With the help of a curtain of such a design, it is considered an imitation of the arched window: this is considered unusual and stylish, gives the room to the charm and exhaust the aesthetics of the decor.

Tips for designers at the choice of curtains and tulle in the kitchen

Curtains create 2 types of arch:

  • classic;
  • in the form of an arc.

Tyule curtains Arch into the kitchen create an unusual geometry of the kitchen room, soften the angles, as a result of which the atmosphere turns out to be more cozy.

It looks beautifully the option with arched curtains, intercepted in the corners of pickup ribbons.

It is better that the curtain in the kitchen is not long, because this room involves constant cleaning and washing floors.

Tips for designers at the choice of curtains and tulle in the kitchen

Curtains on lover

Tulle on the kitchen on the chief of the chapels differs from other types of the fact that beautiful uniform folds are created by round elements.

The lubers are attached at the top of the web, they are riveted on the eaves, resulting in a complete decor of the window opening with a neatly draped fabric.

The chammetes are made of metal and plastic, they can be located close to each other or at long distances. The heavier tulle and less distance between the chief, the larger the folds will turn out, and vice versa.

Tips for designers at the choice of curtains and tulle in the kitchen

For large premises

Spacious kitchen allows you to use a lot of decorative techniques. Any, even heavy and expensive, curtains are appropriate here. If the window is far from the stove, you can select long curtains. The closer the fabric to the source of pollution - the shorter it is done, and ideally tied up on the sides.

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Classically decorated kitchen room allows a lot of decor options. Mandatory condition is a harmonious color combination.

It is important to stick to the style in which the kitchen is framed. If this is Provence - a cheerful tulle is suitable for the kitchen with floral motifs, and Country suggests tulle's checkered curtains into the kitchen. The premises decorated in the Scandinavian style assumes not overloaded with images of minimalistic tulle in the kitchen of light tones.

Tips for designers at the choice of curtains and tulle in the kitchen

Often in the kitchen interior, the option is used when the windows hosted the Roman curtains of light tones, and the curtains are fixed on top.

The stronger and strong fabric for curtains are chosen if it is planned to use tulle to the kitchen with a balcony.

Window with Erker

If you need to decorate windows with an erker, several options are allowed. If the ceilings are high - apply lambrene. If low - it is enough to reject the interior with textile drapery, feston or a shutter on the curtain.

Tips for designers at the choice of curtains and tulle in the kitchen

If the erker in the kitchen is issued as a niche, then the windows decorated with Roman curtains or blinds, and at the border of the niche and the rooms are suspended by the porks, fixed on the sides of the pickups.

View video design

The design of Tulle in the kitchen predetermines the interior aura of the room, his mood. When choosing a type of fabrics for the kitchen, it is important to take into account the quality characteristics of textiles, as well as the overall style orientation of the room. In compliance with all design recommendations, a comfortable and cozy interior is created.

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