How to sew curtains with folds: Fabric calculation, tips, features


Despite the fact that the improvement of the interior of its dwelling is the most pleasant process in repair and in construction, there are several types of work, which is almost impossible to implement without any assistance. Depending on the abilities of the owners of the house, these works can be different. For someone, it turns out to be a complicated sticking of wallpaper, someone cannot paint, laying tiles. And some cannot cope with such an event as the finishing of slopes of windows or walls. But in addition, a decorative finish is also required. It basically develops from the above wallpaper, wall coloring, furniture arrangement and, of course, from curtains.

How to sew curtains with folds: Fabric calculation, tips, features

The curtains stitched with the hands of a loving hostess at home will give comfort and become an excellent finishing accide of repair.

Many are trying to independently sew curtains with folds, but not everyone is obtained. However, having familiarized with some features and trapled, you can easily cope with the task.

Features and sewing curtains with folds: tips, calculation of materials

How to sew curtains with folds: Fabric calculation, tips, features

Special ribbons help create various folds, from simple to the most original.

One of the most simple variants of how to sew the curtains of this type is to use for this special tape for curtains. It has small hooks for hooks, with which folds are formed (when hooks are inserted into pockets). The amount of tissue used depends largely from how many folds you intend to create and what will be their value. It is worth noting that, depending on how the folds are inserted into pockets, they can be double or even triple. The magnitude of the same fold depends on the size of the hook, which is used in this case. The perfect sewing assumes that all hooks are located between themselves at the same distance. Therefore, first calculate the area that the curtain (wall or window) should be covered, then decide with the size of the folds and their number. And only after that you will succeed in calculating the exact length of the material for the curtain.

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For example, measuring the distance from the hook to the floor, you received a value of 2.6 m. You need to add more than another 30 cm (20 of them will go on top, and 10 bottom). It turns out that one curtain will require a cloth in a length of 290 cm. But on 1 window they need 2. Accordingly, in this room for each window you will spend about 6 m tissue. After all, it is better to get better about the reserve so that you can not cut off every mm. Yes, and if you have not sewed the curtain before, you can spoil something. And the material will not always be in the store. Therefore, in order not to worry about that the fabric is enough for you or not, it is better to purchase at least 1 m of the tissue for each window. In order to save, visit in different stores, compare prices. After all, besides the fabric, you will need to buy again:

  • ribbon with pockets and hooks;
  • Sewing threads.

So, you first need to cut acquired fabric into separate parts - curtains. Next, be sure to adjust each side edge of the future curtain no more than 2 - 3 cm. At the same time, be sure to use threads corresponding to the color of the curtains themselves. After that, you can proceed to the processing of the top and bottom of the curtains. They are prevented somewhat more - 2.5 - 3 cm. Then you need to cope with such a procedure as attaching the split tape to the fabric. Its width is at least 10 cm, so the upper edge you need to be adjusted for another 15 cm. After the tape is already in place, it is necessary to open it well (it is possible to make a tape to be more convenient). Remember that the tape should be sewn not to the very edge, the podium, and 1 to 1.5 cm below it.

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How to sew curtains with folds: Fabric calculation, tips, features

For a better result, reveal all the seams and the cloth of the curtain before sewing the share tape.

In order to smoothly sew everything, it is necessary to make a mark in advance and attach to the tape to the fabric at least pins, since it is not necessary to simultaneously sew it manually. After that, you can shoot the tape on the typewriter. Special attention is paid to the pockets that can not be shot. Therefore, take 2 lines at a distance of 0.5 - 0.6 cm from the upper and lower edges of the tape.

After this stage is completed, you can move to pockets and hooks. First, 2 hooks on the edges of the curtains are attached, then it is attached 1 more - in the middle. Next, you can do so many folds as you calculated and how much the size of the curtain. At the same time, each fold ideally should be smooth and exactly the same as everyone else. Therefore, the bends in it need to do an equal amount.

The hardest thing to cope with the first curtain, because the process of creating folds is creative, a fantasy is required here. The rest of the curtains will be drawn up by analogy with the very first, here it will be more quickly.

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