Alignment of the floor with tiled glue: how to align under linoleum


Alignment of the floor with tiled glue: how to align under linoleum

Quite fast and efficient ways to eliminate small defects of the rough screed is the alignment of the floor with tiled glue, which does not require large labor and financial costs and high qualifications of the Contractor.

The composition used will fill the holes and cracks in areas requiring alignment, without subsequent shrinkage with a minimum layer thickness, which largely reduces the number of costs.

Features method

Alignment of the floor with tiled glue: how to align under linoleum

The need to level the base under the installation of the finishing coating occurs both when pouring a new screed, and when used in this quality of old coatings that are still satisfactory.

The list of reasons for the appearance of such a stage of work consists of such items:

  1. The surface of the draft floor may not justify the expectations after frozen. The presence of cracking, uneven shrinkage of the solution due to the violation of its cooking technology (excess water), laying or poor quality of components, irregularities of the lighthouse installation.
  2. To the alignment by other special solutions may not allow the remaining gap in height to the bottom of the door log. Self-leveling solutions are effective when eliminating drops of 4 - 5 cm. Tile glue allows the layer with a transition from 2.5 cm to zero thickness even on the surface of the surface.

    Alignment of the floor with tiled glue: how to align under linoleum

    Black floor defects can be easily treated with tiled glue.

  3. Having peeling flat fragments of an old screed from the slab overlap in small areas.
  4. The weakening properties of the material of the screed, led to an increased dust formation, clarification of the upper layer.
  5. Preparation of the foundation under the tile on a wooden flooring of a massive board.

The use of the glue level alignment technology will depend on the type of finishing material. When laying a porcelain stoneware or tile, ceramic tiles are mounted on rough relief without prior alignment, since the adhesive composition fills all irregularities when applied to the toothed spatula.

Under the laminated boards and types of coating used for floating method of laying, apply the alignment method.

Types of glue

To perform a thin screed tile glue, the compositions are used for 3 types and relating to a specific class. To select glue with the desired characteristics, you need to know the labeling of manufacturers:

Alignment of the floor with tiled glue: how to align under linoleum

Alignment of the floor with tiled glue: how to align under linoleum

The dispersion species refers to the finished compositions and is realized in closed buckets. The jet glue does not require the addition of water, but only mixing components (for example, epoxy resin). The high quality and technical characteristics of these compositions are respectively reflected at their cost.

Alignment of the floor with tiled glue: how to align under linoleum

More often glue align certain sections of the floor

The answer to the question is whether the floor can be aligned with cheaper agents without loss of quality, are the choice to use the glue brand, which is based on cement.

The alignment of the surface with adhesives for ceramic tiles is usually not performed by the solid fill of the entire area, therefore the combination of materials of the main screed and applied composition is a plus for subsequent operation.

Typical characteristics of cement glue:

Alignment of the floor with tiled glue: how to align under linoleum

Preparation of the glue solution is performed by a construction mixer with a special nozzle. The one-time volume of the mixture should be done to work out for the time specified in the passeway passport.

It is important to accurately comply with the dosage according to the attached instructions. Excessive water lowers the strength of the frozen solution, the lack of fluid reduces the fluidity and does not allow to distribute a thick mass uniformly on the surface.

Features of performing operations

Alignment of the floor with tiled glue: how to align under linoleum

Fresh tie recommend to handle the day after fill

Before preparing the solution, you need to conduct a certain preparatory work. The list of preparatory operations includes:

  1. Spatula manually believes protruding irregularities and possible detacies. Fresh screed easily process with your own hands 1 day after fill. After a set of strength to the rough floor, it is necessary to use a grinding tool.
  2. The adhesive composition should be firmly closed with the base. Given the small thickness of the layer, the surface dust is performed especially carefully by the construction vacuum cleaner. At the same time, the entire premises is cleaned - after alignment, the installation of the flooring will begin.
  3. The increase in the adhesive properties of concrete is achieved by abundant damping. The basis for the floors is maintained 1 day. On the elimination of defects with tiled glue, see this video:

Getting guidelines for ensuring a horizontal surface can be cleared of previously laid beacons (if the cause of curvature is not in them) or making new ones of a fine boring of the cooked adhesive solution.

Alignment procedure

Alignment of the floor with tiled glue: how to align under linoleum

In the horizontal plane, to level the floor with tiled glue, it is necessary for the planned beacons with a rule up to 3 m long. In narrow places and doorways, you can use shortened options that take up to 2 neighboring beacons, zero marks.

If necessary, perform a stepped levels of levels apply the manufactured rule pattern with a given drop.

Alignment of the floor with tiled glue: how to align under linoleum

In deep places glue glue

Work is performed in such a sequence:

  • In the deepest places, it is poured out of the bucket (with small quantities they are applied by a trowel) the mixture;
  • The rule stretches the solution across the direction of beacons from the places of the largest layer thickness to zero;
  • In the presence of flaws, they are eliminated by the second passage along the already grabbed mixture, the direction of movement of the rule - along the lighthouses, the support for the already hardened composition;
  • Lungs are filmed with sickness after a set of fortress.

To equalize the irregularities of the glue layer immediately when laying ceramic tiles, it is necessary to take into account its increased consumption compared to the reference tables recommended in reference tables. In this case, there is an alignment and finishing material having irregularities of manufacture. For more information about technology, see this video:

Alignment of the floor with tiled glue: how to align under linoleum

When aligning wooden flooring, a mixture of adhesive base with sawdust is used. The prepared mass is applied at a layer at no more than 1 cm. The repeated layer falls after drying the first row.

In the design of the leveling screed on a tree, a fiberboard sheets for the substrate can not be used, since this material actively absorbs moisture, which leads to the destruction of the bulk coating and the loss of the carrier ability of the entire floor.

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