Metal primer. Technology performing work


Metal primer is needed for almost any product and is widely used in auto and air industry, because it does not allow rust to develop, and also considered an indispensable assistant to finish painting. An anti-corrosion feature allows you to use such a solution even with the reconstruction of the car, as well as for galvanized iron, steel, stainless steel before the aerosol or alkyd paint is applied.

Metal primer. Technology performing work

Do it yourself grinding on metal

Metal primer for rust consists of a wide variety of organic and inorganic components. Also, mineral fillers are present in its composition.

Basically, the primer for metal is sold on the shelves of building stores in the form of a liquid solution (there can also be an aerosol mass in special ballots, which is very easy to operate, reducing material consumption). Only correctly selected primer metal before applying the finish finish will protect your product, a surface or auto and extends its life.

Any primer for metal has such basic characteristics:

  • increases the stability of the product to the bundle;
  • has a water-repellent effect;
  • increases surface strength;
  • Improves appearance before applying finishing materials.

But, all the primers can have some different differences in: price, drying time, consumption, diluent, form of release (aerosol for auto or manual spraying with a spray with a spray with a roller or tissue surface). There are also mixtures that are designed specifically for external or internal works.

Further in the article we will tell you how to choose the proper primer, so that its cost and quality were in the right relation.

Why do you need a metal primer?

Metal primer. Technology performing work

Metal soil

Metal primer is needed to increase the adhesion level of the decor with a functional coating on the surface being processed. It is an intermediate primer tier that provides a solid clutch.

But, be careful, because most of the paintwork materials need to be applied without primer, because any layer between the surface and the coating can increase the bundle during the larger shifts of the operating temperature.

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In addition, very often the primer is distinguished by independent functionality: it forms anti-corrosion protection and does not allow the base to be destroyed from the effects of the aggressive environment.

The main requirement that is put forward to all the varieties of the substance is durable adhesion in relation to the metal. Some solutions can only be combined with certain varieties of paints, and some are considered universal and are used for work on any coating, even on the surface of the car. Almost for all primers used solvents on an organic basis, because the water-dispersion composition does not wet the smooth surface of the metal.

The optimal specifications that the graft should have a mass for priming are shown in the table below.

Color of substanceGray, brick
Type of filmMatte either semi-conventional
Mass part of a non-flush50-60%
Conditional viscosityNot less than 45.
Duration of dryingNo more than 12 hours
Elasticity of bending filmNot more than 1.
Film hardness0.35 USD
Flow consumption60-120 g / m2
Recommended layer thickness15-20 microns

Technology performing work

Metal primer. Technology performing work

Ground metal surfaces

Further in the article we will tell, for which technology should be carried out by primer metal, including the removal of rust and old coating with a car or surface.

Metal primer is made in this way:

  • Before painting and performing works on the processing of the surface of the car or product, it is necessary to clean up with a spatula of loose layers of steel, which has undergone corrosion;
  • The remains of old painmarket materials are removed in the same way, but only as a result of softening with a special wash or a construction hairdryer (if you use a wash, wrap the product with polyethylene, which will prevent the evaporation of the solution);
  • Rust needs to be removed with a metal pile with a metal pile or specialized nozzles for a manual tool (you can also purchase a special converter for rust, which will turn its durable and insoluble coating);
  • To perform subsequent work, steel must be deguted with a rag or solvent;
  • Metal primer is performed in 1-2 layers using brushes, rollers or you can use an aerosol pneumatic pulverizer;

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If you have to primer metal from a corrosion-resistant material, it will be sufficient to clean from dust and fat.

The approximate consumption of a substance for work on metal surfaces per 1 m2 is about 50-150 g. The solution consumption directly depends on its viscosity and roughness of the surface treated.

Varieties of material

Metal primer. Technology performing work

Metal soil

Today, a large variety of materials has been developed for external and interior finishes on the primer of products and surfaces from metal, which are used before painting and prolong their life cycle.

Among such a wide variety is worth identifying the following substances:

  1. Metal primer GF - 021

The primer based on glyphthale varnish 021 is known as carmine or gray primer. The solvent of GF - 021 is considered solvent, sometimes you can use the White spirit in combination with acetone or turpentine in a proportional ratio one to one.

GF - 021 Not too heat-resistant primer mass, which is able to withstand temperatures up to 60 ° C. Such anti-corrosion treatment with GF - 021 provides solid protection, and can also be used as an independent coating. In combination with glyphthali primer 021, alkyd and oil paint can be used.

Metal primer at number 021 has such technical features:

  • The mass portion of the non-volatile substance ranges from 54 to 60%;
  • On the low, one layer dries over 12 hours;
  • The substance is static to the static exposure to the solution from the table salt during the day, and to the mineral oil for two.
  1. GF - 031.

Compared to GF - 021, GF - 031 - heat-resistant mass, it can be used at temperatures up to 200 ° C. Such treatment is suitable for galvanized iron, steel, aluminum, magnesium and well combined with painting various enamel.

Such a lot of reliably protects the processed surface from corrosion, is considered to be resistant to chemical impacts, and also used in auto and aviation industry.

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Specifications of material:

  • Mass has a yellow color;
  • at a temperature of 100 ° C, one layer dries in 2-3 hours;
  • The main component of the solution is glyphthalaic varnish;
  • Diluent can serve as xylene, solvent, RKB-1 or RS-2;
  • The price category of the substance varies in the region of 100-120 rubles.
  1. VL - 02.

This substance is acidic primer. A distinctive feature of such a composition is that it will not only stick to the treated surface, but also destroys and converts the metal and covers it with a pillar film from phosphate compounds.

The main component of such a composition is polyvinbutioral, and xylol, P6, P648, RFG can be approached as solvents.

Such a mass can be considered the most quick-drying, because at a temperature of 20 ° C, one layer is able to dry in 15 minutes.

Metal primer. Technology performing work

Primer arch

The soil VL - 02 can be used before painting with almost any paint materials on the organic solvent. This is the perfect remedy for galvanized iron, aluminum and stainless steel, which increases the level of clutch even without processing rough emery paper.

  1. AU - 1417 p

This is an epoxy primer for metal. It contains a mixture of pigments with fillers on alkyd and urethane varnish. The difference of the composition is that there is a rust converter.

Such a soil can be pigmented in any shade and serve as a full-fledged coating. In this case, the soil is applied in 2-3 layers with intermediate bread.

AU - 1417 p can be used only for finishing of ferrous metal, and only polyurethane enamel can be applied to it.

We hope that our information has become a useful and primer of metal in the exterior and interior finishes will be on the shoulder!

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