Registration of walls in the nursery: Useful recommendations and original ideas


The appearance of crumbs in the family is an incredibly important event. However, parents should not only fully enjoy the happiness of communicating with the child, but also to spend a lot of time and effort so that he has his own amazing corner, in which the baby could not only rest fully, but also fun and informative to spend time. In order for the children's room to be truly unique, colorful and safe, it is seriously serious about the design of the walls.

In addition to attractive design, they must have a high-quality finish that cannot have a negative impact on the rapid children's body. So how to make the walls in the nursery, and what materials can be used for these purposes?


Preparation for the design of perfect children's

If we are talking about enough adult baby, then Before placing the walls in his room, it is worth asking him that he would like to see there. Well, and if the crumb is still completely small, then you will have to trust your own taste and fantasy.

In the process of decorating the children's room it is worth considering the following nuances:

  • It should be understood that the children for the baby is his own world in which he must feel comfortable, joyfully and safely;
  • The topic chosen for the design should coincide with the wishes and interests of the kid himself. Not under what conditions the parents should not impose him instead of favorite superheroes of merry worship and other animals. With this approach, the child will feel in its own room very uncomfortable;
  • Original ideas are a prerequisite in the process of designing a children's room. Do not decorate the walls according to the standard template. If the child belongs to the boy, then it is not necessary to paint the walls in blue. The more fantasy and creativity will show parents, the more interesting and more fun of the baby will be in such a room.

Article on the topic: Stylish children's design for girls of all ages (33 photos)

How beautiful to place the walls in the nursery: ideas for the interior

How beautiful to place the walls in the nursery: ideas for the interior

We select the right color gamut

Not every parent during repair in the children's room pays special attention to the color scheme. As a rule, all shades are selected intuitively, and this is a completely wrong approach, since the color is able to have a direct impact on the physiological and psychological state of the crumbs.

Color is able to directly affect the physiological and psychological state of the crumbs!

How beautiful to place the walls in the nursery: ideas for the interior

Before the direct design of the walls in the nursery, you should learn more about the possibilities of each color:

  • With the presence in the interior of the red color, the child will begin to behave more actively. However, it should be quite a bit, otherwise the baby will become too tough;
  • The walls are decorated in yellow will affect the intellect of the crumbs, which is why this option is ideal for children of school age, which have problems with the concentration of attention and perseverance;
  • Orange paints in the interior of the children's room will bring the baby a feeling of joy and tranquility;
  • If there will be blue shades in the nursery, the child will behave much calmer. Moreover, it is such a color that is responsible for the development of imagination and the activation of the desire to know the whole new;
  • Green elements in the wall decoration are not able to cause negative emotions. On the contrary, this color contributes to a full sleep and an excellent mood;
  • The walls performed in the pink color will give the crumb to the unprecedented feeling of comfort and comfort, downgrade its aggressiveness and raise the mood.

Another important point! The walls in the nursery should not be too saturated and bright, since such a design will be very quickly tired by the baby. This also applies to too dark shades that are able to inhibit even the most cheerful child.

To more clearly understand what shades should be combined in the children's room, it is worth a look at the following photos:

Article on the topic: Children's design for all-choice children: comfort and comfort (+50 photos)

How beautiful to place the walls in the nursery: ideas for the interior

How beautiful to place the walls in the nursery: ideas for the interior

How beautiful to place the walls in the nursery: ideas for the interior

Choose wall design for a children's boy

Almost all boys are restless and very inventive. Such features of the child must be taken into account when arranging his room. Moreover, The boys are very changed in their hobbies, which means for the design of the walls it is best to choose a neutral theme which in the future can be completed or modified thanks to various interior stickers, pictures and other decor elements.

How beautiful to place the walls in the nursery: ideas for the interior

Among the basic colors that the walls can be placed is blue. Such a color can create in the children's atmosphere of comfort, safety and calm, as shown in the photo. However, it is best to apply a few of his shades, so that in the end the interior does not get too cold and dull.

By performing the thematic design of a nursery for a boy, you can use the following options:

  • Characters favorite cartoons or fairy tales;
  • A variety of aircraft, cars and any other technique;
  • Inhabitants of the underwater world;
  • Dragons and dinosaurs;
  • Space motives.

The most original ideas for the design of walls for children's parents will be able to see in the photo:

How beautiful to place the walls in the nursery: ideas for the interior

How beautiful to place the walls in the nursery: ideas for the interior

How beautiful to place the walls in the nursery: ideas for the interior

We decorate the walls in the girl's room

The own room for any girl is its intimate and mysterious world, which should be filled with tender, beautiful and sophisticated atmosphere. Everything in such a room should contribute to the development of a small lady of excellent taste and the sensation of the beautiful. They did not exception and the wall, for the design of which it is worth up with all the responsibility, as it is displayed in the photo.

How beautiful to place the walls in the nursery: ideas for the interior

The traditional color for the maiden room is still pink. However, for too active and moving bass, it is possible to choose another color gamut. The combination of red and yellow, green and blue, purple and orange - all these options will look very funny and vigorously.

Regarding the topics of the walls, it is best to choose one of the following options:

  • Fabulous characters - fairies, princesses, unicorns, etc.;
  • Cartoon characters who love her daughter very much;
  • Natural landscapes - they must be colorful and fabulous.

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The ideas presented in the photo will help parents to execute the execution of a really amazing baby for the girl:

How beautiful to place the walls in the nursery: ideas for the interior

How beautiful to place the walls in the nursery: ideas for the interior

How beautiful to place the walls in the nursery: ideas for the interior

How beautiful to place the walls in the nursery: ideas for the interior

How beautiful to place the walls in the nursery: ideas for the interior

We select the optimal material for the walls

An equally important point in the process of designing walls in the nursery is the choice of materials. Since we are talking about a room in which the baby will carry out a large amount of time, then all the finishing materials used to design it should be safe and high-quality.

All materials for children should be safe and high-quality!

How beautiful to place the walls in the nursery: ideas for the interior

The most optimal option for such space will be the following finishing materials for walls:

  • Classic wallpaper. It is best to stop on paper, as they are a more natural material. But the vinyl wallpaper is not suitable for children, since due to the presence of a fine upper plastic film, such a material does not allow air to circulate, which can lead to the development of fungus under them.
  • Painting and decorative plaster. Thanks to the correctly selected and made structural plaster, the walls in the nursery will look more pleasant and warm. Such a finish option will make it perfectly hide the shortcomings of the base surface, as well as with dignity to withstand all attacks of small fidget.
  • The use of friezes will give the opportunity to make a children's more fun and alive. Apply such decorative products can be used in combination with painted walls and with classical wallpaper. The most basic rule - pictured on the frieze should be combined with the base tone of the walls.

Will help in the proper design of walls in the children's room photo, which depict the most successful combinations of finishing materials:

How beautiful to place the walls in the nursery: ideas for the interior

How beautiful to place the walls in the nursery: ideas for the interior

How beautiful to place the walls in the nursery: ideas for the interior

Showing a little imagination and taking into account all the described your recommendations can be transformed any children's room into a real magic corner, in which Kroch will spend time with great pleasure and joy.

How beautiful to place the walls in the nursery: ideas for the interior

How beautiful to place the walls in the nursery: ideas for the interior

How beautiful to place the walls in the nursery: ideas for the interior

How beautiful to place the walls in the nursery: ideas for the interior

How beautiful to place the walls in the nursery: ideas for the interior

How beautiful to place the walls in the nursery: ideas for the interior

How beautiful to place the walls in the nursery: ideas for the interior

How beautiful to place the walls in the nursery: ideas for the interior

How beautiful to place the walls in the nursery: ideas for the interior

How beautiful to place the walls in the nursery: ideas for the interior

How beautiful to place the walls in the nursery: ideas for the interior

How beautiful to place the walls in the nursery: ideas for the interior

How beautiful to place the walls in the nursery: ideas for the interior

How beautiful to place the walls in the nursery: ideas for the interior

How beautiful to place the walls in the nursery: ideas for the interior

How beautiful to place the walls in the nursery: ideas for the interior

How beautiful to place the walls in the nursery: ideas for the interior

How beautiful to place the walls in the nursery: ideas for the interior

How beautiful to place the walls in the nursery: ideas for the interior

How beautiful to place the walls in the nursery: ideas for the interior

How beautiful to place the walls in the nursery: ideas for the interior

How beautiful to place the walls in the nursery: ideas for the interior

How beautiful to place the walls in the nursery: ideas for the interior

How beautiful to place the walls in the nursery: ideas for the interior

How beautiful to place the walls in the nursery: ideas for the interior

How beautiful to place the walls in the nursery: ideas for the interior

How beautiful to place the walls in the nursery: ideas for the interior

How beautiful to place the walls in the nursery: ideas for the interior

How beautiful to place the walls in the nursery: ideas for the interior

How beautiful to place the walls in the nursery: ideas for the interior

How beautiful to place the walls in the nursery: ideas for the interior

How beautiful to place the walls in the nursery: ideas for the interior

How beautiful to place the walls in the nursery: ideas for the interior

How beautiful to place the walls in the nursery: ideas for the interior

How beautiful to place the walls in the nursery: ideas for the interior

How beautiful to place the walls in the nursery: ideas for the interior

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