Wiring of sewer pipes in the bathroom


Repair in the bathroom In some cases, it implies the replacement of sewage pipes and water pipes, which in difficulty corresponds to the full initial installation.

Wiring of sewer pipes in the bathroom

Water pipe divorce scheme.

The pipe wiring in the bathroom can be carried out independently or with the help of professionals. If you are not confident in your abilities and abilities, it is better to contact the specialists. If you decide to spend these works on your own, then you need to know some rules.

Preparation for work

Scheme divorce water pipes.

Before proceeding with the work, you need to make up the plan of the upcoming repair. Draw a scheme that will portray all equipment involved in the operation of the water pipeline and sewage, as well as the system of supplied pipes. This will help take into account the location of the equipment when performing work.

A certain difficulty can cause the installation of sewage and water supply under the bathroom. To avoid the need to dismantle, use pipeline docking technology. To bring the sewage to the siphon of the bathroom, you will need to install the removal. The removal is a pipe with a rotation of 90 degrees.

You can make a simultaneous connection to the sewage of the bathroom and sink. To do this, you will need a wiring using a tee, which is a device having a third conclusion located at an angle of 45 or 90 degrees relative to the axis.

Wiring of sewer pipes in the bathroom

Table properties of polymer pipes.

If you have the need to connect different diameters, you will need special adapters that have funnel form, or tees, one of the conclusions of which has different from two other diameter.

To determine the required number of removal pipes and pipes for water supply, you need to consider 2 factors: their diameter and length.

Such equipment, as a bathroom and sink, can be connected to the sewage using pipes with a diameter of 50 mm, and here to connect the toilet, you will need pipes with a diameter of 100 mm. The length of the pipes mainly has the following values: 50, 100, 160 and 200 cm. Before you purchase materials using the pre-scheme, calculate the required number of pipes required. When calculating the length of the water pipeline, keep in mind that they have rasbly with sealing rubber bands. They insert the following mounting units.

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An exemplary list of essential materials that will require a sewage layout and water supply includes:

Scheme of pipe wiring in the bathroom.

  • Plastic sewer pipes;
  • cuffs for fastening the pipe in the squabs;
  • plastic fittings, such as taps, tees, knee, etc.;
  • compensator;
  • clamp, providing fastening of pipes to the walls;
  • Looking hatch for riser;
  • silicone sealant;
  • Cement mortar.

The use of metal pipes is permissible, but preference is still worth paying polymer. Consider their resistance to elevated temperatures, as they can be filled with enough hot water (for example, when drained from a washing machine).

Types of polymer pipes

In the composition of the pipe divided into the following types:

Wiring of sewer pipes in the bathroom

Scheme of the example of the correct wiring of pipelines in the bathroom.

  1. Polyvinyl chloride. Their feature is thin walls. Because of this, their use when wiring the sewage in the bathroom is undesirable, since the heat is tolerated badly and their life is small.
  2. Polypropylene. High temperatures are transferred better, but at the same time have a higher linear expansion coefficient.
  3. Polyethylene. To wiring the sewage inside the house, it is extremely rare, although they have sufficiently good indicators for most characteristics.

According to the International Standard, the pipes are divided into classes:

  1. Class "A". With thinner walls.
  2. Class "B". The thickness of their wall allows you to use as sewer.

Pipes of class "B" are usually more expensive. However, it should not be selected for the sewage and water supply pipe of the class "A" for sewage and water supply, as they will have a short service life and soon they will have to change again.

Dismantling of the old sewer system

Wiring of sewer pipes in the bathroom

Sewage diagram in the apartment.

First of all, you need to turn off the water intake into the sewer. Dismantle the old system is not difficult. To do this, use the adjustable and gas keys. Difficulties may occur only if some sewage sections are built into the walls, then you will have to break them with a jackhammer and perforator, and after replacing the pipes, the cutters should be replaced by cement mortar. In places, connect their pipes and disassemble them in parts. Especially accurately perform work on sites having a connection with adjacent apartments.

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Installation of new sewage

Start the build of new pipes is best with the riser, since this site is the most difficult. Instead of cast-iron risers, the installation of plastic will be required. Plots with a diameter of 159 mm are replaced by 160 mm plastic pipes, 219 mm by 220 mm.

Follow these steps:

  1. Before you begin to install the riser, place a tee or cross-cross in its base so that the rubber cuff is placed in the lower termination, in which it will be fixed. Pre-selector must be treated with sealant.
  2. Rims and new pipes are attached to the walls with special clamps of the appropriate size.
  3. The sewage pump in the bathroom is removed from the bottom, while the squabbles are placed during the water.
  4. The required slope is 2 cm on the pontamon m.
  5. Before carrying out a test launch of water into the system, make sure that all the joints are sealed.

Features of the sewage layout in the bathroom are that most of the equipment already has a certain location. It must be strictly followed when performing a wiring. Pick out the material based on your requirements and its characteristics, follow the simple rules, and the sewage replacement will not give you serious trouble.

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