Bathroom coil: Features of choice


The coast for the bathroom is a device that allows you to create a favorable microclimate indoor.

Bathroom coil: Features of choice

The coil for the bathroom serves as a heating device. It does not allow moisture to spread, thereby protecting the bathroom from mold.

It performs a number of useful features. Excellent copes with a heating of the bathroom, prevents the emergence of dampness and the development of mold and fungus. In addition, the serpent can be used for drying linen.

Tips for choosing a coil in the bathroom

Today, the market presents a huge range of heated towel rails, among which the following types are particularly popular:

  • water;
  • electric;
  • combined.

Bathroom coil: Features of choice

There are also combined coils. They include pluses and electric and water coils.

Combined coils combine positive qualities of water and electric heated towel rails, which explains their high cost.

Before you finally select one or another model of the coil, you also need to consider the requirements for the device:

  1. When using a water device, the operating pressure should not be less than the pressure in the system. If pressure jumps often occur, it is necessary to find out what pressure is able to withstand this unit.
  2. It will not be superfluous to calculate the regulatory heat of the heated towel rail in accordance with the table applied to each of the devices.

Features of the installation of a towel rail

Before purchasing and installing a water coil, you need to get advice in advance from professional plumbers to find out all possible connections. This will help determine the acquisition of the necessary components.

Bathroom coil: Features of choice

Water coil installation circuit.

If the radiator and pipes are made of different materials, the installation must be accompanied by a gasket between them with a special dielectric plate, which will prevent the formation of wandering currents arising during the contact of different metals.

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Replacing and installing electrosions for the bathroom is much easier. Despite this, she has some nuances that need to be taken into account during work. First, the connection of the electric heated towel must be carefully designed. Secondly, all sockets will need to be mounted in the walls. Thirdly, it is best to purchase a model, equipped with a special tightly adjacent lid that protects a serpent from splashing. Fourthly, you will need to install a protective shutdown device, which allows you to completely eliminate short circuits by de-energizing the outlet. Connecting the electrosevic is carried out by means of a thick cord with double insulation.

Stages of mounting a serpentine in the bathroom

Bathroom coil: Features of choice

Connection diagram of a towel rail.

Replacing or installation of a heated towel rail must be carried out at a pre-prepared place. In this case, replace the snake can be independently. All work will require no more than one and a half hours.

If the replacement of the device implies a reworking of hot water riser, then without a specialist can not do. Replacing the riser is required in cases where a curved tube was used as an old heated towel rail, which prevents the establishment of a modern coil in the bathroom without alteration.

Replacing the DHW riser is accompanied by installing cutting ball valves and a rings. They allow you to turn off the device in case of leakage without a plumbing call. Replacing the device with the alteration of the riser can take away all day.

The following tools and materials will be needed for work:

  • drill;
  • level;
  • screwdriver;
  • screwdriver;
  • keys;
  • couplings;
  • Corners.

Installation process

  1. If you want to replace the old heated towel, then it will be necessary to dismantle it. Make it is not difficult. To begin with, water overlaps and all available nuts are unscrewed, with the help of which the instrument is fixed to the tap pipes. After that, it will be necessary to carefully remove the entire fastener and remove the device from the wall in the bathroom.
  2. After that, you will need to unpack a new serpentine and fasten to it with a screwdriver holders. Next, it is necessary to wind the connections, with which the water can be connected in the future.
  3. Then the serpent is attached to the wall to the place where it is planned to place it. Pencils made markers for holes;
  4. The next step will need to drill all the necessary holes in the tile, after which plastic dowels are inserted into them. A heated towel rail is assigned to the drilled holes and is fixed. After that it can be connected to water supply systems or central heating.

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Most of the modern organizations specializing in the sale of coils for the bathroom offer their customers installation services. In addition, they provide a warranty on the installation of this device. By purchasing a heated towel rail, it is best to take advantage of these services so that there are no problems associated with incorrect independent installation in the future.

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