How to cover the sofa properly?


Changes like everyone. If an old one, but the beloved and the usual sofa was worn out, and you have not yet accumulated funds to buy a new one, it can be updated, covered with a new beautiful upholstery. You need to figure out how to choose the material, and then cover the sofa with your own hands.

How to cover the sofa properly?

If your sofa is worn out and looks ugly, then the exit of this situation will serve his hauling.

You need to start with the main thing, without which it is impossible to start work, with tools and materials.

Tools and materials

How to cover the sofa yourself? We must prepare the tools in advance that are available in the house:

How to cover the sofa properly?

During the sofa test, you will need a building stapler.

  • a hammer;
  • Screwdriver Set;
  • scissors;
  • wrench hexagon keys;
  • screwdriver;
  • knife;
  • nippers;
  • construction stapler;
  • Passatia;
  • pliers.

Now about the materials. First of all, it is upholstery. The basic requirements for it are as follows: it must be strong, easy to clean, contacting with an external environment, do not lose its original appearance. For the upholstery, the following fabrics are most often used:

  1. Tapestry is practical and cheap fabric, dense, 100% cotton with disinanted patterns of various shades and colors. It has a dust-repellent property.
  2. Jacquard fabric is expensive, it looks very solid, perfectly cleaned, durable, durable, wear-resistant.
  3. Flock is a cloth similar to the skin, suede, but significantly cheaper. It is easily cleaned, does not fade, durable, velvety, pleasant to the touch.
  4. Shinyl is a fabric in which 50% synthetic and 50% cotton. Similar to velor, but higher quality. Strong, breathable matter.
  5. Artificial suede is durable, eco-friendly material, easy to clean. Washing in warm water is possible. Visually difficult to distinguish the natural suede from artificial.
  6. Leather. For upholstery, furniture is used both artificial and natural. Solid, strong and comfortable material.

In addition to upholstery fabric, you will need to prepare a braid, furniture tape and Kant. We also need:

  • plywood sheet;
  • foam;
  • Sintepon;
  • Special brackets;
  • piece of chalk;
  • durable threads or twine and needle;
  • nails;
  • Screws and bolts;
  • Clay joiner or pva.

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How to cover the sofa properly?

To change the upholstery of the sofa, you will need a foam rubber.

Buying foam rubber (polyurethane foam), it should be noted the following properties:

  • softness;
  • density;
  • elasticity.

Polyurethane thickness for sleeping sofa should be at least 4 cm. Finding out its density will help the marking, where the letters denote the brand, the numbers are the density (first two) and stiffness (two final). For the sofa seating, a foam rubber is needed with rigidity from 40 to 50 units.

For different parts of the sofa with an unequal load, polyurethane is selected with different density: for seating - with more, and for the backrest and elbows - with slightly smaller.

The largest load is directed to the seat, so it should choose a foam on the density of 40 kg / m³ (Mark EL4050), but on top it is necessary to lay super mighty polyurethane foam.

On the handles and the back, you can take foam rubber with a smaller density, for example, 25 kg / m³.

Disassembly of the old sofa

How to cover the sofa properly?

To remove the upholstery from the sofa, use the nail or screwdriver.

Before starting the main work, you need to carefully inspect the furniture. With a screwdriver, remove the upholstery from the furniture. Then it is recommended to pose a bracket. If they are firmly fixed, then you need to use a flat screwdriver and pliers.

To repair the old sofa with your own hands, you need to explore all the elements of the tree. For a detailed carcass survey, you need to remove the substrate. All locations of docking and fasteners need to be checked for the fortress. Screws and bolts better replace new ones. The broken and old structures should be replaced by new components of wooden bars, sheet of fiberboard or plywood sheet. With minor damage, the product is possible to adjust with the help of construction screws and joinery glue. Special attention should be paid to fasteners. Their replacement will allow to continue the service life of the sofa for a long time.

To repair the sofa, it is necessary to separate the seat seat:

  1. First unscrew the bolts holding the deadlocks on the sidewalls.
  2. Then remove the side surfaces and disconnect the lower part of the furniture.
  3. Dispatch the sofa and turn it out with the outside to the floor.
  4. Remove the back and remove metal mechanisms holding it.
  5. Dismantle the seat and remove the stopping elements of the fastener: brackets and nails.
  6. Remove the old drapery and pull out everything that is filled with a sofa.
  7. If the springs are not damaged, then leave them, and if there are spoiled, then pull out the block.

The old upholstery do not need to hurry to throw away, it can come in handy as a pattern for the pattern during the sewing of new covers.

Repair of the inner parts of the sofa

How to cover the sofa properly?

To twist the old springs from the sofa, use the pliers and the hammer.

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First you need to repair spring blocks inserted into the back and armrests:

  1. Pliers need to unscrew damaged springs.
  2. Instead of the outdated springs, you need to put new ones.
  3. Spring blocks with nails to attach to the crate.

If the springs on the seat were particularly very strongly isolated, they can be made again elastic:

  1. Remove polyurethane on small segments.
  2. These segments tightly fill the spring block.
  3. On top to cover it with an old blanket or any material, for example, burlap.
  4. Whole this layer of the material to attach nails to the box.
  5. Springs attach to the material with a twine and a thick needle.
  6. If the springs arose a deepening, fill them with foam rubber or cotton.
  7. From above, everything is covered with a binding material, for example, with a bump, fasten with nails, tightly pulling.
  8. On one side of the polyurethane to apply glue and put on the material. The foam rubbed and the surface will be smooth.

If there are prevailing springs, you should not throw them away, you can stretch them, and they will still serve. To make a sofa more voluminous, it is possible to put a synthepion from above the polyurethane.

When all the above works are behind, you can start sewing covers for the sofa.

Furniture upholstery and drying

How to cover the sofa properly?

Each sofa item should be cut out separately.

Now you need to understand how to cover the sofa. First you need to cut the fabric. On the floor or a huge table lay out the fabric chosen for drapery, it is put on it that served covers instead of globes and drive them with chalk. Cutting cloth, leaving the allowance, and sew on the typewriter new covers. When sewing, it should be borne in mind that a large load is obtained on the seams during operation. Therefore, their strength is obligatory. You can use reinforced threads when sewn and sew 2-3 layers.

In the location of the dockey, you can apply a decorative tape or braid. These materials will cover extra or unsuccessful seams and give the product a decent view.

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When everything is ready, you can put new covers on the seat, armrests and the back. The places of fastening of the new upholstery should be there, where old covers were attached.

You can attach covers with a stapler, running out the material every time when the next mount rows. Upholstery for upholstered furniture should be well stretched. Fastenings should be located every 2-3 cm. It will provide a strong and reliable attachment of the upholstery. Checking the fabric is unacceptable. But the excessive fastening is also undesirable. Therefore, this procedure requires caution and accuracy. During the finishing work, it is necessary to control the degree of fixation.

In order for the upholstery, smoothly lay, you need to find the middle of the long side of the sofa, drive fasteners, and already move it from him gradually to the edges, alternately driving fastening with one, then on the other side of the first fastening.

Having finished with the upholstery, collecting the sofa with their own hands should be in reverse order:

  1. Strictly control the labels match.
  2. Attach the castle first to the back, then to the seat and bottom of the sofa.
  3. Secure sidewalls.
  4. Attach them the Elbovers.
  5. Secure the wooden panels, covering them in advance, if necessary.

Cut the sofa with your own hands will be able to be able to do anyone who wants to do it, because there is no obstacle to the interested person.

To decorate the sofa and masking deficiencies, you can make several decorative pillows from the same fabric. This will give the organic and inseparable view of this design. A similar kit looks great and will be completed. And the pillows will be performed and practical function: it is convenient to climb. They will play the role of side backs. Now you know how to cover the sofa, and you can do it yourself.

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