Gypsum Bulk Gender: Tips on the device do it yourself


Gypsum Bulk Gender: Tips on the device do it yourself

Choose outdoor coverage in your home or apartment - a difficult task. Today there is a huge number of floor coverings, of which each owner will be able to choose its own option.

One of the popular flights is considered to be modern bulk floors, which are performed both decorative and leveling function. One of the popular varieties of this flooring is a gypsum filling floor. It is based on plaster - building material, which for many years is used for various construction work.

Features of plaster filling flooring

Gypsum inexpensive and fast-rigging material

Gypsum liquid floors is a rather comprehensive building material that has a number of requirements, first of all associated with the implementation of installation work.

The flooring works very quickly, and in a short period it is necessary to perform a number of events so that the gypsum bulk floors retain their reliability and durability for many years.

Gypsum is considered inexpensive building materials. The composition of the flooring from various manufacturers companies is not particularly different, since in all products the main component of alpha gypsum is the main component, and the filler for creating sound-proof properties and additional strength is quartz sand.

The main differences can be to apply chemical additives, the introduction of which is due to the addition of plastic characteristics and the possibilities are evenly distributed over the surface of the solution, since the gypsum, despite all its advantages, is a fragile material.

Composition of gypsum mixes

Gypsum Bulk Gender: Tips on the device do it yourself

Gypsum floor does not release toxic substances

For the production of a mixture of gypsum liquid floors, specialized construction grades of M-2 - M-7 material are often used. The moment of setting the product in a diluted form made on the basis of gypsum listed grades occurs after 6-8 minutes, so it is necessary to pre-prepare to perform work on the fill of the floor, so that during the work is not distracted.

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Gypsum Bulk Gender: Tips on the device do it yourself

This coating is well conducted heat

The strength of the material during compression is 0.3-0.8 MPa. In the process of frosting, the flooring practically does not change its volume as opposed to leveling construction mixtures.

The finished spill floor of the gypsum has excellent thermal conductivity and is an environmentally friendly material, since it includes only natural components.

Special glue bonds all components of the gypsum mixture

The plasticizer additives added to the composition (small amount) are responsible for ensuring that the gypsum-based construction material has plasticity, and the surface of the coating was ready for operation (dust is not formed on it).

Quartz sand is used in a dry form, and it is 1 class of material with a fine fraction. In order for in general gypsum solution, all components were interconnected, special glue is added.

Some features of the organization of a gypsum solution for bulk sex, or rather the content of additives in the percentage ratio to water-gypsum suspension, you can learn from the table.

Gypsum Bulk Gender: Tips on the device do it yourself

It should be known that many of the construction professionals, organizing the bulk floor on a plaster basis, are added to a mixture a little clay solution (usually 5-10% of the composition).

This event allows you to make a longer process of frozen mixture. For details on plaster filling coverage, see this video:

Advantages and disadvantages of coating

Gypsum Bulk Gender: Tips on the device do it yourself

If you want to. so that the coating was absolutely smooth, gypsum - what you need

Like each building material, the gypsum filling floor has its advantages over other coatings and some disadvantages that each owner must know, stopping their choice on this cover.

The advantages of plaster leveling screed include:

  • Gypsum flooring is absolutely smooth and homogeneous;
  • Even a thick layer of leveling plaster mixture is excellent with a rough cement-sand or concrete screed, thereby reducing the probability of cracking on the finishing flooring;
  • The good ability of the finished gypsum composition is evenly spreading on the mounting area;
  • The speed of frozen is faster than cement bulk screed (even with the use of clay additives);
  • Gypsum flooring is a "moisture regulator" of the room, where it is used, since the material is capable of both absorb excess moisture and allocate the missing;
  • A liquid composition on a plaster basis can be laid as a mechanical way (using special machines) and manually independently.

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Gypsum Bulk Gender: Tips on the device do it yourself

With high humidity and water intake, the coating collapses

Each owner would like this coverage to have disadvantages, but, like any building material, they are, and they need to take carefully:

  • Despite the fact that the coating can absorb moisture, it does not apply to a large amount of water, as the liquid is capable of destroying the cover, so the plaster flooring is not recommended to mount in the bathrooms and the kitchen;
  • incompatibility with adhesive solutions, it means that the gypsum screed can not be a rough coating under the tile floor.

It should be known that by organizing gypsum bulk floors, it is necessary to immediately determine its thickness. If you plan to create an aligning cover with a thickness of more than 2 cm, then the installation works are necessary to divide into several steps.

Mounting work

Curlerate a predetermined amount of the mixture.

Starting installation works, it is necessary to remove garbage from the surface of the entire base. To start mounting, the room temperature should be in the range of 8-220c.

Before starting to the fill, the surface should be predored than you increase the quality of the hitch of the flooring with a rough base.

Getting Started with the preparation of the mixture, it is necessary to calculate the volume of the solution in advance and choose the appropriate packaging in which you can prepare it.

It should take into account the thickness of the flooring, the surface area and the amount of water added (indicated in the instructions on the package).

Gypsum Bulk Gender: Tips on the device do it yourself

Fill the floor start from the furthest angle

The stirring in the container is performed using a mixing nozzle that can be installed on a screwdriver or drill. The process should be made before receiving a homogeneous mixture.

The fill is recommended to start from the angle remote from the entrance to the room, to pour the mixture is not closer than 30 cm from the wall. Remember that the liquid suspension has good self-playing properties, so it is not particularly necessary to distribute it, but if necessary (since the composition is quickly freeing) you can help the brush.

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The seal of the solution is made by a special needle roller, which destroys all the "air bubbles" under the tie. They need to handle all the surface poured at one time. Read more about Fill technology See this video:

After 5-7 hours on the finished coating, it is already possible to move, and a few days later, it is necessary to start organizing the finishing flooring, which can be laminate, parquet, linoleum or carpet.

It should be remembered that at a time if you make installation work with your own hands, you can pour a screed with an area of ​​not more than 10 m2, since the solution works very quickly and plasticized.

Gypsum Bulk Gender: Tips on the device do it yourself

When filling with plaster, speed is important, since the material quickly freezes

Also, the finished coating is not recommended to paint, so the paint does not allow to penetrate moisture and does not output it, and this process for plaster is necessary (in small doses).

Choosing a gypsum bulking flooring as a rough base, it is necessary to explore the material proposed by the reader, since on the basis of it you will understand not only what is the gypsum floor, but also familiarize yourself with many nuances of the material itself and the features of the installation work.

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