Lifeline for bulk: What is the better and need to be pricked


Lifeline for bulk: What is the better and need to be pricked

Primer for bulk sex uses well-deserved popularity among professionals and masters of lovers who perform work related to installation of floors independently without the involvement of specialists.

The primer composition, evenly distributed over the surface, will allow not only to improve the adhesion, but also to achieve significant strengthening of the structure, increase the strength, reliability, durability of the outer layer, giving it additional rigidity.

Such primer creates a thin on the surface of the floor, but a sufficiently durable film, which has a high ability to seal all existing on the surface of the pores.

Why it is necessary to primer

Solid floor primer: What is better and necessary to be used

The better the foundation is prepared, the longer it will last

Thinking over whether it is necessary to rejuvenate the bulk sex, it is necessary to recall that only carefully and properly prepared surface can withstand sufficiently large loads over long life. The primer under the bulk gender is distinguished by many positive qualities corresponding to each type of composition.

In most rooms, the base for the flooring is served by a concrete surface, a distinctive feature and a feature of which can be considered the ability to actively absorb moisture.

Lifeline for bulk: What is the better and need to be pricked

It is moisture that renders a negative effect on concrete and becomes the cause of its destruction. Protect such a base from the destructive effects of water can correctly selected primer.

Features of the use of bulk floors

Solid floor primer: What is better and necessary to be used

The primer must clog the pores of the base

Bulk floors are greatly popular with consumers, thanks to their effect.

It is possible to preserve it only if you strengthen the surface and using the film formed after applying the film to protect it from the appearance of mold and fungus.

The main task assigned to the described composition is the blockage of microscopic pores, cracks or cracks that exist on the surface of the bulk gender.

Specialists argue that many mixtures, excluding alcohol and acrylic, can be used to achieve the goal.

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However, before proceeding to apply primer to the surface of the floor, it is necessary to use some tips:

  1. In rooms with high humidity (bathrooms, baths, saunas, pools) liquid glass can be used as a primer. The price of this material is quite high, but the result received will not allow to regret the money spent.

    Lifeline for bulk: What is the better and need to be pricked

  2. In rooms with increased patency and the usual microclimate, it suffices to take advantage of the composition as concrete contact. The main thing is to make sure that during the operation of the floor, the level of humidity in the room will not change. When it is increased, it is possible to swell the floors, for the construction of which polymer materials were used.
  3. In cases where the bulk sex is constructed over the basement, it is necessary to use the primer mixture in antiseptic additives, which is characterized by a high degree of penetration.

Listening to the advice of experienced masters, you can confidently begin to fulfill work.

Procedure for performing work

Solid floor primer: What is better and necessary to be used

Get chips and cracks

Before proceeding to apply primer to the surface of a concrete or other base, it is necessary to thoroughly prepare it:

  1. Dust and any contamination are removed from the surface. For high-quality cleaning, insufficiently sweeping with a brush or broom. Better after such cleaning, use the vacuum cleaner. The absence of dust will ensure the uniform distribution of the mixture over the surface.
  2. All defects (chips, cracks, cracks) (chips, cracks, cracks) should be sealed with a cement-sand solution or a mounting foam, which, after the frozen, it will be necessary to cut the wallpaper knife so that the surface remains smooth.
  3. By choosing the desired composition, it is applied to the base, distributing using a roller or a wide spatula. The choice of the tool used depends on the thickness of the composition intended for the priming.

Solid floor primer: What is better and necessary to be used

Apply a mixture in several layers

The primer formulations are applied to the base of the floor by layers. The first layer should be thoroughly dry for at least 2 - 5 hours.

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After that, you can proceed to re-applying. Now you need to be attentive and monitor the uniformity of the mixture distribution.

This depends on the simultaneous drying of the means throughout the surface.

When working on a concrete basis, it is better to choose a primer based on polymeric materials.

Lifeline for bulk: What is the better and need to be pricked

Dry mixes are bred by water

It will give a rough surface after drying and will provide a higher level of adhesion, which means high-quality chip of bulk sex with a concrete slab.

There are dry mixes for the preparation of primers. If the choice fell on such a composition, then it is necessary to prepare it according to the instructions, and you need to apply to the surface with a roller or a wide brush.

After applying the last layer to its complete drying, there should be at least 24 hours. Only after that, on the base, you can step up and start in the fill of the bulk gender. Read more about how to primitive, see this video:

Lifeline for bulk: What is the better and need to be pricked

An important condition for the qualitative performance of work on the preparation of the base under the bulk sex is to maintain the desired air temperature in the room where priming is carried out. It should not be cold here, but also too high temperatures can cause damage to used materials and negatively affect them, which will affect their basic properties and qualities.

The optimal temperature for performing primitive manipulations varies from +10 to + 30 ° C. During the layer-by-layer applying the primer on the base under the bulk floor, there should be no drafts. After complete drying of the surface before filling the bulk floor, the room can be ventilated.

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