How to make a mirror with backlit with your own hands


Without a mirror in a modern apartment, it is impossible to do. In stores you can find hundreds of models of this desired subject. There are even instances with different types of backlight. The backlight itself is most often a purely decorative attribute, especially in the bathroom. But sometimes it performs both practical functions. Decorative backlight is embedded in the mirror. Functional - illuminates a person in front of him. Factory mirrors are quite expensive and do not always correspond to the aesthetic addictions of consumers. In this case, the backlit mirror can be made with your own hands.

How to make a mirror with backlit with your own hands

Drawing mirror with backlit.

Backlight options

There are several illumination options:
  1. Installation of outdoor luminaires in the form of spots. Spot is a point lamp that can be rotated from side to side on a bracket of a special design. It can be single adjustable lamps, lightweight lighter. They are able to illuminate a person from a mirror, some part of the bathroom.
  2. Illumination illuminating a person standing in front of him, his face. Here, the function of the lighting devices is often performed by modern LEDs. Their light is softened using a matte glass built into the mirror. Most often, this backlight is installed in the mirror made in the form of a small locker.
  3. Placing the illuminators behind the rear wall of the mirror. They perform a decorative function. LEDs illuminate a mirror glass, giving it a completely ordinary appearance. At the same time, the mirror with illumination of this type serve as decoration of the interior of the bathroom.

Making a backlight with your own hands

Make a backlight for the finished mirror with your own hands - the task is quite simple. To work, you will need:

How to make a mirror with backlit with your own hands

Tools for mounting mirrors with backlit.

  • electric jigsaw;
  • screwdriver;
  • screws;
  • line;
  • screwdriver;
  • Metal corners;
  • glue;
  • electric wires;
  • Light bulbs;
  • cartridges for light bulbs;
  • Mirror glass;
  • Fat plywood or treated board.

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The procedure for performing work:

  1. By the size of the mirror you need from the boards of a width of about 90 mm and a thickness of 20-25 mm using glue and screws to collect a frame to accommodate all parts. The ends of the skulls with the help of the stub are drowned at an angle of 45 °. Compounds are additionally strengthened with metal corners. The mirror must be free to enter the frame, leaving the place on the edges to locate the bulbs.
  2. In the side frames, the holes are dried in size of cartridges that are glued with glue.
  3. From thin specks, a frame is glued in size from the size of the main frame. It should cover the wires on the front side of the product and fix the mirror glass in the main frame.
  4. Furniture corners are attached to the main frame with small screws. Mirror will be laid on them.
  5. All parts are collected in a single design and color in the desired color along with cartridges. The mirror in the frame is additionally fixed with thin lumps.
  6. Cartridges are connected to each other by parallel with electrical wires. The power cord is connected to the wire and is displayed through a specially drilled hole.
  7. It remains to screw the light bulbs and check the operation of the product. Behind the entire design can be closed with a piece of plywood, which is attached with small nails or screws. It turns out about such a thing as in the image number 3. The refill mirror is ready.

Other ways of backlighting

How to make a mirror with backlit with your own hands

Image 3. Rear to the mirror is closed by plywood attached with screws.

You can perform a mirror with backlit many other methods. Many owners of housing simply attach several lamps on the wall, which may have a different shape and design. They are installed above the mirror, in its edges. Light ribbon is often used as lighting elements. It looks very impressive, makes a novelty in the interior due to several color solutions.

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This illumination is performed simply. To do this, you need to purchase a special profile from aluminum, insert a LED ribbon into it and put the profile with a ribbon on the mirror from the right side. Next, the tape connects to the electrical network through a special power supply. The mirror itself can be glued to the wall with liquid nails or other glue for mirrors.

To achieve a functional effect, you can purchase and install SPOT. With their help, the directional lighting of the desired places of the room is achieved.

Similar methods can be decorate with cosmetic mirrors standing on the dressing table. They will definitely like the ladies who care for themselves.

Making a mirror glass with their own hands

Mirror glass of any size and shape can be made independently. The process consists of the following steps:

Illumination circuit for mirror.

  1. You need to pick up smooth glass and give it the necessary form. Then it is carefully washed out and degreased by a 15% solution of caustic potassium.
  2. Lower the prepared glass into the container with warm distilled water.
  3. Prepare a solution consisting of 30 g of distilled water and 1.6 g nitrogen silver. A 25% ammonia solution is added dropwise. After disappearance, the sediment must be stopped adding ammonia and add distilled water into a solution in an amount of 100 ml. Next, you need to take 5 ml of 40% formalin and mix it with the previous solution.
  4. The glass is removed from distilled water and shifted into a clean cuvette, which is poured by a previously obtained chemical solution. The reaction will begin, which will end in about 2 minutes. After its end, the mirror is washed with pure distilled water. After washing it, it is installed vertically and dried. The drying temperature is 100-150 ° C. The dried mirror glass is covered with varnish. Now you can proceed to the manufacture of a homemade mirror with backlit.

The mirror, and even backlit, can visually make the room wider and higher, improve its overall lighting, give it a completely new look. Such a mirror is appropriate in any room, but it is installed more often in the bathroom. This very important and necessary item can be supplemented with glass shelves and other materials. Accommodation on them of various cosmetics creates additional convenience of using these means.

Knowing the basic principles of manufacturing such structures, you can include your imagination and create completely unique items using modern lighting.

Illuminated mirror dimensions can vary from the most modest to those occupying the entire wall. Sometimes they are placed even on the ceiling. An unusual view is able to give neon and LED illumination, unusual frames and other accessories. LED ribbons of different colors are capable of working for a long time and reliably with significant electricity savings.

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