Top 5 Functional Ideas for Little Apartment


Today we are talking about how to make your small living space functional, stylish and at the same time cozy. Little apartment, despite the seeming impossibility to place everything you need in it, it is not a sentence to flavored. Its workspace can be used in the same way as in the housing of a large area. And we will share with you how to do it in our article.



Surely you already know what it is, but we will still remind. If possible, it is worth carrying the inner walls, leaving only the necessary carriers and those that lead to the bathroom. Thus, you already get more space, while you can place the kitchen, the hall and place to work where you like it. So the useful area is divided into zones - working, kitchen, recreation area and sleep. If you are uncomfortable without familiar walls between the bedroom and the living room, or you want to somehow extinguish from the common space kitchen - you can use light partitions. They will not cost you too expensive, but at the same time allow you to create the boundaries of the right rooms at your request.

Such partitions can be both translucent, from plastic in different colors, and wooden. And the bedroom can generally burn from the rest of the apartment, using the ceiling baguette and long curtains or beautiful tulle.

Zoning allows you to cover the space of your housing "for yourself", without adjusting to the specified location of the rooms.

Furniture under the order

Furniture under the order

Finished furniture is designed for standard apartments and is not designed to save you extra centimeters and a useful place. As a rule, the furniture to order is a bit more expensive, but it will take into account the dimensions of your apartment and will be much more functional. For example, instead of a large dining table, you can order a table rack. It is high, with a small narrow surface, while it can simultaneously accommodate two or three people who want to have lunch or drink tea.

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The living room will conveniently purchase a wall cabinet with a built-in folding bed. Such a device simultaneously saves you a lot of useful space and eliminates the need to create a separate bedroom zone. Instead of it, it will be great to look a small corner for recreation and relaxes, equipped, for example, with a bag and a lamp. The convenience of these items is also obvious - they are oversized, they can be easily moved around the apartment, establishing anywhere.

What color to choose furnishings? Of course, it depends on your taste and the overall design of the apartment, but we recommend that you choose your choice on bright shades and tones. They visually expand the room space.



Properly disposed lighting accents are able to drastically transform space. In the small apartment of light should be quite a lot, because it visually expands the space. Do not forget about the comfort.

For a small housing, an interesting idea will be a multi-level lighting - ceiling, outdoor and wall light sources that can be turned on alone or all together. You may like the idea of ​​making LED backlighting furniture from below, while it is possible to install spotlights for the ceiling, and you can also hang several scaves on the walls or install small lamps-lamps.



To emphasize different zones in the apartment, you can choose several materials that will be laid out. For a kitchen area, it is most convenient for the entire ceramic tile - it is easy to wash it, it reflects the light well, which additionally expands the space visually. It is best to choose a small and medium-sized tile. In a small kitchen, such a tile looks more attractive than large. For the main space, you can use laminate or linoleum also bright shades or with imitation of a wooden surface. And for the recreation area, you can buy a small carpet, which visually separate it from the rest.

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An excellent idea completing the creation of an image will be panoramic windows - if the budget, floor and the view outside the window allows. But without windows in the floor can be played on natural light, visually expanding the apartment. Do not hang heavy curtains of dark tones or dense curtains. Great light tulle, silver or white blinds, roll-curtains of light shades, are excellent.

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