Primer AntigribK and primer with fungicides


Poor-quality, destroyed or ignored waterproofing, freezing of unprotected masonry, leads to the appearance of black spots of mold in the corners, smell of dampness. The most skillful design will not be able to return the facilities and the feeling of comfort. To correct the atmosphere of the room, you need antifungal primer. With a strong damage to the walls, there will be other measures to eliminate the colonies of fungal pores inside the wall. When building a foundation and walls, it is necessary to use a primer to enhance the efficiency of waterproofing. When finishing the walls, anti-grab plaster, putty and paint in places of the greatest probability of mold occurs.

Primer AntigribK and primer with fungicides

Primer Antigribka Milkl

Causes of the appearance of fungal pores and the danger of them for a person

Primer AntigribK and primer with fungicides

Independently applied anti-grapple soil mixture on the walls

Mushrooms that grow in the forest and black spots of mold on the walls are relatives. They have different sizes and degree of utility. The latter, like all parasites, significantly lively their edible relatives, bring many troubles, and it is difficult to bring them.

For the development of mold, certain conditions are needed. The main thing is moisture, more precisely dampness. It can be formed for various reasons.

  1. In case of violation of the waterproofing of the foundation. Soil moisture rises along the wall.
  2. Waste freezing with poor protected facade from moisture.
  3. Violation of the Parry Permissibility Rules when insulation, then the moisture does not go out, but remains inside.
  4. The use of finishing materials that do not pass air, and the walls cannot breathe. Porous wood textures, plaster.
  5. The flow of pipes in the places of joints, small cracks.
  6. Education of dew in plastic windows.
  7. Poor ventilation in the kitchen, in the bathrooms and household premises.

The smell of stagnant air creates millions of pores flying indoors. They are harmful to humans. Finding through the respiratory organs to the body, can cause a number of heavy diseases. The fungus is deeply rooted in wall materials and promotes rapid destruction.

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Anti-grab primer and its types

Primer AntigribK and primer with fungicides

Anti-gribrous primer for walls in the room

Good results gives the use of anti-risk primer. It contains fungicides that kill mold. When applied to the wall, it penetrates down the plaster, closing the pores and improving adhesion with the finish. On the principle of the operation of the primer, it is conventionally divided into three groups:

  • universal;
  • strengthening surface;
  • Deep penetration, filling pores.

Anti-grab materials contain substances as an additive that killing mold pores - fungicides. The primer is selected by the material to which it will be applied. Compatibility with subsequent finish should be taken into account.

Like the usual, primer with fungicides has a basis:

  • Oil - Olife;
  • mineral;
  • acrylic;
  • Alkyd.

Antiseptic compositions are applied to the prevention during construction and repair. To remove foci fungus, strong concentrated mixtures of deep penetration are used.

Elimination of the focus of mold formation

Primer AntigribK and primer with fungicides

Finishing the walls of the primer

Before processing walls with places of gray plates of mold, it is necessary to eliminate the reason for the reproduction of the colonies of fungus. When freezing, insulation outside the wall, seal joints. In the ground premises use anti-grab primer. If there is no possibility to make thermal insulation, then you just need to dry well and cover the facade with protective compositions that do not drive water. These are paints for outdoor work:

  • silicate;
  • silicone;
  • Latex.

Oil and nitro enamel are poorly passed by air and will contribute to the emergence of dampness inside the walls.

Anti-grapple primer is effective when applied to a properly prepared surface.

  1. Find a source of dampness. Seal the joints of the plates, restore the insulation of the walls. Inspect all sewage pipes, water supply pipes and heating systems. When mold in the windows area, make the right slopes and open regularly to ventilating. View the basement and roof.
  2. Washing compositions and water wash off the spots of mold.
  3. It is good to dry the surface with the directional flux of hot air. Premises to ventilate by creating drafts.
  4. Small scattered spots fungus to handle a special antifungal concentrate or white on a chlorine basis. Large areas of lesion should first remove with plaster.
  5. Seeing the surface, it is desirable to warm it with a stream of air from a construction dryer.
  6. Apply a primer.

Caution! Mold is dangerous to health. Wear a respirator, glasses and protect your arms with gloves. The room is preferably told all the time.

Anti-grapple primer and paint act more efficiently, if for applying to use a brush with natural bristles and rub the composition into the surface. The direction of movement of the instrument during the first and second coating should be perpendicular. This eliminates not the scratched areas on the textured surface.

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Apply anti-gribery primer to large areas can be rolled and sprayer. The composition should fall without skips. The movement of the tool when creating the first layer is horizontal, the second is vertical.

Anti-grapple primer is used to protect the walls and base inside and outside the building. If the mold stains appeared, the fight against fungus will be more efficient if the walls are processed on both sides.

Attention! Do not use as the basis of conventional primer. It will create a film, and the antifungal composition will not be able to penetrate the injection.

Anti-grab basis for waterproofing

Primer AntigribK and primer with fungicides

Soil antihydrible

During construction, it is necessary to immediately exclude the formation of foci of dampness and properly make waterproofing. If the drainage trenchers are not provided on the perimeter of the house for removing groundwater and precipitation, then the double layer of rubberoid is placed on the output of the foundation in the wall masonry. Under it uses a anti-gribrous leveling basis - primer with fungicides. You can coat under the layer of the solution the upper end or the entire foundation by the antiseptic composition.

Building materials with antiseptics and fungicides are more expensive. Their use is much cheaper than the struggle with the colonies of mold in the future. At the same time, special compounds protect the wall and finishing materials from the destruction of rodents and larvae. Especially important is such a treatment for wood. Natural, loose material of the fungus can destroy per year.

Prime smoothed all irregularities

Primer AntigribK and primer with fungicides

Decoration of walls of anti-grapple primer and shook wallpaper

The moisture often rises from the ground along the walls. During the insulation of the joints of the foundation and walls, a sheet waterproofer is used, adjacent is not perfect. The remaining grades and the textured surface of the stone and concrete create pores and let moisture and cold air.

The primer envelops all protruding particles, delays fine cracks and pores, lines the surface. It is made of plastic water-repellent bitumen with the addition of anti-sewing. Based on three groups.

  1. Bituminous has a minimum number of additives. You can make it with your own hands, casting the resin and pour the horizontal surfaces with hot makeup.
  2. Emulsion-bitumen primer represents emulsion. The resins are dissolved in water. Used for internal work. Sold in the finished form in hermetically clogged container.
  3. Bituminous polymer primer contains many different additives that improve its properties. Quickly dries. Easy to apply.

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Primer can be used as waterproofing when aligning walls. It is used in non-residential basement. Top covered tiles or paint.

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